Saraya Al-Quds - Nablus Battalion:
After contacting one of our combat formations in the Al-Ain Camp Company, they confirmed to us that they and their comrades were able to confront the enemy forces that stormed several axes in the camp at dawn today and showered them with heavy hail of bullets. Our heroes were also able to target the route of military reinforcements in the Rafidia axis and shower military vehicles with heavy hail of bullets according to the requirements and conditions of the field.
سرايا القدس-كتيبة نابلس :
بعد عودة الإتصال بإحدى تشكيلاتنا القتالية في سرية مخيم العين أكدو لنا تمكنهم برفقة رفاقهم التصدي لقوات العدو التي اقتحمت عدة محاور في المخيم فجر اليوم وإمطارهم بزخات كثيفة من الرصاص كما تمكن أبطالنا من استهداف خط سير التعزيزات العسكرية في محور رفيديا وإمطار الآليات العسكرية بزخات كثيفة من الرصاص وفق متطلبات وظروف الميدان.
Brigadas Al-Quds - Batalhão Nablus:
Após contatar uma de nossas formações de combate na Companhia do Acampamento Ain, eles nos confirmaram que eles e seus camaradas foram capazes de confrontar as forças inimigas que invadiram vários machados no acampamento ao amanhecer de hoje e os cobriram com uma forte saraivada de balas. Nossos heróis também foram capazes de mirar na rota dos reforços militares no eixo Rafidia e cobrir os veículos militares com uma chuva pesada de balas. De acordo com os requisitos e condições do campo.
Brigadas Al-Quds - Batallón Nablus:
Tras contactar con una de nuestras formaciones de combate de la Compañía del Campamento de Ain, nos confirmaron que ellos y sus compañeros pudieron enfrentarse a las fuerzas enemigas que asaltaron varios ejes del campamento al amanecer de hoy y los bombardearon con una fuerte lluvia de balas. Nuestros héroes También pudieron apuntar a la ruta de los refuerzos militares en el eje Rafidia y bombardear los vehículos militares con una fuerte lluvia de balas, según las necesidades y las condiciones del terreno.
Бригады Аль-Кудс - Батальон Наблуса:
После контакта с одним из наших боевых формирований в роте лагеря Айн, они подтвердили нам, что они и их товарищи смогли противостоять силам противника, которые сегодня на рассвете штурмовали несколько позиций в лагере и обрушили на них шквал пуль. Наши герои также смогли нацелиться на маршрут военного подкрепления на оси Рафидия и обрушить на военную технику шквал пуль. Согласно требованиям и условиям полевой операции.
अल-कुद्स ब्रिगेड - नब्लस बटालियन:
ऐन कैंप कंपनी में हमारे लड़ाकू दल में से एक से संपर्क करने के बाद, उन्होंने हमें पुष्टि की कि वे और उनके साथी दुश्मन सेना का सामना करने में सक्षम थे, जिन्होंने आज भोर में कैंप में कई कुल्हाड़ियों पर हमला किया और उन पर गोलियों की भारी बौछार की। हमारे नायक क्षेत्र की आवश्यकताओं और स्थितियों के अनुसार, वे राफिदिया अक्ष में सैन्य सुदृढ़ीकरण के मार्ग को निशाना बनाने और सैन्य वाहनों पर भारी गोलियों की बौछार करने में भी सक्षम थे।
Brigades Al-Quds - Bataillon Naplouse :
Après avoir contacté l'une de nos formations de combat de la compagnie du camp d'Ain, ils nous ont confirmé qu'eux et leurs camarades ont pu affronter les forces ennemies qui ont pris d'assaut plusieurs axes du camp à l'aube aujourd'hui et les ont arrosés d'une lourde grêle de balles. Nos héros Ils ont également pu cibler la route des renforts militaires dans l'axe Rafidia et bombarder les véhicules militaires avec une pluie de balles, en fonction des besoins et des conditions du terrain.
سرايا القدس-كتيبة نابلس :
بعد عودة الإتصال بإحدى تشكيلاتنا القتالية في سرية مخيم العين أكدو لنا تمكنهم برفقة رفاقهم التصدي لقوات العدو التي اقتحمت عدة محاور في المخيم فجر اليوم وإمطارهم بزخات كثيفة من الرصاص كما تمكن أبطالنا من استهداف خط سير التعزيزات العسكرية في محور رفيديا وإمطار الآليات العسكرية بزخات كثيفة من الرصاص وفق متطلبات وظروف الميدان.
Al-Quds-Brigaden – Nablus-Bataillon:
Nachdem wir eine unserer Kampfformationen in der Ain Camp Company kontaktiert hatten, bestätigten sie uns, dass sie und ihre Kameraden in der Lage waren, den feindlichen Kräften entgegenzutreten, die heute im Morgengrauen mehrere Äxte im Lager stürmten und sie mit einem schweren Kugelhagel überschütteten. Unsere Helden konnten außerdem die Route der militärischen Verstärkungen in der Rafidia-Achse gezielt anvisieren und die Militärfahrzeuge mit einem schweren Kugelhagel überschütten. Je nach den Anforderungen und Bedingungen des Feldes.
