Urgent The occupation forces arrest a number of young men from the town of Deir Quds, west of Ramallah, at dawn today
🔴 عاجل | قوات الاحتلال تعتقل عدد من الشبان من بلدة دير قديس غرب رام الله فجر اليوم
紧迫的占领部队今天黎明逮捕了来自拉马拉以西Deir Quds镇的许多年轻人
Urgente As forças de ocupação prendem vários jovens da cidade de Deir quds, a oeste de Ramallah, ao amanhecer hoje
Urgente Las fuerzas de ocupación arrestan a varios jóvenes de la ciudad de Deir Quds, al oeste de Ramallah, al amanecer hoy
Срочный Оккупационные силы арестовывают ряд молодых людей из города Дейр Ксдс, к западу от Рамаллаха, на рассвете сегодня
अति आवश्यक व्यवसाय बलों ने आज डॉन में रामल्लाह के पश्चिम में देइर क्व्ड्स शहर के कई युवाओं को गिरफ्तार किया
Urgent Les forces d'occupation arrêtent un certain nombre de jeunes hommes de la ville de Deir Quds, à l'ouest de Ramallah, à l'aube aujourd'hui
🔴 عاجل | قوات الاحتلال تعتقل عدد من الشبان من بلدة دير قديس غرب رام الله فجر اليوم
Dringend Die Besatzungskräfte verhaften eine Reihe junger Männer aus der Stadt Deir Quds westlich von Ramallah im Morgengrauen heute
Urgente Le forze di occupazione arrestano un certo numero di giovani uomini della città di Deir Quds, a ovest di Ramallah, all'alba oggi
Dringend De bezettingskrachten arresteren een aantal jonge mannen uit de stad Deir Quds, ten westen van Ramallah, vandaag bij zonsopgang
Επείγων Οι δυνάμεις κατοχής συλλαμβάνουν πολλούς νέους άνδρες από την πόλη Deir Quds, δυτικά της Ramallah, την αυγή σήμερα
12/22/2024, 12:05:29 PM
🔴 Urgent | Reshet Kan "Israeli" website: The Kfir Brigade began work this morning in the western neighborhood of Beit Hanoun
12/22/2024, 12:07:26 PM
🔴 Urgent | Reshet Kan: This morning, an Israeli tank ran over an explosive device during the operation that began in the western neighborhood of Beit Hanoun, and there were no injuries
12/22/2024, 12:14:35 PM
🔴 Urgent | Israeli media: The cost of the damage caused by the Yemeni missile falling on a building in Tel Aviv amounted to about 40 million shekels
12/22/2024, 2:23:51 PM
🔴 Urgent | Yemeni Armed Forces: The operation led to the downing of an “F-18” aircraft while the destroyers were trying to confront the Yemeni drones and missiles
12/22/2024, 12:26:39 PM
🔴 Urgent | Al-Manar correspondent: The International Red Cross moved to the Ras al-Naqoura area to receive a number of Lebanese citizens who had been kidnapped by the enemy after the ceasefire