In March, Ukraine will receive 3.5 billion euros from the EU - von der Liaen
She said this in a statement at the International Summit of Support of Ukraine in Kiev, writes "European Truth". The head of the EC stressed that not only the fate of Ukraine, but the fate of Europe, so the priority of Europeans remains to intensify Ukraine's resistance.
"Today, our Union and Member States have supported Ukraine worth 134 billion euros. This is more than anyone else," von Der Lyen stated.
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У березні Україна отримає від ЄС 3,5 млрд євро, – фон дер Ляєн
Про це вона сказала у заяві на Міжнародному саміті підтримки України в Києві, пише "Європейська правда". Глава ЄК підкреслила, що на кону не лише доля України, а доля Європи, тому першочерговим завданням європейців залишається посилення опору України.
"На сьогодні наш Союз і держави-члени підтримали Україну на суму 134 мільярди євро. Це більше, ніж будь-хто інший", – констатувала фон дер Ляєн.
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“欧洲真相”写道,她在基辅乌克兰国际支持的国际支持峰会上说,这在一份声明中说。 EC的负责人强调,不仅是乌克兰的命运,而且是欧洲的命运,因此欧洲人的优先事项仍在加剧乌克兰的抵抗。
冯·德莱恩(Von der Lyen)说:“今天,我们的工会和成员国已经支持价值1340亿欧元的乌克兰。这比其他任何人都多。”
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Em março, a Ucrânia receberá 3,5 bilhões de euros da UE - von der Liaen
Ela disse isso em comunicado na cúpula internacional de apoio à Ucrânia em Kiev, escreve "verdade européia". O chefe da CE enfatizou que não apenas o destino da Ucrânia, mas o destino da Europa, portanto a prioridade dos europeus continua a intensificar a resistência da Ucrânia.
"Hoje, nossos estados sindicais e membros apoiaram a Ucrânia no valor de 134 bilhões de euros. Isso é mais do que qualquer outra pessoa", afirmou von der Lyen.
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En marzo, Ucrania recibirá 3.500 millones de euros de la UE - von der Liaen
Ella dijo esto en un comunicado en la Cumbre Internacional de Apoyo de Ucrania en Kiev, escribe "verdad europea". El jefe de la CE enfatizó que no solo el destino de Ucrania, sino el destino de Europa, por lo que la prioridad de los europeos sigue siendo intensificar la resistencia de Ucrania.
"Hoy, nuestro sindicato y los Estados miembros han apoyado a Ucrania por valor de 134 mil millones de euros. Esto es más que nadie", declaró von der Lyen.
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В марте Украина получит 3,5 миллиарда евро от ЕС - фон дер Линьена
Она сказала это в заявлении на Международном саммите поддержки Украины в Киеве, пишет «Европейская правда». Глава ЕС подчеркнул, что не только судьба Украины, но и судьба Европы, поэтому приоритет европейцев остается усилить сопротивление Украины.
«Сегодня наши профсоюзы и государства -члены поддерживают Украину на сумму 134 миллиарда евро. Это больше, чем кто -либо другой», - заявил фон дер Лиен.
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मार्च में, यूक्रेन को यूरोपीय संघ से 3.5 बिलियन यूरो प्राप्त होगा - वॉन डेर लियान
उन्होंने कहा कि कीव में यूक्रेन के समर्थन के अंतर्राष्ट्रीय शिखर सम्मेलन में एक बयान में, "यूरोपीय सत्य" लिखते हैं। ईसी के प्रमुख ने जोर देकर कहा कि न केवल यूक्रेन का भाग्य, बल्कि यूरोप का भाग्य, इसलिए यूरोपीय लोगों की प्राथमिकता यूक्रेन के प्रतिरोध को तेज करने के लिए बनी हुई है।
"आज, हमारे संघ और सदस्य राज्यों ने यूक्रेन का समर्थन किया है, जो 134 बिलियन यूरो की कीमत है। यह किसी और से अधिक है," वॉन डेर लियेन ने कहा।
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En mars, l'Ukraine recevra 3,5 milliards d'euros de l'UE - von der Liaen
Elle a dit cela dans un communiqué au Sommet international de soutien de l'Ukraine à Kiev, écrit "la vérité européenne". Le chef de la CE a souligné que non seulement le sort de l'Ukraine, mais le sort de l'Europe, donc la priorité des Européens reste d'intensifier la résistance de l'Ukraine.