Brigate Al-Quds - Brigata Nablus:
Dopo essere tornati in contatto con una delle nostre formazioni di combattimento della Compagnia del campo di Al-Ain, ci hanno confermato che loro, insieme ai loro compagni, sono stati in grado di affrontare le forze nemiche che hanno preso d'assalto diverse aree del campo oggi all'alba, piovendo forti acquazzoni. di proiettili su di loro i nostri eroi sono riusciti anche a prendere di mira il percorso dei rinforzi militari nell'asse Rafidia e hanno fatto piovere forti piogge di proiettili sui veicoli militari secondo le esigenze e le condizioni del campo.
Al-Quds Brigades - Nablus Bataljon:
Nadat we contact hadden opgenomen met een van onze gevechtsformaties in de Ain Camp Company, bevestigden ze ons dat zij en hun kameraden in staat waren om de vijandelijke troepen te confronteren die vandaag bij zonsopgang verschillende bijlen in het kamp bestormden en hen met een zware kogelregen overladen. Onze helden waren ook in staat om de route van de militaire versterkingen in de Rafidia-as te targeten en de militaire voertuigen te beschieten met een zware kogelregen. Volgens de vereisten en omstandigheden van het veld.
Ταξιαρχίες Al-Quds - Τάγμα Nablus:
Αφού ήρθαν σε επαφή με έναν από τους μάχιμους σχηματισμούς μας στην εταιρεία Ain Camp, μας επιβεβαίωσαν ότι αυτοί και οι σύντροφοί τους μπόρεσαν να αντιμετωπίσουν τις εχθρικές δυνάμεις που εισέβαλαν σε πολλούς άξονες στο στρατόπεδο τα ξημερώματα και τους πλημμύρισαν με βαρύ χαλάζι από σφαίρες μπόρεσαν επίσης να στοχεύσουν τη διαδρομή των στρατιωτικών ενισχύσεων στον άξονα Ραφιδιάς και να ρίξουν τα στρατιωτικά οχήματα με ισχυρό χαλάζι από σφαίρες σύμφωνα με τις απαιτήσεις και τις συνθήκες του γηπέδου.
1/30/2025, 10:39:55 AM
{And never think that those who were killed in the cause of Allah are dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, and they are provided for.}
Military statement issued by:
... ::: Al-Qassam Brigades ::: ...
"The Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa"
With the highest verses of pride and confidence in Allah's imminent victory, the Al-Qassam Brigades announce to our people and the masses of our Arab and Islamic nation a group of its knights in the fields:
The martyr Qassam Mujahid/ Saleh Khader Bani Matar
The martyr Qassam Mujahid/ Abdul Rahman Mahmoud Khatib
The martyr Qassam Mujahid/ Osama Ma'rouf Bani Odeh
The martyr Qassam Mujahid/ Muhammad Mithqal Bani Odeh
The martyr Qassam Mujahid/ Ibrahim Mithqal Bani Odeh
Those who They ascended to heaven yesterday evening, Wednesday, 29 Rajab 1446 AH corresponding to January 29, 2025 AD, with their martyred Mujahideen brothers Omar Ali Basharat, Montaser Ali Bani Matar, Abdullah Mahmoud Bani Odeh, Suleiman Ahmed Basharat, and Jihad Nasser Bani Matar; following a treacherous Zionist bombing that targeted the town of Tamoun in Tubas Governorate, north of the occupied West Bank.
The Qassam Brigades commends the jihad of its heroic martyrs and their great giving that was hidden throughout the past period, as they were able to hurt the enemy with many heroic operations, ambushes, and explosive devices that caused injuries and losses in the ranks of the enemy army, which the Qassam Brigades had not previously announced its adoption of.
The Brigades also confirms that its Mujahideen will not deviate from the path that the martyrs drew with their pure blood, and that they will continue the jihad and sacrifice until achieving one of the two good things, God willing.
It is a jihad of victory or martyrdom,,,
Al-Qassam Brigades - Palestine
Thursday 30 Rajab 1446 AH
Corresponding to 01/30/2025 AD
1/30/2025, 11:13:50 AM
Israeli media: An Israeli soldier was seriously injured in Jenin, West Bank.
1/30/2025, 11:49:31 AM
Saraya Al-Quds - Jenin Battalion:
After the ridiculous show that the defeated Minister of Defense Katz did yesterday and the alleged victory that he announced in the alleys of the camp, our fighters confirmed to us that they were able to carry out a complex engineering operation this afternoon and lure a Zionist infantry force from the Golani Brigade to a house that was booby-trapped with explosives that were seized by the Zionist enemy forces during the military operation a few days ago. Immediately after the force entered the house, our heroes in the engineering unit were able to blow up the house in which the force was fortified, achieving injuries and deaths among the enemy's ranks. We confirm that this operation comes in response to the cowardly assassination operation carried out by the defeated enemy against our heroes in the Tamoun Company yesterday evening.