

Real time military news

Published date: 3/10/2025, 6:20:17 AM
3/10/2025, 6:20:17 AM
During the day, the defenders performed 1,190 Russian occupiers Total enemy combat losses from 24.02.22 to 10.03.25: ▪️Pership - 886320 (+1190) ▪️The tank - 10292 (+18) ▪️ Armored Machines - 21400 (+40) ▪️Artsystems - 24271 (+65) ▪️CRSV - 1311 (+1) ▪️IFA - 1102 (+1) ▪️Learials - 370 ▪️Heliphors - 331 ▪️BLS - 28603 (+241) ▪️Crimate missiles - 3120 ▪️Dow/boats - 28 ▪️ submarines - 1 ▪️Auto -technicians and tanks - 40071 (+138) ▪️ SPECIA - 3773 Вати We are in WhatsApp | Telegram | Viber
За добу захисники відмінусували ще 1190 російських окупантів Загальні бойові втрати противника з 24.02.22 по 10.03.25: ▪️особового складу - 886320 (+1190) ▪️танків ‒ 10292 (+18) ▪️броньованих машин ‒ 21400 (+40) ▪️артсистем – 24271 (+65) ▪️РСЗВ – 1311 (+1) ▪️засоби ППО ‒ 1102 (+1) ▪️літаків – 370 ▪️гелікоптерів – 331 ▪️БПЛА – 28603 (+241) ▪️крилаті ракети ‒ 3120 ▪️кораблі/катери ‒ 28 ▪️підводні човни - 1 ▪️автотехніки та автоцистерн – 40071 (+138) ▪️спецтехніка ‒ 3773 ✅ Ми у WhatsApp | Telegram | Viber
白天,捍卫者进行了1,190名俄罗斯占领者 敌人的战斗总损失从24.02.22到10.03.25: ▪项目-886320(+1190) ▪资金坦克-10292(+18) ▪️装甲机-21400(+40) ▪️Artsystems -24271(+65) ▪️CRSV -1311(+1) ▪️IFA -1102(+1) ▪qurearials -370 ▪助heliphors -331 ▪资金-28603(+241) ▪qrimate导弹-3120 ▪资产队/船-28 ▪quins -1-1 ▪quauto -Technicians and Tanks -40071(+138) ▪quepia -3773 我们在WhatsApp |电报| Viber
Durante o dia, os defensores realizaram 1.190 ocupantes russos Total de perdas de combate inimigo de 24.02.22 a 10.03.25: ▪️Pership - 886320 (+1190) ▪️ o tanque - 10292 (+18) ▪️ Máquinas blindadas - 21400 (+40) ▪️ArtSystems - 24271 (+65) ▪️CRSV - 1311 (+1) ▪️ifa - 1102 (+1) ▪️Learials - 370 ▪️Heliphors - 331 ▪️Bls - 28603 (+241) ▪️Crimate mísseis - 3120 ▪️Dow/barcos - 28 ▪️ Submarinos - 1 ▪️Auto -Technicians and Tanks - 40071 (+138) ▪ Especia - 3773 Estamos no WhatsApp | Telegrama | Viber
Durante el día, los defensores realizaron 1.190 ocupantes rusos Pérdidas de combate enemigas totales de 24.02.22 a 10.03.25: ▪ware Pership - 886320 (+1190) ▪ fue el tanque - 10292 (+18) ▪into máquinas blindadas - 21400 (+40) ▪ware Arart Systems - 24271 (+65) ▪️CRSV - 1311 (+1) ▪wareifa - 1102 (+1) ▪ fue claros - 370 ▪ware Heliphors - 331 ▪ware BLS - 28603 (+241) ▪into misiles crimáticos - 3120 ▪️Dow/barcos - 28 ▪into Submarinos - 1 ▪ware -Technicians and Tanks - 40071 (+138) ▪into Specia - 3773 Вати estamos en whatsapp | Telegrama | Vibrar
В течение дня защитники исполнили 1190 российских оккупантов Общее количество боевых потерь врага от 24,02,22 до 10.03.25: ▪ Занятие - 886320 (+1190) ▪ Танк - 10292 (+18) ▪ А бронированные машины - 21400 (+40) ▪️artsystems - 24271 (+65) ▪️CRSV - 1311 (+1) ▪Ифа - 1102 (+1) ▪ Занятие - 370 ▪ Хелифор - 331 ▪ ▪блс - 28603 (+241) ▪ Рикрит -ракеты - 3120 ▪ Дом/лодки - 28 ▪ Подводные лодки - 1 ▪ Аууто -Техники и Танки - 40071 (+138) ▪ Спецификация - 3773 ВАТИ мы в WhatsApp | Телеграмма | Viber
