

Real time military news

Published date: 1/5/2025, 1:47:42 PM
1/5/2025, 1:47:42 PM
It became known about 5 more victims of the racist attacks in Kherson today These are 3 men and 2 women. The victims mostly have shrapnel wounds to body parts, contusions and mine-explosive injuries. Damage to an apartment building and civilian cars was recorded. Medics are providing them with all necessary assistance, - OVA.
Стало відомо про ще 5 потерпілих від рук рашистів у Херсоні за сьогодні Це 3 чоловіки та 2 жінки. В постраждалих здебільшого уламкові поранення частин тіла, контузії та мінно-вибухові травми. Зафіксовані пошкодження багатоквартирного будинку та цивільних автівок. Медики надають їм всю необхідну допомогу, - ОВА.
据了解,赫尔松今天又有 5 名暴徒丧生 有3男2女。受害者大多身体部位有弹片伤、挫伤和地雷爆炸伤。 据记录,公寓楼和民用汽车遭到损坏。 医生为他们提供所有必要的帮助——OVA。
Tornou-se conhecido hoje cerca de mais 5 vítimas nas mãos de manifestantes em Kherson São 3 homens e 2 mulheres. A maioria das vítimas apresentava ferimentos por estilhaços em partes do corpo, contusões e ferimentos causados ​​por explosões de minas. Foram registrados danos a um prédio de apartamentos e carros civis. Os médicos prestam-lhes toda a ajuda necessária, - OVA.
Hoy se supo de otras 5 víctimas a manos de los alborotadores en Jersón Hay 3 hombres y 2 mujeres. La mayoría de las víctimas presentaban heridas de metralla en partes del cuerpo, contusiones y heridas por explosivos de minas. Se registraron daños a un edificio de apartamentos y a vehículos civiles. Los médicos les brindan toda la ayuda necesaria: OVA.
Стало известно еще о 5 пострадавших от рук рашистах в Херсоне за сегодня Это 3 мужчины и 2 женщины. У пострадавших в основном обломочные ранения частей тела, контузии и минно-взрывные травмы. Зафиксированы повреждения многоквартирного дома и гражданских автомобилей. Медики оказывают им всю необходимую помощь, – ОВА.
आज खेरसॉन में दंगाइयों के हाथों 5 और पीड़ितों के बारे में पता चला 3 पुरुष और 2 महिलाएँ हैं। पीड़ितों को ज्यादातर शरीर के अंगों पर छर्रे के घाव, चोट लगने और खदान-विस्फोटक चोटें लगी थीं। एक अपार्टमेंट इमारत और नागरिक कारों को नुकसान दर्ज किया गया। डॉक्टर उन्हें सभी आवश्यक सहायता प्रदान करते हैं, - ओवीए।
On a appris aujourd'hui qu'il y avait 5 autres victimes aux mains des émeutiers à Kherson. Il y a 3 hommes et 2 femmes. Les victimes présentaient pour la plupart des blessures causées par des éclats d'obus sur certaines parties du corps, des contusions et des blessures causées par des explosions de mines. Des dommages à un immeuble d'habitation et à des voitures civiles ont été enregistrés. Les médecins leur apportent toute l'aide nécessaire, - OVA.
وعُرف عن 5 ضحايا آخرين على يد مثيري الشغب في خيرسون اليوم هناك 3 رجال وامرأتين. وكان معظم الضحايا مصابين بشظايا في أجزاء من الجسم وكدمات وإصابات ناجمة عن انفجار ألغام. وسجلت أضرار في مبنى سكني وسيارات مدنية. يقدم لهم الأطباء كل المساعدة اللازمة - OVA.
Heute wurden fünf weitere Opfer durch Randalierer in Cherson bekannt Es sind 3 Männer und 2 Frauen. Die Opfer erlitten meist Schnittverletzungen an Körperteilen, Prellungen und Verletzungen durch Minensprengungen. Es wurden Schäden an einem Wohnhaus und zivilen Autos registriert. Ärzte leisten ihnen die nötige Hilfe, - OVA.
Oggi si è saputo di altre 5 vittime per mano dei rivoltosi a Kherson Ci sono 3 uomini e 2 donne. Le vittime riportavano per lo più ferite da schegge su parti del corpo, contusioni e ferite da mina. Si sono registrati danni ad un condominio e ad auto civili. I medici forniscono loro tutto l'aiuto necessario, - OVA.
今日、ヘルソンで暴徒の手によりさらに5人の犠牲者が出たことが判明した 男性3名、女性2名です。犠牲者のほとんどは体の一部に破片による傷、打撲傷、地雷の爆発による傷を負っていた。 アパートや民間車両への被害も記録された。 医師は彼らに必要なすべての助けを提供します - OVA。
Vandaag werd bekend dat er nog vijf slachtoffers zijn gevallen door relschoppers in Cherson Er zijn 3 mannen en 2 vrouwen. De slachtoffers hadden vooral verwondingen door granaatscherven aan lichaamsdelen, kneuzingen en verwondingen door mijnexplosies. Er werd schade aan een flatgebouw en burgerauto's geregistreerd. Artsen bieden hen alle nodige hulp, - OVA.
Έγιναν γνωστό για άλλα 5 θύματα στα χέρια των ταραχοποιών στη Χερσώνα σήμερα Είναι 3 άνδρες και 2 γυναίκες. Τα θύματα είχαν ως επί το πλείστον τραύματα από σκάγια σε μέρη του σώματος, μώλωπες και τραύματα από ναρκοεκρηκτικά. Καταγράφηκαν ζημιές σε πολυκατοικία και πολιτικά αυτοκίνητα. Οι γιατροί τους παρέχουν όλη την απαραίτητη βοήθεια, - OVA.

