

Real time military news

Published date: 1/20/2025, 8:28:07 PM
1/20/2025, 8:28:07 PM
Hamas Movement: We confirm that the second batch of prisoner exchange will take place on its scheduled date next Saturday, January 25, 2025. #War_Media
حركة حماس: نؤكد أن الدفعة الثانية لتبادل الأسرى ستتم في موعدها المحدد يوم السبت القادم الموافق 25 يناير 2025. #الإعلام_الحربي
哈马斯运动:我们确认第二批囚犯交换将于下周六,即 2025 年 1 月 25 日按计划进行。 #战争媒体
Movimento Hamas: Confirmamos que o segundo lote de troca de prisioneiros ocorrerá na data programada para o próximo sábado, 25 de janeiro de 2025. #Mídia_de_Guerra
Movimiento Hamás: Confirmamos que la segunda tanda de intercambio de prisioneros se llevará a cabo en la fecha prevista el próximo sábado 25 de enero de 2025. #Medios_de_Guerra
Движение ХАМАС: Мы подтверждаем, что вторая партия обмена пленными состоится в запланированную дату в следующую субботу, 25 января 2025 года. #Военные_СМИ
हमास मूवमेंट: हम पुष्टि करते हैं कि कैदियों के आदान-प्रदान का दूसरा बैच अगले शनिवार, 25 जनवरी, 2025 को अपनी निर्धारित तिथि पर होगा। #युद्ध_मीडिया
Mouvement Hamas : Nous confirmons que le deuxième lot d’échange de prisonniers aura lieu à la date prévue le samedi 25 janvier 2025. #Médias_de_Guerre
حركة حماس: نؤكد أن الدفعة الثانية لتبادل الأسرى ستتم في موعدها المحدد يوم السبت القادم الموافق 25 يناير 2025. #الإعلام_الحربي
Hamas-Bewegung: Wir bestätigen, dass der zweite Gefangenenaustausch wie geplant am nächsten Samstag, dem 25. Januar 2025, stattfinden wird. #Kriegsmedien
Movimento Hamas: Confermiamo che il secondo lotto di scambi di prigionieri avrà luogo nella data prevista, sabato prossimo, 25 gennaio 2025. #Media_di_guerra
ハマス運動:第2回目の捕虜交換が、予定通り2025年1月25日土曜日に行われることを確認しました。 #戦争メディア
Hamas-beweging: Wij bevestigen dat de tweede reeks gevangenenuitwisselingen zal plaatsvinden op de geplande datum aanstaande zaterdag 25 januari 2025. #War_Media
Κίνημα Χαμάς: Επιβεβαιώνουμε ότι η δεύτερη παρτίδα ανταλλαγής κρατουμένων θα πραγματοποιηθεί την προγραμματισμένη ημερομηνία το επόμενο Σάββατο, 25 Ιανουαρίου 2025. #War_Media

1/13/2025, 6:05:51 AM
#Enemy_Media Israeli media: A security incident occurred against Israeli army forces in northern Gaza, details later. #War_Media
1/13/2025, 6:31:56 AM
#Enemy_Media Israeli media: A building collapsed on a force from the Nahal Brigade north of the Gaza Strip. #War_Media
1/13/2025, 8:28:46 AM
#Occupied_Palestine Saraya Al-Quds - Nablus Battalion: After contacting one of our combat formations in the Al-Ain Camp Company, they confirmed to us that they and their comrades were able to confront the enemy forces that stormed several axes in the camp at dawn today and showered them with heavy hail of bullets. Our heroes were also able to target the route of military reinforcements in the Rafidia axis and shower military vehicles with heavy hail of bullets according to the requirements and conditions of the field. #War_Media
1/13/2025, 8:32:06 AM
#Enemy_Media Channel 12 Hebrew correspondent "Almog Boker": Testimonies of Israeli fighters from Beit Hanoun: "We are fighting under the eyes of the cameras and the militants have booby-trapped every alley and activated explosive devices from the tunnels." - Their underground system is fully operational, and they do not need to go out and fight face to face. - We do not see them with our eyes - for a week and a half there has been no direct monitoring of the enemy. - They covered all of Beit Hanoun with huge amounts of explosive devices and remnants of airstrike missiles. - Every alley, every intersection - is equipped with the latest cameras. Thermal cameras that see 360 ​​degrees. - Smart operation where they choose when and for what purpose the devices are activated or not. They sit underground monitoring the movement through the cameras. If it is the movement of a drone, they do nothing. But if it is a military force, the devices are activated. - They activate the devices and when the evacuation is announced, they go out and open fire on the rescue forces. #War_Media
1/13/2025, 8:40:51 AM
#Enemy_Media Israeli media: 3 Israeli army soldiers killed in Beit Hanoun, north of the Gaza Strip, due to the collapse of a building after being hit by a missile. #War_Media