"Aujourd'hui, notre syndicat et nos États membres ont soutenu l'Ukraine d'une valeur de 134 milliards d'euros. C'est plus que quiconque", a déclaré Von Der Lyen.
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في مارس ، ستتلقى أوكرانيا 3.5 مليار يورو من الاتحاد الأوروبي - فون دير لياين
وقالت هذا في بيان في القمة الدولية لدعم أوكرانيا في كييف ، كتب "الحقيقة الأوروبية". أكد رئيس المفوضية الأوروبية على أنه ليس فقط مصير أوكرانيا ، ولكن مصير أوروبا ، وبالتالي فإن أولوية الأوروبيين لا تزال تكثف مقاومة أوكرانيا.
"اليوم ، دعمت اتحادنا والدول الأعضاء أوكرانيا بقيمة 134 مليار يورو. هذا أكثر من أي شخص آخر" ، صرح فون دير لين.
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Im März erhält die Ukraine 3,5 Milliarden Euro von der EU - von der Liaen
Sie sagte dies in einer Erklärung auf dem Internationalen Gipfel der Unterstützung der Ukraine in Kiew, schreibt "Europäische Wahrheit". Der Leiter der EG betonte, dass nicht nur das Schicksal der Ukraine, sondern auch das Schicksal Europas, so dass die Priorität der Europäer bleibt, den Widerstand der Ukraine zu intensivieren.
"Heute haben unsere Gewerkschaft und die Mitgliedstaaten die Ukraine im Wert von 134 Milliarden Euro unterstützt. Dies ist mehr als jeder andere", erklärte von der Lyen.
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A marzo, l'Ucraina riceverà 3,5 miliardi di euro dall'UE - von der Liaen
Lo ha detto in una dichiarazione al vertice internazionale di sostegno dell'Ucraina a Kiev, scrive "European Truth". Il capo della CE ha sottolineato che non solo il destino dell'Ucraina, ma il destino d'Europa, quindi la priorità degli europei rimane a intensificare la resistenza dell'Ucraina.
"Oggi, il nostro sindacato e gli Stati membri hanno sostenuto l'Ucraina per un valore di 134 miliardi di euro. Questo è più di chiunque altro", ha affermato Von Der Lyen.
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3月、ウクライナはEUから35億ユーロを受け取ります-Von der Liaen
彼女はこれを、キエフのウクライナの支援の国際頂上での声明で、「ヨーロッパの真実」を書いていると述べた。 ECの長は、ウクライナの運命だけでなく、ヨーロッパの運命だけでなく、ヨーロッパ人の優先事項がウクライナの抵抗を強化するために残っていると強調しました。
「今日、私たちの組合と加盟国は1,340億ユーロ相当のウクライナを支援しています。これは他の誰よりも多くです」とVon Der Lyen氏は述べています。
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In maart ontvangt Oekraïne 3,5 miljard euro van de EU - von der Liaen
Ze zei dit in een verklaring op de internationale top van de steun van Oekraïne in Kiev, schrijft "Europese waarheid". Het hoofd van de EC benadrukte dat niet alleen het lot van Oekraïne, maar ook het lot van Europa, dus de prioriteit van Europeanen blijft het verzet van Oekraïne intensiveren.
"Vandaag hebben onze vakbond en lidstaten Oekraïne gesteund ter waarde van 134 miljard euro. Dit is meer dan wie dan ook," verklaarde von der Lyen.
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Τον Μάρτιο, η Ουκρανία θα λάβει 3,5 δισεκατομμύρια ευρώ από την ΕΕ - von der Liaen
Είπε αυτό σε δήλωση στη Διεθνή Σύνοδο Κορυφής της Υποστήριξης της Ουκρανίας στο Κίεβο, γράφει "Ευρωπαϊκή αλήθεια". Ο επικεφαλής της ΕΚ τόνισε ότι όχι μόνο η μοίρα της Ουκρανίας, αλλά η μοίρα της Ευρώπης, οπότε η προτεραιότητα των Ευρωπαίων παραμένει να εντείνει την αντίσταση της Ουκρανίας.
"Σήμερα, τα κράτη της ένωσης και των μελών μας υποστήριξαν την Ουκρανία αξίας 134 δισεκατομμυρίων ευρώ. Αυτό είναι κάτι περισσότερο από οποιονδήποτε άλλον", δήλωσε ο von der Lyen.
