Israeli media: 3 Israeli army soldiers killed in Beit Hanoun, north of the Gaza Strip, due to the collapse of a building after being hit by a missile.
وسائل إعلام إسرائيلية: سقوط 3 قتلى في صفوف الجيش الإسرائيلي في بيت حانون شمال قطاع غزة جراء انهيار مبنى بعد إصابته بصاروخ.
Mídia israelense: 3 militares israelenses foram mortos em Beit Hanoun, no norte da Faixa de Gaza, como resultado do desabamento de um edifício após ter sido atingido por um míssil.
Medios israelíes: Tres soldados israelíes murieron en Beit Hanoun, al norte de la Franja de Gaza, después de que un edificio se derrumbara tras ser alcanzado por un misil.
Израильские СМИ: трое израильских солдат погибли в Бейт-Хануне, к северу от сектора Газа, после того, как здание обрушилось из-за попадания ракеты.
इज़रायली मीडिया: गाजा पट्टी के उत्तर में बेत हनून में मिसाइल हमले के बाद एक इमारत के ढह जाने से 3 इज़रायली सैनिक मारे गए।
Médias israéliens : 3 soldats israéliens tués à Beit Hanoun, au nord de la bande de Gaza, après l'effondrement d'un bâtiment après avoir été touché par un missile.
وسائل إعلام إسرائيلية: سقوط 3 قتلى في صفوف الجيش الإسرائيلي في بيت حانون شمال قطاع غزة جراء انهيار مبنى بعد إصابته بصاروخ.
Israelische Medien: 3 israelische Soldaten in Beit Hanoun, nördlich des Gazastreifens, getötet, als ein Gebäude nach einem Raketeneinschlag einstürzte.
Media israeliani: 3 soldati israeliani uccisi a Beit Hanoun, a nord della Striscia di Gaza, dopo il crollo di un edificio colpito da un missile.
Israëlische media: 3 Israëlische soldaten gedood in Beit Hanoun, ten noorden van de Gazastrook, nadat een gebouw instortte na een raketaanval.
Ισραηλινά ΜΜΕ: 3 Ισραηλινοί στρατιώτες σκοτώθηκαν στο Μπέιτ Χανούν, βόρεια της Λωρίδας της Γάζας, μετά από κατάρρευση κτιρίου μετά από χτύπημα από πύραυλο.
2/3/2025, 3:10:08 PM
Hebrew newspaper "Maariv": The police arrested the owner of a bookstore in the Old City of Jerusalem for selling books about Sinwar, (Sayyed) Hassan Nasrallah, and Abdullah Barghouti.
2/3/2025, 6:07:28 PM
Hebrew Channel 13:
The Prime Minister met privately with the head of the Shin Bet over the weekend in a difficult conversation.
In the room, a difficult and sharp conversation took place between Netanyahu and the head of the Shin Bet, during which the latter informed the Prime Minister of his desire to change the composition of the negotiating team regarding the release of prisoners. Sources close to the meeting said that the head of the Shin Bet left it upset.
Sources close to the negotiations said this evening: "This is Netanyahu's way of thwarting the next stage of the deal." Even those close to Netanyahu admit: The Prime Minister is not sure whether he wants to advance to the next stage at the moment.
2/3/2025, 6:59:05 PM
Saraya Al-Quds - Tulkarm Battalion:
Our fighters in the Qafin Company were able to detonate a Shujaa (1) ground explosive device prepared in advance in a military vehicle during the storming of the town of Qafin, north of Tulkarm, achieving confirmed injuries.
2/12/2025, 7:15:46 AM
Israel Today Hebrew Newspaper:
- A comprehensive and disturbing survey conducted by the Israeli Policy Institute for Israel Today among a representative sample of 502 Israelis reveals a bleak picture of an unprecedented crisis of confidence in government institutions.
- The data collected at the beginning of February paints a disturbing picture of a divided public that has lost confidence in the government systems.
- What is most shocking is that 34% of the Israeli public - more than a third of citizens - do not trust any of the three branches of government.
- The Supreme Court, which enjoys the highest level of confidence, received only 41%, while the government received 15% confidence, and the Knesset is at the bottom of the list with a confidence rate of no more than 10%.
2/13/2025, 12:12:46 PM
Saraya Al-Quds - Tulkarm Battalion:
Our fighters are fighting fierce battles with the occupation forces storming the Al-Manshiya axis in Nourshams camp and are showering the enemy forces and sniper positions with heavy volleys of direct bullets, achieving confirmed injuries.