Rahbar Enqelab: Courageous places. He is a respected leader of the public. He is a Zionist leader, from Mardam, to Shad Kurd.
Officials and a design that has the face of noticing its secrets and the positions of America and its Zionism, please.
What's wrong with you?
رهبر انقلاب: مواضع شجاعانهٔ رئیسجمهور محترم دربارهٔ رژیم صهیونیستی دل مردم را شاد کرد
مسئولان و تصمیمگیران به هیچوجه ملاحظهٔ خواستهها و مواضع آمریکا و صهیونیستها را نکنند.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
Rahbar Enqelab: Lugares corajosos. Ele é um líder respeitado pelo público. Ele é um líder sionista, de Mardam a Shad Kurd.
Autoridades e um design que tenha a cara de dar conta dos seus segredos e das posições da América e do seu sionismo, por favor.
O que você tem?
Guardia Revolucionaria: Las valientes posiciones del respetado Presidente de la República se alzaron contra el régimen sionista en Mardam
Los funcionarios y diseñadores no prestan atención a los aspectos y posiciones especiales de Estados Unidos y los sionistas.
Cyber España Pasdaran 👇🏻
Рахбар Энкелаб: Мужественные места. Он уважаемый общественный лидер. Он сионистский лидер, от Мардама до Шада Курда.
Пожалуйста, чиновники и дизайн, который делает вид, что замечает его секреты и позиции Америки и ее сионизма.
Что с тобой не так?
रहबर एन्केलाब: साहसी स्थान। वह जनता के एक सम्मानित नेता हैं, मर्दम से लेकर शाद कुर्द तक।
कृपया अधिकारियों और एक डिज़ाइन का चेहरा इसके रहस्यों और अमेरिका और इसके ज़ायोनीवाद की स्थिति पर ध्यान देने का है।
तुम्हारे साथ क्या गलत है?
Rahbar Enqelab : Des lieux courageux. C'est un leader respecté du public. C'est un leader sioniste, de Mardam à Shad Kurd.
Des fonctionnaires et un dessein qui a l'air de remarquer ses secrets et les positions de l'Amérique et de son sionisme, s'il vous plaît.
Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?
رهبر انقلاب: مواضع شجاعانهٔ رئیسجمهور محترم دربارهٔ رژیم صهیونیستی دل مردم را شاد کرد
مسئولان و تصمیمگیران به هیچوجه ملاحظهٔ خواستهها و مواضع آمریکا و صهیونیستها را نکنند.
سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻
Rahbar Enqelab: Mutige Orte. Er ist ein angesehener Anführer der Öffentlichkeit, von Mardam bis Shad Kurd.
Beamte und ein Design, das den Anschein erweckt, seine Geheimnisse und die Positionen Amerikas und seines Zionismus wahrzunehmen, bitte.
Was ist los mit dir?
Rahbar Enqelab: Luoghi coraggiosi È un leader rispettato dal pubblico. È un leader sionista, da Mardam a Shad Kurd.
Funzionari e un disegno che abbia il volto di notare i suoi segreti e le posizioni dell'America e del suo sionismo, per favore.
Cos'hai che non va?
Revolutionaire Garde: De dappere standpunten van de gerespecteerde president van de republiek werden ingenomen tegen het zionistische regime in Mardam
Ambtenaren en ontwerpers besteden geen aandacht aan de bijzondere aspecten en standpunten van Amerika en de zionisten.
Cyber Spanje Pasdaran 👇🏻
Rahbar Enqelab: Θαρραλέα μέρη Είναι ένας αξιοσέβαστος ηγέτης του κοινού, από τον Mardam μέχρι τον Shad Kurd.
Επίσημοι και ένα σχέδιο που έχει το πρόσωπο να παρατηρεί τα μυστικά του και τις θέσεις της Αμερικής και του Σιωνισμού της, παρακαλώ.
Τι σου συμβαίνει;
12/28/2024, 6:15:31 AM
🔴During the impact of Ansar Allah's campaign, there is a lot of danger at some points and I can't stop playing with a loud sound.
What's wrong with you?
12/28/2024, 6:16:08 AM
🔴Hebrew language: There is a lot of concern in the house of Budand, where is the burden that it is on the edge of the house where it is closed.
What's wrong with you?
12/28/2024, 6:26:42 AM
🔥 At the beginning of December, you will be armed with a 10-inch weapon, a hypersonic device and a gun with only a pair of heavy duty equipment in the Kurdistan Region.
What's wrong with you?
12/28/2024, 9:01:13 AM
🚫Kakh Sefid’s claim: It is possible that he defended a Russian entity that was the cause of the severe downfall of the Azerbaijani regime.
What's wrong with you?
12/28/2024, 9:18:30 AM
🚫 The stadium is all armed: a sticky gun with a hammer, threatening to use it.
🔹 Statement of the nature of every weapon armed with it for 9 occasions: its weapon is fully armed, powerful, and fully resourceful, with all the zeal of experience and other defense and defense systems. Hamwara Amada Pasakhgoi boycott and cobandah with the threat and transgression of Dashmanan of the department of Khordeh, coup d'état of Hastand.
🔹 The most important thing in America is that it has become a burden to pass through, with the strongest thoughts and understanding, and with it, the greatest concern in the world, the Islamic Republic of Iran, has reached the center of the Iranian Islamic jurisprudence. Nekhwahand Dasht.
What's wrong with you?