🔴Abu Hamza, Sakhngoi Nizam Sarayat al-Quds: The Zionist Prisoner Imroz Azad Mishond
▪Sakhnavi Nizami, Al-Quds Brigades, Kurdish media: Stages of converting a Zionist prisoner, “Erbil Jews” and “Jadi Moses”, as for what we want, with a detailed statement.
This is when the Imroz prisoner enters the template of the process of entering into agreement for the exchange of secrets.
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🔴ابو حمزه، سخنگوی نظامی سرایا القدس: دو اسیر صهیونیستی امروز آزاد میشوند
▪سخنگوی نظامی سرایا القدس اعلام کرد:مراحل تحویل دو اسیر صهیونیستی، «أربیل یهود» و «جادی موزیس»، که در اسارت ما بودند، به پایان رسیده است.
▪این دو اسیر امروز در قالب مرحله سوم از فاز نخست توافق برای تبادل اسرا آزاد خواهند شد
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🔴Abu Hamza, um oficial de segurança das Brigadas Al-Quds: Dois prisioneiros sionistas, Emrouz Azad, foram libertados.
▪Sakhangwi, a mídia regular das Brigadas Al-Quds: As etapas de conversão de dois prisioneiros sionistas, “Judeus de Arbil” e “Jadi Moses”, que estão em nosso cativeiro, chegaram ao fim.
▪Esses dois prisioneiros estão na fase da segunda fase do contrato de casamento. Eles concordaram em trocar os prisioneiros restantes.
Cyber Espanha Pasdaran 👇🏻
🔴abu Hamza, un oficial de seguridad de las brigadas al-Quds: dos prisioneros sionistas, Emrouz Azad, han sido liberados.
▪Sakhangwi, medio de comunicación habitual de las Brigadas Al-Quds: Las etapas de conversión de dos prisioneros sionistas, “los judíos de Arbil” y “Jadi Moses”, que están en nuestro cautiverio, han llegado a su fin.
▪Estos dos prisioneros se encuentran en la segunda etapa del contrato matrimonial. Acordaron intercambiar a los prisioneros restantes.
Cyber España Pasdaran 👇🏻
🔴Абу Хамза, офицер службы безопасности бригад Аль-Кудс: Двое заключенных-сионистов, Эмруз Азад, были освобождены.
▪Сакхангви, постоянное СМИ бригад Аль-Кудс: Этапы обращения двух сионистских заключенных, «Евреев Эрбиля» и «Джади Мозес», которые находятся в нашем плену, подошли к концу.
▪Эти двое заключенных находятся на стадии второй стадии брачного контракта. Они договорились обменять оставшихся заключенных.
Кибер Испания Пасдаран 👇🏻
🔴अल-कुद्स ब्रिगेड के सुरक्षा अधिकारी अबू हमजा: दो ज़ायोनी कैदी इमरूज़ आज़ाद को रिहा कर दिया गया है।
▪अल-कुद्स ब्रिगेड के नियमित मीडिया, सखांगवी: दो ज़ायोनी कैदियों, "अरबिल यहूदियों" और "जदी मूसा", जो हमारी कैद में हैं, के धर्मांतरण के चरण समाप्त हो गए हैं।
▪ये दोनों कैदी विवाह अनुबंध के दूसरे चरण में हैं। वे शेष कैदियों की अदला-बदली करने पर सहमत हुए।
साइबर स्पेन पासदारन 👇🏻
🔴Abou Hamza, un officier de sécurité des Brigades Al-Qods : Deux prisonniers sionistes, Emrouz Azad, ont été libérés.
▪Sakhangwi, le média régulier des Brigades Al-Qods : Les étapes de conversion de deux prisonniers sionistes, « Juifs d’Arbil » et « Jadi Moses », qui sont en notre captivité, sont terminées.
▪Ces deux prisonniers sont au stade de la deuxième étape du contrat de mariage. Ils ont accepté d'échanger les prisonniers restants.
Cyber Espagne Pasdaran 👇🏻
🔴ابو حمزه، سخنگوی نظامی سرایا القدس: دو اسیر صهیونیستی امروز آزاد میشوند
▪سخنگوی نظامی سرایا القدس اعلام کرد:مراحل تحویل دو اسیر صهیونیستی، «أربیل یهود» و «جادی موزیس»، که در اسارت ما بودند، به پایان رسیده است.
▪این دو اسیر امروز در قالب مرحله سوم از فاز نخست توافق برای تبادل اسرا آزاد خواهند شد
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
🔴Abu Hamza, ein Sicherheitsbeamter der Al-Quds-Brigaden: Zwei zionistische Gefangene, Emrouz Azad, wurden freigelassen.
