

Real time military news

Published date: 3/6/2025, 3:08:42 PM
3/6/2025, 3:08:42 PM
Image 2025-03-06T15:08:42
Lithuania has officially left the International Convention on the ban on cassette ammunition Lithuanian authorities argued that this weapon is used by Russia, so "all possible means" need to be used to restrain the potential aggressor. " Lithuania also considers the exit from the Ottawa Convention on the ban on anti -personnel mines. Decisions will be made within a few months, - reports "Lithuanian National Radio and Television".  Вати We are in WhatsApp | Telegram | Viber
Литва офіційно вийшла з міжнародної конвенції про заборону касетних боєприпасів Влада Литви аргументувала своє рішення тим, що цю зброю використовує росія, тож для «стримування потенційного агресора необхідно використати всі можливі засоби». Також Литва розглядає вихід з Оттавської конвенції про заборону протипіхотних мін. Рішення ухвалять впродовж кількох місяців, - повідомляє "Литовське національне радіо і телебачення".  ✅ Ми у WhatsApp | Telegram | Viber
立陶宛已正式离开《国际禁令大会》磁带弹药大会 立陶宛当局辩称,俄罗斯使用了这种武器,因此“所有可能的方法都需要使用来限制潜在的侵略者”。 立陶宛还考虑了《渥太华公约》关于禁止反某人矿山的退出。决定将在几个月内做出 - 报道“立陶宛国家广播电视”。  我们在WhatsApp |电报| Viber
A Lituânia deixou oficialmente a convenção internacional sobre a proibição de munição de cassete As autoridades lituanas argumentaram que essa arma é usada pela Rússia; portanto, "todos os meios possíveis" precisam ser usados ​​para restringir o potencial agressor. A Lituânia também considera a saída da Convenção de Ottawa sobre a proibição de minas anti -penonel. As decisões serão tomadas dentro de alguns meses - relata "Rádio e televisão nacionais da Lituânia".  Estamos no WhatsApp | Telegrama | Viber
Lituania ha dejado oficialmente la convención internacional sobre la prohibición de las municiones de cassette Las autoridades lituanas argumentaron que esta arma es utilizada por Rusia, por lo que "todos los medios posibles" deben usarse para restringir al agresor potencial. Lituania también considera la salida de la Convención de Ottawa sobre la prohibición de las minas antipersonal. Las decisiones se tomarán dentro de unos pocos meses, informa "Radio y televisión nacional lituana".  Вати estamos en whatsapp | Telegrama | Vibrar
Литва официально покинула Международную конвенцию о запрете на кассетные боеприпасы Литовские власти утверждали, что это оружие используется Россией, поэтому «все возможные средства» необходимо использовать для сдержания потенциального агрессора. Литва также рассматривает выход из Оттавской конвенции о запрете на анти -личностные шахты. Решения будут приняты в течение нескольких месяцев, - сообщает «Литовское национальное радио и телевидение».  ВАТИ мы в WhatsApp | Телеграмма | Viber
लिथुआनिया ने आधिकारिक तौर पर कैसेट गोला बारूद पर प्रतिबंध पर अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन छोड़ दिया है लिथुआनियाई अधिकारियों ने तर्क दिया कि इस हथियार का उपयोग रूस द्वारा किया जाता है, इसलिए "सभी संभव साधन" का उपयोग संभावित आक्रामक को नियंत्रित करने के लिए किया जाना चाहिए। " लिथुआनिया ने ओटावा कन्वेंशन से एंटी -पर्सनल माइन्स पर प्रतिबंध पर बाहर निकलने पर भी विचार किया। कुछ महीनों के भीतर निर्णय किए जाएंगे, - "लिथुआनियाई राष्ट्रीय रेडियो और टेलीविजन" की रिपोर्ट।  Вати हम व्हाट्सएप में हैं | टेलीग्राम | वाइबर
La Lituanie a officiellement quitté la convention internationale sur l'interdiction des munitions de cassette Les autorités lituaniennes ont fait valoir que cette arme est utilisée par la Russie, donc "tous les moyens possibles" doivent être utilisés pour retenir l'agresseur potentiel. La Lituanie considère également la sortie de la Convention d'Ottawa sur l'interdiction des mines anti-Personnel. Des décisions seront prises dans quelques mois, - rapporte "la radio et la télévision nationaux lituaniens".  Вати nous sommes dans WhatsApp | Télégramme | Vibre
تركت ليتوانيا رسميًا المؤتمر الدولي حول الحظر المفروض على ذخيرة الكاسيت جادلت السلطات الليتوانية بأن هذا السلاح يستخدمه روسيا ، لذلك "يجب استخدام كل الوسائل الممكنة" لتكبح المعتدي المحتمل. " تعتبر ليتوانيا أيضًا الخروج من اتفاقية أوتاوا بشأن الحظر المفروض على مناجم مضادة للمنتجات. سيتم اتخاذ القرارات في غضون بضعة أشهر ، - تقارير "الراديو والتلفزيون الوطني الليتواني".  ваи نحن في whatsapp | Telegram | Viber
