Saraya Al-Quds - Tulkarm Battalion:
Our fighters in the Qafin Company were able to detonate a Shujaa (1) ground explosive device prepared in advance in a military vehicle during the storming of the town of Qafin, north of Tulkarm, achieving confirmed injuries.
سرايا القدس-كتيبة طولكرم :
تمكن مقاتلونا في سرية قفين من تفجير عبوة ناسفة أرضية من نوع شجاع (1) معدة مسبقًا بآلية عسكرية خلال اقتحام بلدة قفين شمال طولكرم محققين إصابات مؤكدة.
Brigadas Al-Quds - Batalhão Tulkarm:
Nossos combatentes da Companhia Qafin conseguiram detonar um dispositivo explosivo terrestre Shajaa (1) preparado com antecedência em um veículo militar durante o ataque à cidade de Qafin, ao norte de Tulkarm, causando ferimentos confirmados.
Brigadas Al-Quds - Batallón Tulkarem:
Nuestros combatientes de la Compañía Qafin lograron detonar un artefacto explosivo terrestre Shajaa (1) preparado de antemano en un vehículo militar durante el asalto a la ciudad de Qafin, al norte de Tulkarm, provocando heridas confirmadas.
Бригады Аль-Кудс - батальон Тулькарм:
Наши бойцы роты Кафин смогли привести в действие наземное взрывное устройство Шаджаа (1), заранее подготовленное в военном автомобиле, во время штурма города Кафин, к северу от Тулькарма, в результате чего были получены подтвержденные ранения.
अल-कुद्स ब्रिगेड - तुलकरम बटालियन:
काफिन कंपनी के हमारे लड़ाके तुलकरम के उत्तर में काफिन शहर पर हमले के दौरान एक सैन्य वाहन में पहले से तैयार किए गए शजा (1) जमीनी विस्फोटक उपकरण को विस्फोट करने में सक्षम थे, जिससे घायल होने की पुष्टि हुई।
Brigades Al-Qods - Bataillon de Tulkarem :
Nos combattants de la compagnie Qafin ont pu faire exploser un engin explosif terrestre Shajaa (1) préparé à l'avance dans un véhicule militaire lors de la prise de la ville de Qafin, au nord de Tulkarem, provoquant des blessures confirmées.
سرايا القدس-كتيبة طولكرم :
تمكن مقاتلونا في سرية قفين من تفجير عبوة ناسفة أرضية من نوع شجاع (1) معدة مسبقًا بآلية عسكرية خلال اقتحام بلدة قفين شمال طولكرم محققين إصابات مؤكدة.
Al-Quds-Brigaden – Tulkarm-Bataillon:
Unseren Kämpfern der Qafin-Kompanie gelang es bei der Erstürmung der Stadt Qafin nördlich von Tulkarm, einen in einem Militärfahrzeug vorbereiteten Bodensprengsatz vom Typ Shajaa (1) zu zünden und dabei nachweislich Verletzungen zu verursachen.
Brigate Al-Quds - Battaglione Tulkarm:
I nostri combattenti della Compagnia Qafin sono riusciti a far esplodere un ordigno esplosivo terrestre Shajaa (1) preparato in anticipo su un veicolo militare durante l'assalto alla città di Qafin, a nord di Tulkarem, riportando ferite confermate.
Al-Quds Brigades - Tulkarm Bataljon:
Onze strijders van het Qafin-gezelschap konden een Shajaa (1) grondexplosief tot ontploffing brengen dat van tevoren was voorbereid in een militair voertuig tijdens de bestorming van de stad Qafin, ten noorden van Tulkarm, waarbij ze bevestigde verwondingen opliepen.
Ταξιαρχίες Al-Quds - Τάγμα Τουλκάρμ:
Οι μαχητές μας στην Εταιρεία Qafin μπόρεσαν να πυροδοτήσουν έναν εκρηκτικό μηχανισμό Shajaa (1) εδάφους που είχε προετοιμαστεί εκ των προτέρων σε στρατιωτικό όχημα κατά τη διάρκεια της εισβολής στην πόλη Qafin, βόρεια του Tulkarm, επιτυγχάνοντας επιβεβαιωμένους τραυματισμούς.
12/30/2024, 1:22:42 PM
Israeli media: The Airports Authority in "Israel" recorded an operating loss of 105 million shekels in the first nine months of 2024, due to the decline in the activity of foreign airlines and the decrease in the number of passengers through Ben Gurion Airport.
12/30/2024, 1:32:55 PM
Hebrew newspaper "Maariv": It is expected that the Israeli Chief of Staff will take disciplinary measures against the Chief of Staff of the Golani Brigade, the brigade commander, and a number of officers following the results of the investigation into the entry of researcher Ze'ev Reich into the land of "Israel", and his killing in southern Lebanon with another soldier at the hands of Hezbollah elements.
12/30/2024, 2:35:54 PM
Israeli media: An Israeli soldier was killed and 7 others were seriously injured in a security incident in the Gaza Strip.
12/30/2024, 2:41:55 PM
Al-Qassam Brigades: We destroyed a Zionist troop carrier with a "Yassin 105" shell and killed and wounded its crew in Beit Hanoun, north of the Gaza Strip.
12/30/2024, 2:55:38 PM
Israeli media: An Israeli force that entered to evacuate a wounded person in Beit Hanoun was attacked with RPG shells, which led to one person being killed on the spot, in addition to nine other wounded, including serious cases, who were transferred to hospitals.