Os defensores continuam a eliminar os invasores russos: outros 1000 por dia, menos 1000 por dia
Perda total de combate inimigo de 24.02.22 a 08.03.25
▪ estruturação - 883950 (+1000)
▪️ o tanque - 10268 (+4)
▪️ Máquinas blindadas - 21346 (+12)
▪ARtSystems - 24148 (+24)
▪️CRSV - 1307 (+1)
▪️Cos - 1099 (+3)
▪️Learials - 370
▪️Heliphors - 331
▪️Bls - 28172 (+148)
▪️Crimes Missiles - 3120 (+35)
▪️Dow/barcos - 28
▪️ Submarinos - 1
▪️Tavtoper+dispositivo - 39791 (+113)
▪ Especia - 3772 (+3)
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Los defensores continúan eliminando a los invasores rusos: otro menos 1000 por día
Pérdida total de combate enemigo de 24.02.22 a 08.03.25
▪ware y desarrollo - 883950 (+1000)
▪ fue el tanque - 10268 (+4)
▪ware máquinas blindadas - 21346 (+12)
▪ware Arte Systems - 24148 (+24)
▪️CRSV - 1307 (+1)
▪ware CoCos - 1099 (+3)
▪ fue claros - 370
▪ware Heliphors - 331
▪ware BLS - 28172 (+148)
▪into misiles crimáticos - 3120 (+35)
▪️Dow/barcos - 28
▪into Submarinos - 1
▪ware TAVToper+Dispositivo - 39791 (+113)
▪into Specia - 3772 (+3)
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Защитники продолжают устранять российских захватчиков: еще один минус 1000 в день
Общая потерю боевых действий врага с 24,02,22 до 08.03.25
▪ Разработка - 883950 (+1000)
▪ Танк - 10268 (+4)
▪ А бронированные машины - 21346 (+12)
▪️artsystems - 24148 (+24)
▪️CRSV - 1307 (+1)
▪scos - 1099 (+3)
▪ Занятие - 370
▪ Хелифор - 331
▪ ▪блс - 28172 (+148)
▪ Рикримные ракеты - 3120 (+35)
▪ Дом/лодки - 28
▪ Подводные лодки - 1
▪ TAVTOPER+Устройство - 39791 (+113)
▪ Спецификация - 3772 (+3)
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डिफेंडर्स रूसी आक्रमणकारियों को खत्म करना जारी रखते हैं: प्रति दिन एक और माइनस 1000
24.02.22 से 08.03.25 तक कुल दुश्मन का मुकाबला नुकसान
▪ डेवेलपमेंट - 883950 (+1000)
▪ टैंक - 10268 (+4)
▪ बख्तरबंद मशीनें - 21346 (+12)
▪आर्ट्सम्स - 24148 (+24)
▪CRSV - 1307 (+1)
▪COS - 1099 (+3)
▪ Learials - 370
▪Heliphors - 331
▪बीएस - 28172 (+148)
▪ क्रिमेट मिसाइलें - 3120 (+35)
▪ Dow/BOATS - 28
▪ पनडुब्बियां - 1
▪ TAVTOPER+डिवाइस - 39791 (+113)
▪ स्पेसिया - 3772 (+3)
Вати हम व्हाट्सएप में हैं | टेलीग्राम | वाइबर
Les défenseurs continuent d'éliminer les envahisseurs russes: un autre moins 1000 par jour
Perte totale de combats ennemis de 24.02.22 à 08.03.25
▪️ DÉVELOPPATION - 883950 (+1000)
▪️La réservoir - 10268 (+4)
▪️ Machines blindées - 21346 (+12)
▪️arSystems - 24148 (+24)
▪️CRSV - 1307 (+1)
▪️COS - 1099 (+3)
▪️Learals - 370
▪️ HELIPHORS - 331
▪️BLS - 28172 (+148)
▪️ Crimate Missiles - 3120 (+35)
▪️Dow / bateaux - 28
▪️ Sous-marins - 1
▪️Tavtoper + Device - 39791 (+113)
▪️ Spécia - 3772 (+3)
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يستمر المدافعون في القضاء على الغزاة الروس: ناقص 1000 في اليوم
إجمالي خسارة القتال العدو من 24.02.22 إلى 08.03.25
mevelopment - 883950 (+1000)
▪ Tank - 10268 (+4)
▪ آلات مدرعة - 21346 (+12)
▪ ️Artsystems - 24148 (+24)
▪ crsv - 1307 (+1)
▪cos - 1099 (+3)
▪ Heliphors - 331
▪bls - 28172 (+148)
▪ الصواريخ - 3120 (+35)
▪ داو/القوارب - 28
الغواصات - 1
▪ Tavtoper+جهاز - 39791 (+113)
specia - 3772 (+3)
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Verteidiger eliminieren weiterhin russische Invasoren: Ein weiterer minus 1000 pro Tag
Totaler feindlicher Kampfverlust von 24.02.22 bis 08.03.25
▪ Fortentwicklung - 883950 (+1000)
▪ Seiten - 10268 (+4)