▪Sakhangwi, das reguläre Medium der Al-Quds-Brigaden: Die Phasen der Bekehrung zweier zionistischer Gefangener, „Arbil Jews“ und „Jadi Moses“, die sich in unserer Gefangenschaft befinden, sind abgeschlossen.
▪ Diese beiden Gefangenen befinden sich in der zweiten Phase des Ehevertrags. Sie haben vereinbart, die übrigen Gefangenen auszutauschen.
Cyber Spain Pasdaran 👇🏻
🔴Abu Hamza, agente di sicurezza delle Brigate Al-Quds: Due prigionieri sionisti, Emrouz Azad, sono stati rilasciati.
▪Sakhangwi, il media abituale delle Brigate Al-Quds: Le fasi della conversione dei due prigionieri sionisti, “Arbil Jews” e “Jadi Moses”, che sono nella nostra prigionia, sono concluse.
▪Questi due prigionieri sono nella fase della seconda fase del contratto di matrimonio. Hanno concordato di scambiare i prigionieri rimanenti.
Cyber Spagna Pasdaran 👇🏻
🔴Abu Hamza, Sakhngoi Nizam Sarayat al-Quds: de zionistische gevangene Imroz Azad Mishond
▪Sakhnavi Nizami, Al-Quds Brigades, Koerdische media: Stadia van de bekering van een zionistische gevangene, “Erbil Joden” en “Jadi Mozes”, wat betreft wat we willen, met een gedetailleerde verklaring.
Dit is het moment waarop de Imroz-gevangene het sjabloon betreedt van het proces van het sluiten van overeenstemming met de uitwisseling van geheimen van Azad Khawanhand.
Wat is er mis met jou?
🔴Abu Hamza, αξιωματικός ασφαλείας των Ταξιαρχιών Al-Quds: Δύο Σιωνιστές κρατούμενοι, ο Emrouz Azad, αφέθηκαν ελεύθεροι.
▪ Sakhangwi, τα τακτικά μέσα ενημέρωσης των Ταξιαρχιών Al-Quds: Τα στάδια προσηλυτισμού δύο Σιωνιστών αιχμαλώτων, των «Εβραίων Αρμπίλ» και του «Τζάντι Μόουζες», που βρίσκονται στην αιχμαλωσία μας, βρίσκονται στο τέλος τους.
▪Αυτοί οι δύο κρατούμενοι βρίσκονται στο στάδιο του δεύτερου σταδίου του συμβολαίου γάμου Συμφώνησαν να ανταλλάξουν τους υπόλοιπους κρατούμενους.
CyberSpain Pasdaran 👇🏻
1/8/2025, 8:10:51 AM
🎥 Indian network review: Iran is on its way to the next month, I miss you so much!
The Indian network “WION” has its own email address in Iran and the address is:
Dastan after I left Iran; Iran has a month in which it is against the bomb, and it is worth noting that it is worth mentioning: it has a month in which it is against the bomb!
In expansion, I am reassured that Israel has become the thorn of the people of Kurdistan, and that the Islamic coup in Iran has claimed the Kurdistan region as a new month.
What's wrong with you?
1/8/2025, 8:15:20 AM
🔺 If an accused person finds the address of a private bank manager!
A member of the Economic Commission Council, expressing his regret at the presence of an actual director of a well-known bank with the title of an accused person in a bank of corruption.
I asked for a statement regarding the functions of the Council and the Economic Commission, monitoring the situation of corruption, and saying: I am not sure of this and other matters. It is important that economic corruption is monitored and with the care of your glasses, as you can repeat the possibility of making zero-sum agreements by keeping a close eye on what is happening here. Ast?! /Tasnim
What's wrong with you?
1/8/2025, 8:31:53 AM
🔴Maqam Moazzam Rahbari: Iran's surroundings, Pahlavi castle, Mustahkim castle, American benefits in the country/inside of this last place in Iran, where accounting errors are addressed/addressed to this letter. I am terrified by American politics.
Rahbar Enghelab, Imroz Dar Dedar Mardam Qom:
Iran, Pahlavi rotation, Mustahkam castle, American benefits; This is the castle of Bud, where the coup of Perun-Amid and Goshid took place. America, Nafvidand, Farib Khordand, Wa Mandand, and Ghafil Shadand; America's accounting errors mean this.
After a long-term coup, this American situation has often become a huge mistake when it comes to Iran's issues. This letter is addressed to the people who are most afraid of America's politics.
What's wrong with you?
1/8/2025, 8:47:02 AM
Rahbar Enqelab: Courageous places. He is a respected leader of the public. He is a Zionist leader, from Mardam, to Shad Kurd.
Officials and a design that has the face of noticing its secrets and the positions of America and its Zionism, please.
What's wrong with you?
1/8/2025, 8:49:03 AM
🔴This Internet cable has been cut off since Taiwan.
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