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12/28/2024, 6:15:31 AM
🔴During the impact of Ansar Allah's campaign, there is a lot of danger at some points and I can't stop playing with a loud sound.
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12/28/2024, 6:16:08 AM
🔴Hebrew language: There is a lot of concern in the house of Budand, where is the burden that it is on the edge of the house where it is closed.
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12/28/2024, 6:26:42 AM
🔥 At the beginning of December, you will be armed with a 10-inch weapon, a hypersonic device and a gun with only a pair of heavy duty equipment in the Kurdistan Region.
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12/28/2024, 9:01:13 AM
🚫Kakh Sefid’s claim: It is possible that he defended a Russian entity that was the cause of the severe downfall of the Azerbaijani regime.
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12/28/2024, 9:18:30 AM
🚫 The stadium is all armed: a sticky gun with a hammer, threatening to use it.
🔹 Statement of the nature of every weapon armed with it for 9 occasions: its weapon is fully armed, powerful, and fully resourceful, with all the zeal of experience and other defense and defense systems. Hamwara Amada Pasakhgoi boycott and cobandah with the threat and transgression of Dashmanan of the department of Khordeh, coup d'état of Hastand.
🔹 The most important thing in America is that it has become a burden to pass through, with the strongest thoughts and understanding, and with it, the greatest concern in the world, the Islamic Republic of Iran, has reached the center of the Iranian Islamic jurisprudence. Nekhwahand Dasht.
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