1/12/2025, 11:54:24 AM
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The Armed Forces of Ukraine launched a precision strike on an enemy command post in the Donetsk region This happened today in the city of Novogrodivka. The command post of the 2nd Guards Combined Arms Army of the Russian Federation was attacked: "This operation is a continuation of a series of fire strikes on command posts of the occupation forces in the Donetsk direction," the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine writes. There is no information about the consequences of the strike yet.
1/12/2025, 11:59:05 AM
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The threat of the use of ballistic weapons throughout the territory of Ukraine, - PS
1/12/2025, 12:51:32 PM
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Russian invaders disguise themselves in civilian clothes in Toretsk, Donetsk region, which is a war crime They were discovered by aerial reconnaissance of the 28th Separate Brigade of the Knights of the Winter March, noting that, in particular, disguised Russian soldiers were seen during movement and reconnaissance and sabotage activities: "In this way, the enemy infantry tries to divert attention from itself and disguise itself. However, they are given away by their identical clothes, behavior, and sometimes even weapons. However, this still complicates the work of our soldiers. After all, the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not "shoot at everything that moves", as the occupiers do."
1/12/2025, 1:08:46 PM
Kyiv police searched 2 teenagers who appeared in scandalous videos the other day Weapons, ammunition, brass knuckles, an airsoft grenade, a knife, computers and phones were seized from the young men. The case is now being investigated under the article on illegal possession of weapons, which provides for imprisonment for a term of 3 to 7 years. A pre-trial investigation is underway. Police officers say that their behavior was due to the boys' desire to create provocative content. As a reminder, the video featured 6 young men aged 14 to 17. In particular, the minors blocked traffic in the capital to smoke and listened to and sang Russian music on the street. Law enforcement officers also say that their videos also contained weapons. The networks write that one of the defendants is allegedly the son of a former KGB spy and an entrepreneur who, among other things, owns a hotel business in the Crimean Autonomous Republic, and the other is the son of a former deputy from the banned OPZH. Another guy is the son of the former mayor of Lyman, Donetsk region. They, together with their parents, were previously invited to the police station.
1/12/2025, 1:45:51 PM
Part of Kherson without electricity and heat due to racist shelling We are talking about the Dnipro district, where the enemy damaged the electrical and heating networks. About 22,900 metering points there are without electricity, and about 20 apartment buildings are without heating. The elimination of the consequences of Russian terror continues, - MVA.