Litauen hat den internationalen Kongress über das Verbot der Kassettenmunition offiziell verlassen Die litauischen Behörden argumentierten, dass diese Waffe von Russland verwendet wird, so dass "alles möglich ist," die potenziellen Angreifer einzuschränken ". Litauen betrachtet auch den Ausgang des Ottawa -Konvents zum Verbot von Anti -Persönlichkeitsminen. Entscheidungen werden innerhalb weniger Monate getroffen, berichtet "Litauisch -nationales Radio und Fernsehen".  Wir sind in WhatsApp | Telegramm | Viber
La Lituania ha lasciato ufficialmente la Convenzione internazionale sul divieto di munizioni di cassetta Le autorità lituane hanno sostenuto che quest'arma è usata dalla Russia, quindi "tutto il possibile" deve essere utilizzato per trattenere il potenziale aggressore. La Lituania considera anche l'uscita dalla Convenzione di Ottawa sul divieto di miniere anti -personnel. Le decisioni saranno prese entro pochi mesi, - Rapporti "radio e televisione nazionali lituane".  Вати siamo in whatsapp | Telegramma | Viber
リトアニアは、カセット弾薬の禁止に関する国際条約を正式に辞任しました リトアニア当局は、この武器はロシアによって使用されていると主張したため、「すべての可能な手段」を潜在的な侵略者を抑制する必要がある」と主張した。 リトアニアはまた、対人鉱山の禁止に関するオタワ条約からの出口を考慮しています。決定は数か月以内に行われます - 「リトアニアの国立ラジオとテレビ」を報告します。  ВатиWhatsAppにいます|電報| Viber
Litouwen heeft officieel het internationale conventie over het verbod op cassette -munitie verlaten Litouwse autoriteiten voerden aan dat dit wapen wordt gebruikt door Rusland, dus "alle mogelijke middelen" moeten worden gebruikt om de potentiële agressor te bedwingen. Litouwen beschouwt ook de uitgang van het Ottawa -verdrag inzake het verbod op anti -personenmijnen. Beslissingen zullen binnen enkele maanden worden genomen, - meldt "Litouwse nationale radio en televisie".  Вати We zijn in WhatsApp | Telegram | Viber
Η Λιθουανία εγκατέλειψε επισήμως τη Διεθνή Σύμβαση για την απαγόρευση των πυρομαχικών κασέτας Οι αρχές της Λιθουανίας ισχυρίστηκαν ότι αυτό το όπλο χρησιμοποιείται από τη Ρωσία, οπότε "όλα τα δυνατά μέσα" πρέπει να χρησιμοποιηθούν για να περιορίσουν τον πιθανό επιτιθέμενο. Η Λιθουανία θεωρεί επίσης την έξοδο από τη Σύμβαση της Οτάβα για την απαγόρευση των ορυχείων κατά του πακέτου. Οι αποφάσεις θα ληφθούν μέσα σε λίγους μήνες, - αναφέρει το "Λιθουανικό Εθνικό Ραδιόφωνο και Τηλεόραση".  В ation We Are To Whatsapp | Τηλεγράφημα | Ατενίζω

1/25/2025, 9:27:15 AM
Over the past 24 hours, 211 clashes were recorded on the front ▪️In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy tried to break through the defensive lines of our defenders 2 times near Vovchansk. ▪️In the Kupyansk direction, yesterday, 14 attacks by the invaders took place near Pishchany, Dvorichny, Hlushkivka, Novaya Kruglyakivka, Zeleny Gay and Zagryzove. ▪️In the Lymansk direction, the enemy attacked 16 times near the settlements of Novoyehorivka, Novolubivka, Kopanky, Zelena Dolyna and Torske. ▪️In the Kramatorsk direction, the invaders attacked 43 times in the areas of Chasovy Yar, Orikhovo-Vasylivka, Stupochok, Vasyukivka, Novomarkovo and Bila Hora. ▪️In the Toretsk direction, the enemy carried out 20 attacks in the areas of Toretsk, Krymske, Diliivka, Leonidivka and Shcherbynivka. ▪️In the Pokrovsky direction, our defenders stopped 88 assault actions of the aggressor towards the settlements of Vodyane Druge, Baranivka, Myrolyubivka, Myrnograd, Shevchenko, Yelizavetivka, Promin, Lysivka, Zelene, Pokrovsk, Novoukrainka, Udachne, Kotlyne, Novoelizavetivka, Uspenivka, Sribne, Andriivka, Dachne, Ulakly and Yantarne. ▪️In the Novopavlivka direction, the enemy carried out 3 attacks in the direction of Konstantinopol during the past day. ▪️In the Orikhivka direction, the occupation troops stormed the positions of the Defense Forces in the areas of Malaya Tokmachka and Novodanylivka 4 times. ▪️In the Prydniprovskie direction, the Defense Forces successfully repelled 3 offensive actions of the enemy. ▪️In the Kursk region, Ukrainian defenders repelled 14 assault actions of the invaders. ✅ We are on WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