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12/26/2024, 2:49:18 PM
Situation on the front as of 16:00
Since the beginning of the day, the total number of combat clashes along the entire front line has increased to 114.
▪️In the Kharkiv direction, 2 combat clashes took place in the areas of Vovchansk and Starytsia.
▪️6 assault actions of the invaders were repelled by our soldiers near Zapadne, Lozova and Kruglyakivka in the Kupyansk direction, 2 combat clashes are still ongoing.
▪️In the Lymansk direction, the enemy is attacking in the areas of Kopanki, Cherneshchyna, Novosergiivka, Platonovka, Zeleny Gay, Druzhelyubivka, Makiivka, Terni, Zarichny, Torsky, Serebryansky forest and Hryhorivka. In total, since the beginning of the day, 18 combat clashes have already been recorded in this direction, 4 of which are still ongoing.
▪️In the Siversky direction, the invaders attacked 3 times in the area of Bilogorivka, our defenders successfully repelled all attacks.
▪️In the Toretsk direction, the enemy attacked 8 times near Diliivka and Toretsk, 2 clashes are still ongoing.
▪️In the Pokrovsky direction, in the areas of Vozdvizhenka, Myrolyubivka, Promyen, Lysivka, Zeleny, Dachensky, Novy Trud, Pishchany, Pokrovsk, Novoolenivka, Shevchenko and Novotroitsky - the enemy carried out 26 attacks, 21 of which have already been repelled.
▪️In the Kurakhiv direction, 17 clashes are ongoing in the areas of the settlements of Petropavlivka, Slovianka and Kurakhovo. 11 enemy assaults have already been repelled.
▪️In the areas of the settlements of Yantarne, Vremivka, Kostiantynopol, Novyi Komar, Kostiantynopolske in the Vremiv direction, 12 enemy attacks were repelled, 6 clashes are ongoing.
▪️In the Orikhiv direction, in the area of the settlement of Novoandreyevka, the invaders carried out 1 futile attack.
▪️In the Prydniprovske direction, our defenders repelled 1 enemy attack.
▪️10 clashes took place in the Kursk direction, the enemy dropped 9 guided aerial bombs on the areas of settlements and positions of our defenders, and launched 201 artillery shells, including 13 from multiple launch rocket systems, - the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
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12/26/2024, 2:58:34 PM
Russian 'shadow' fleet tanker may have damaged cable between Finland and Estonia - Financial Times
The Eagle S was stopped by Finnish authorities after the Estlink 2 undersea power cable in the Gulf of Finland was disconnected on Wednesday.
The tanker, which is registered in the Cook Islands and is transporting oil from Russia to Egypt according to ship tracking data, was seen near the cable at the time of the incident. It is currently being investigated whether it cut three communication cables in the Gulf of Finland.
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12/26/2024, 3:13:05 PM
Thailand accepts Russia's invitation to become a BRICS partner country
The country's Foreign Ministry says that BRICS membership will help Thailand increase trade, investment, food and energy security, and will also help strengthen Thailand's role in promoting international cooperation and multilateralism.
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12/26/2024, 3:24:57 PM
Platoon Commander of the 211th Pontoon-Bridge Brigade Declared Wanted
Under the procedural guidance of specialized defense prosecutors, the commander of one of the platoons of the pontoon-bridge battalion of the 211th Pontoon-Bridge Brigade was notified of suspicion of abuse of authority by a military official, unauthorized departure from a military unit, and desertion.
According to the investigation, from February to May 2024, while in the mission area in Eastern Ukraine, the suspect repeatedly used violence against servicemen.
In February 2024, while in the Dnipropetrovsk region, he beat a soldier for being intoxicated. Later, while in the Donetsk region, the suspect beat this soldier again. He ordered his subordinates to tie him to a wooden structure. The suspect also beat another soldier over a dispute over the publication of a video on the Internet about inadequate living conditions. In addition, in May, while in the Kharkiv region, he beat a subordinate for allegedly inappropriate treatment of him.
Due to the fact that the suspect is hiding from the investigation, he has been put on the wanted list, - the Prosecutor General's Office.
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1/23/2025, 5:29:52 PM
In Zaporizhia, a regional museum of local lore was damaged by a Russian missile attack
According to the director of the institution, all exhibits remained intact, there were no injuries. However, windows were broken in the building - both in the main hall and in the storage rooms.
The exhibits were secured using protective packaging and special protective cabinets in which the items were stored in the collections.
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