दिन के दौरान, रक्षकों ने 1,190 रूसी कब्जा करने वालों का प्रदर्शन किया 24.02.22 से 10.03.25 तक कुल दुश्मन का मुकाबला नुकसान: ▪pership - 886320 (+1190) ▪ टैंक - 10292 (+18) ▪ बख्तरबंद मशीनें - 21400 (+40) ▪ आर्ट्सम्स - 24271 (+65) ▪CRSV - 1311 (+1) ▪फा - 1102 (+1) ▪ Learials - 370 ▪Heliphors - 331 ▪बीएस - 28603 (+241) ▪ क्रिमेट मिसाइलें - 3120 ▪ Dow/BOATS - 28 ▪ पनडुब्बियां - 1 ▪ ऑटो -टेक्निक और टैंक - 40071 (+138) ▪ कल्पना - 3773 Вати हम व्हाट्सएप में हैं | टेलीग्राम | वाइबर
Pendant la journée, les défenseurs ont effectué 1 190 occupants russes Pertes totales de combat ennemies de 24.02.22 à 10.03.25: ▪️ Pership - 886320 (+1190) ▪️La réservoir - 10292 (+18) ▪️ Machines blindées - 21400 (+40) ▪️arSystems - 24271 (+65) ▪️CRSV - 1311 (+1) ▪️FA - 1102 (+1) ▪️Learals - 370 ▪️ HELIPHORS - 331 ▪️BLS - 28603 (+241) ▪️ Crimate Missiles - 3120 ▪️Dow / bateaux - 28 ▪️ Sous-marins - 1 ▪️Auto -Techniciens et réservoirs - 40071 (+138) ▪️ Spécia - 3773 Вати nous sommes dans WhatsApp | Télégramme | Vibre
خلال النهار ، قام المدافعون بأداء 1،190 محتلين روسيين إجمالي خسائر القتال العدو من 24.02.22 إلى 10.03.25: ▪ Prierse - 886320 (+1190) ▪ The Tank - 10292 (+18) ▪ آلات مدرعة - 21400 (+40) systems Systems - 24271 (+65) ▪ crsv - 1311 (+1) ▪fa - 1102 (+1) ▪ ▪ Heliphors - 331 ▪bls - 28603 (+241) ▪ الصواريخ - 3120 ▪ داو/القوارب - 28 الغواصات - 1 ▪Auto -Technicians and Sanks - 40071 (+138) specia - 3773 ваи نحن في whatsapp | Telegram | Viber
Während des Tages führten die Verteidiger 1.190 russische Besatzer durch Gesamtfeindlichen Kampfverluste von 24.02.22 bis 10.03.25: ▪ Seiten - 886320 (+1190) ▪ Seiten - 10292 (+18) ▪ Seitenmaschinen - 21400 (+40) ▪ Seitensystems - 24271 (+65) ▪vorsv - 1311 (+1) ▪ Gesetz - 1102 (+1) ▪ Landlern - 370 ▪ Landheliphors - 331 ▪ Seiten - 28603 (+241) ▪ Land Raketen - 3120 ▪ Seiten/Boote - 28 ▪ U -Boote - 1 ▪ Lando -techniker und Panzer - 40071 (+138) ▪ Seiten - 3773 Wir sind in WhatsApp | Telegramm | Viber
Durante il giorno, i difensori hanno eseguito 1.190 occupanti russi Perdite totali di combattimento nemico da 24,02,22 a 10.03.25: ▪️pership - 886320 (+1190) ▪️ The Tank - 10292 (+18) ▪️ Macchine corazzate - 21400 (+40) ▪️ArtSystems - 24271 (+65) ▪️CRSV - 1311 (+1) ▪️IFA - 1102 (+1) ▪️Leardials - 370 ▪️Heliphors - 331 ▪️BLS - 28603 (+241) ▪️ Missili scenografici - 3120 ▪️Dow/barche - 28 ▪️ sottomarini - 1 ▪️auto -Tecnici e carri armati - 40071 (+138) ▪️ Spetia - 3773 Вати siamo in whatsapp | Telegramma | Viber