1/25/2025, 9:33:13 AM
Image 2025-01-25T09:33:13
US Senate confirms Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense Military veteran and former Fox News anchor Hegseth has vowed to bring his "warrior" spirit to the Pentagon. Speaking about the war in Ukraine, Hegseth assured that the US wants maximum benefit for the Ukrainians, "but the conflict must be ended." Reference: Hegseth was an infantryman in combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. He worked as a Fox News anchor for 8 years. He was also an unofficial advisor to Trump. This is the third Trump nominee to be confirmed for the position. In the first weeks of the full-scale invasion, he called Putin a war criminal and called for increased aid to Ukraine. ✅ We are on WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
1/25/2025, 9:49:04 AM
Ukraine under shelling - situation in the regions over the past 24 hours 📍Kyiv region In the city of Vyshneve, the balconies of a residential building from the 5th to the 9th floors were destroyed. No casualties were reported. Also, as a result of the attack, a production building in the Fastiv district caught fire. 📍Cherkash region At night, the enemy attacked the region with drones. Critical infrastructure was under the sights. Some subscribers were de-energized, in particular, in the regional center. The blast wave, in particular, damaged the residential infrastructure in the regional center: a high-rise building and several private houses. According to preliminary data, half a hundred windows were knocked out. 📍Khmelnytsky region As a result of the night attack, the premises of a workshop of one of the enterprises were damaged and the windows of a residential building were broken out. No casualties. 📍Mykolaiv region Yesterday, January 24, at 15:15 and 16:09, the enemy struck the Kutsurubska community with FPV drones. There were no casualties. At night, January 25, at 01:59, the waters of the Ochakivska community were under mortar fire. There were no casualties. 📍Dnipropetrovsk region In the evening and at night, the Russian army struck the Nikopol region. The enemy shelled Nikopol, Myrivska and Chervonogryhorivska communities with heavy artillery. It fired almost a dozen and a half shells. Infrastructure and power lines were damaged. In Nikopol, two people were injured, several high-rise buildings, a private house, and a car were damaged. 📍Kherson region During the day, the Russian military struck critical infrastructure; residential areas of the region's settlements, in particular, they damaged 9 private houses. The occupiers also damaged a cell tower, a garage, and private cars. 5 people were injured due to Russian aggression. 📍Zaporizhzhia During the day, the occupiers launched 191 strikes on 13 settlements in the region. 110 reports of damage to residential buildings, infrastructure, and cars were received. No civilians were injured. 📍Kharkiv region In the village of Sheludkivka, 4 private houses were damaged due to falling debris from a downed Shahed UAV. In the village of Ternova, a greenhouse was damaged due to falling debris from a Shahed UAV. 📍Sum region At night, the enemy launched KAB-type aerial bombs into the territory of the Khotyn community. 4 explosions were recorded. 📍Donetsk region On January 24, the Russians wounded 1 resident of the Donetsk region - in Pokrovsk. ✅ We are on WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
1/25/2025, 11:14:14 AM
In the Kyiv region, it became known about the injury of a 5-year-old child due to a Russian attack She was hospitalized without life-threatening injuries, the National Police reported.
1/25/2025, 12:19:01 PM
occupiers hit Kharkiv with drones The head of the MVA writes that in some areas of the city there may be problems with electricity and water supply. The correspondent of Suspilny reports that the UAV hit the administrative building. A strike, previously carried out by a Molniya drone, was also recorded in the Shevchenkivskyi district. It is known about injured people and damaged cars. There is a fire at the place of arrival, - the mayor of the city, Ihor Terekhov.