🔴 Urgent | Reshet Kan: This morning, an Israeli tank ran over an explosive device during the operation that began in the western neighborhood of Beit Hanoun, and there were no injuries
🔴 عاجل | ريشت كان: صباح اليوم داست دبابة إسرائيلية على عبوة ناسفة خلال العملية التي بدأت في الحي الغربي لبيت حانون، ولم يقع إصابات
🔴 Urgente | Reshet Kan: Esta manhã, um tanque israelense atropelou um dispositivo explosivo durante a operação que começou no bairro ocidental de Beit Hanoun, e não houve vítimas.
🔴 Urgente | Reshet Kan: Esta mañana, un tanque israelí atropelló un artefacto explosivo durante la operación que comenzó en el barrio occidental de Beit Hanoun, y no hubo víctimas.
🔴 Срочно | Решет Кан: Сегодня утром израильский танк наехал на взрывное устройство во время операции, начавшейся в западном районе Бейт-Хануна, жертв не было.
🔴 अति आवश्यक | रेशेत कान: आज सुबह, बेत हनौन के पश्चिमी इलाके में शुरू हुए ऑपरेशन के दौरान एक इजरायली टैंक एक विस्फोटक उपकरण से टकरा गया और कोई हताहत नहीं हुआ।
🔴 Urgent | Reshet Kan : Ce matin, un char israélien a roulé sur un engin explosif lors de l'opération qui a débuté dans le quartier ouest de Beit Hanoun. Il n'y a pas eu de blessés.
🔴 عاجل | ريشت كان: صباح اليوم داست دبابة إسرائيلية على عبوة ناسفة خلال العملية التي بدأت في الحي الغربي لبيت حانون، ولم يقع إصابات
🔴 Dringend | Reshet Kan: Heute Morgen hat ein israelischer Panzer während der Operation, die im westlichen Viertel Beit Hanoun begann, einen Sprengsatz überfahren, und es gab keine Verluste.
🔴Urgente | Reshet Kan: Questa mattina, un carro armato israeliano ha investito un ordigno esplosivo durante l'operazione iniziata nel quartiere occidentale di Beit Hanoun, e non ci sono state vittime.
🔴Dringend | Reshet Kan: Vanochtend reed een Israëlische tank over een explosief tijdens de operatie die begon in de westelijke wijk Beit Hanoun, en er vielen geen slachtoffers.
🔴 Επείγον | Reshet Kan: Σήμερα το πρωί, ένα ισραηλινό τανκ προσέκρουσε σε έναν εκρηκτικό μηχανισμό κατά τη διάρκεια της επιχείρησης που ξεκίνησε στη δυτική γειτονιά του Beit Hanoun.
12/25/2024, 10:30:20 AM
🔴 Urgent | The Times of Israel, citing an Israeli official: The Houthis are making a grave mistake by continuing to attack Israel
12/25/2024, 10:34:22 AM
🔴 Urgent | MPs Qabalan Qabalan, Amin Sherri and Ihab Hamadeh met with Prime Minister Najib Mikati to follow up on the file of Lebanese refugees in Iraq
12/25/2024, 10:35:21 AM
🔴 Urgent | Prime Minister Najib Mikati promised to address the issue of the displaced within the next 24 hours, including the issue of cars that entered Iraq from Syria
12/25/2024, 11:17:21 AM
🔴 Urgent | Russian Foreign Minister: Moscow adheres to the principle of no winner in a nuclear war, but does not advise anyone to test its patience
12/25/2024, 11:27:19 AM
🔴 Urgent | Channel 12 Hebrew - Syrian reports: Injuries as a result of the "Israeli army" shooting at demonstrators in the village of Suwaysa in Quneitra, southern Syria