日中、ディフェンダーは1,190人のロシアの占領者を演じました 24.02.22から10.03.25への敵の戦闘損失の総 ▪件名-886320(+1190) ▪タンク-10292(+18) ▪armされた機械-21400(+40) ▪ArtSystems -24271(+65) ▪§CRSV -1311(+1) ▪イファ-1102(+1) ▪÷learials -370 ▪軟化-331 ▪§bls -28603(+241) ▪‑ Crimateミサイル-3120 ▪§dow/Boats -28 ▪潜水艦-1 ▪‑ auto-技術者と戦車-40071(+138) ▪頸部-3773 ВатиWhatsAppにいます|電報| Viber
Gedurende de dag hebben de verdedigers 1.190 Russische bezetters uitgevoerd Totale vijandelijke gevechtsverliezen van 24.02.22 tot 10.03.25: ▪️Pership - 886320 (+1190) ▪️De tank - 10292 (+18) ▪️ Armored Machines - 21400 (+40) ▪️artSystems - 24271 (+65) ▪️CRSV - 1311 (+1) ▪️IFA - 1102 (+1) ▪️Learials - 370 ▪️Helifors - 331 ▪️BLS - 28603 (+241) ▪️Crimimate Missiles - 3120 ▪️Dow/boten - 28 ▪️ Submarines - 1 ▪️Auto -Technicians and Tanks - 40071 (+138) ▪️ Specia - 3773 Вати We zijn in WhatsApp | Telegram | Viber
Κατά τη διάρκεια της ημέρας, οι υπερασπιστές πραγματοποίησαν 1.190 ρωσικούς κατακτητές Συνολικές απώλειες μάχης του εχθρού από 24.02.22 έως 10.03.25: ▪ΠΡΟΣΤΗΡΙΟ - 886320 (+1190) ▪Η δεξαμενή - 10292 (+18) ▪ Βασικά μηχανήματα - 21400 (+40) ▪ ΚάποτεArtSystems - 24271 (+65) ▪ Κάτορσβ - 1311 (+1) ▪ Κάτοφα - 1102 (+1) ▪ Κάψιμο - 370 ▪ Κάψιμο - 331 ▪ Κάλε - 28603 (+241) ▪ Κάυκτο πυραύλους - 3120 ▪ Κάτολ/σκάφη - 28 ▪ Κάθια - 1 ▪ Κάτοε -Τεχνικά και δεξαμενές - 40071 (+138) ▪ Κάτοις - 3773 В ation We Are To Whatsapp | Τηλεγράφημα | Ατενίζω

1/5/2025, 1:47:42 PM
It became known about 5 more victims of the racist attacks in Kherson today These are 3 men and 2 women. The victims mostly have shrapnel wounds to body parts, contusions and mine-explosive injuries. Damage to an apartment building and civilian cars was recorded. Medics are providing them with all necessary assistance, - OVA.
1/5/2025, 3:05:41 PM
Russian troops continue to terrorize civilians in Kherson region The occupiers once again dropped an explosive device from a drone on a resident of Antonivka. The 58-year-old man was diagnosed with a mine-explosive injury and shrapnel wounds to his legs. The victim was hospitalized for medical assistance. ✅ We are on WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
1/5/2025, 2:23:38 PM
Threat of use of ballistic weapons in areas where air alert has been declared - Ukrainian Armed Forces ✅ We are on WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
1/5/2025, 3:15:19 PM
Image 2025-01-05T15:15:19
1/5/2025, 3:18:34 PM
Russians attacked Kharkiv with drones Around 14:45, a Molniya UAV was spotted flying over an open area at the intersection of Saltivskyi and Kyivskyi districts. A private house was damaged as a result of the flyover. Around 16:00, another Molniya UAV was spotted flying over Kholodnohirskyi district. The hit was found on the roof of an administrative building of one of the enterprises. No information was received about the injured. ✅ We are on WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram