Urgent A meeting will be held at the Republican Palace in Baabda, between the President of the Republic, General Joseph Aoun and Prime Minister Nawaf Salam
🔴 عاجل | يعقد في القصر الجمهوري في بعبدا اجتماع بين رئيس الجمهورية العماد جوزاف عون ورئيس الحكومة نواف سلام
Urgente Uma reunião será realizada no Palácio Republicano em Baabda, entre o Presidente da República, o general Joseph Aoun e o primeiro -ministro Nawaf Salam
Urgente Se celebrará una reunión en el Palacio Republicano en Baabda, entre el Presidente de la República, el General Joseph Aoun y el Primer Ministro Nawaf Salam
Срочный Встреча состоится в республиканском дворце в Баабде, между президентом Республики, генералом Джозефом Оуном и премьер -министром Наваф Салам
अति आवश्यक गणतंत्र के राष्ट्रपति, जनरल जोसेफ एउन और प्रधानमंत्री नवाफ सलाम के बीच, बाबदा में रिपब्लिकन पैलेस में एक बैठक आयोजित की जाएगी
Urgent Une réunion aura lieu au palais républicain de Baabda, entre le président de la République, le général Joseph Aoun et le Premier ministre Nawaf Salam
🔴 عاجل | يعقد في القصر الجمهوري في بعبدا اجتماع بين رئيس الجمهورية العماد جوزاف عون ورئيس الحكومة نواف سلام
Dringend Ein Treffen findet im republikanischen Palast in Baabda zwischen dem Präsidenten der Republik, General Joseph Aoun und Premierminister Nawaf Salam statt
Urgente Un incontro si terrà al Palazzo Repubblicano di Baabda, tra il Presidente della Repubblica, il generale Joseph Aoun e il primo ministro Nawaf Salam
Dringend Een vergadering zal worden gehouden in het Republikeinse Paleis in Baabda, tussen de president van de Republiek, generaal Joseph Aoun en premier Nawaf Salam
Επείγων Μια συνάντηση θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο Ρεπουμπλικανικό Παλάτι της Baabda, μεταξύ του Προέδρου της Δημοκρατίας, του στρατηγού Joseph Aoun και του πρωθυπουργού Nawaf Salam
1/27/2025, 7:52:16 AM
🔴 Urgent | Al-Manar correspondent: The Lebanese army is leading the convoys of returnees to the town of Mays al-Jabal this morning, as the occupation forces that are still firing from the town are expected to withdraw.
1/27/2025, 7:53:28 AM
🔴 Urgent | Bani Hayyan Southern Municipality has started opening and paving roads
1/27/2025, 7:58:13 AM
🔴 Urgent | Government Media Office in Gaza: We call on the international community, international and UN organizations, and Arab countries to open the crossings and bring in basic supplies to shelter our Palestinian people
1/27/2025, 7:59:16 AM
🔴 Urgent | Government Media Office in Gaza: Returnees to Gaza and North Governorates need 135,000 tents now and immediately
1/27/2025, 8:01:20 AM
🔴 Urgent | Southerners continue their return to villages and towns for the second day in a row, and the Lebanese army is working to open the roads