▪ Seitenmaschinen - 21346 (+12)
▪ Seitensysteme - 24148 (+24)
▪vorsv - 1307 (+1)
▪ Land - 1099 (+3)
▪ Landlern - 370
▪ Landheliphors - 331
▪ Seiten - 28172 (+148)
▪ Land Raketen - 3120 (+35)
▪ Seiten/Boote - 28
▪ U -Boote - 1
▪ Landung+Gerät - 39791 (+113)
▪ Seiten - 3772 (+3)
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I difensori continuano ad eliminare gli invasori russi: un altro meno 1000 al giorno
Perdita totale di combattimento nemico da 24,02,22 a 08,03,25
▪️ Development - 883950 (+1000)
▪️ The Tank - 10268 (+4)
▪️ Macchine corazzate - 21346 (+12)
▪️ArtSystems - 24148 (+24)
▪️CRSV - 1307 (+1)
▪️COS - 1099 (+3)
▪️Leardials - 370
▪️Heliphors - 331
▪️BLS - 28172 (+148)
▪️ Missili crimmarti - 3120 (+35)
▪️Dow/barche - 28
▪️ sottomarini - 1
▪️Tavtoper+dispositivo - 39791 (+113)
▪️ Spetia - 3772 (+3)
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Verdedigers blijven Russische indringers elimineren: nog een min 1000 per dag
Totaal vijandelijk gevechtsverlies van 24.02.22 tot 08.03.25
▪️Development - 883950 (+1000)
▪️De tank - 10268 (+4)
▪️ Armored Machines - 21346 (+12)
▪️artSystems - 24148 (+24)
▪️CRSV - 1307 (+1)
▪️COS - 1099 (+3)
▪️Learials - 370
▪️Helifors - 331
▪️BLS - 28172 (+148)
▪️Crimimate Missiles - 3120 (+35)
▪️Dow/boten - 28
▪️ Submarines - 1
▪️TAVToper+Device - 39791 (+113)
▪️ Specia - 3772 (+3)
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Οι υπερασπιστές συνεχίζουν να εξαλείφουν τους Ρώσους εισβολείς: άλλο μείον 1000 την ημέρα
Συνολική απώλεια μάχης εχθρού από 24,02,22 έως 08,03,25
▪ Κάψιμο - 883950 (+1000)
▪Η δεξαμενή - 10268 (+4)
▪ Βασικά μηχανήματα - 21346 (+12)
▪ ΚάποτεArtSystems - 24148 (+24)
▪ Κάτορσβ - 1307 (+1)
▪ Κάνε - 1099 (+3)
▪ Κάψιμο - 370
▪ Κάψιμο - 331
▪ Κάλε - 28172 (+148)
▪ Κάυκτο πυραύλους - 3120 (+35)
▪ Κάτολ/σκάφη - 28
▪ Κάθια - 1
▪ Κάτοχος συσκευή - 39791 (+113)
▪ Κάτοις - 3772 (+3)
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1/5/2025, 1:47:42 PM
It became known about 5 more victims of the racist attacks in Kherson today
These are 3 men and 2 women. The victims mostly have shrapnel wounds to body parts, contusions and mine-explosive injuries.
Damage to an apartment building and civilian cars was recorded.
Medics are providing them with all necessary assistance, - OVA.
1/5/2025, 3:05:41 PM
Russian troops continue to terrorize civilians in Kherson region
The occupiers once again dropped an explosive device from a drone on a resident of Antonivka. The 58-year-old man was diagnosed with a mine-explosive injury and shrapnel wounds to his legs. The victim was hospitalized for medical assistance.
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1/5/2025, 2:23:38 PM
Threat of use of ballistic weapons in areas where air alert has been declared - Ukrainian Armed Forces
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1/5/2025, 3:15:19 PM
1/5/2025, 3:18:34 PM
Russians attacked Kharkiv with drones
Around 14:45, a Molniya UAV was spotted flying over an open area at the intersection of Saltivskyi and Kyivskyi districts. A private house was damaged as a result of the flyover.
Around 16:00, another Molniya UAV was spotted flying over Kholodnohirskyi district. The hit was found on the roof of an administrative building of one of the enterprises.
No information was received about the injured.
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