The conference started a short time ago ... The authority prevents 35 members of the Palestinian National Congress from traveling to Doha to participate in the conference .. Here is what private sources revealed to "Quds Network" about this step.
the details:
المؤتمر انطلق قبل قليل... السلطة تمنع 35 عضواً من أعضاء المؤتمر الوطني الفلسطيني من السفر إلى الدوحة للمشاركة بالمؤتمر.. إليكم ما كشفته مصادر خاصة لـ"شبكة قدس" حول هذا الخطوة
A conferência começou há pouco tempo ... A autoridade impede que 35 membros do Congresso Nacional Palestino viajem para Doha para participar da conferência. Aqui está o que as fontes privadas revelaram à "Rede Quds" sobre esta etapa.
Os detalhes:
La conferencia comenzó hace poco tiempo ... la autoridad evita que 35 miembros del Congreso Nacional Palestino viajen a Doha para participar en la conferencia. Esto es lo que las fuentes privadas revelaron a la "red QUDS" sobre este paso.
los detalles:
Конференция началась немного времени назад ... Управление предотвращает 35 членов Палестинского национального конгресса от поездки в Доха для участия в конференции. Вот какие частные источники раскрыли «Сеть QUDS» об этом шаге.
सम्मेलन कुछ समय पहले शुरू हुआ था ... प्राधिकरण फिलिस्तीनी राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेस के 35 सदस्यों को सम्मेलन में भाग लेने के लिए दोहा की यात्रा करने से रोकता है .. यहाँ निजी स्रोतों ने इस कदम के बारे में "Quds नेटवर्क" के लिए क्या खुलासा किया।
La conférence a commencé il y a peu de temps ... l'autorité empêche 35 membres du Congrès national palestinien de se rendre à Doha pour participer à la conférence. Voici ce que les sources privées ont révélé à "Quds Network" à propos de cette étape.
Les détails:
المؤتمر انطلق قبل قليل... السلطة تمنع 35 عضواً من أعضاء المؤتمر الوطني الفلسطيني من السفر إلى الدوحة للمشاركة بالمؤتمر.. إليكم ما كشفته مصادر خاصة لـ"شبكة قدس" حول هذا الخطوة
Die Konferenz begann vor kurzem ... Die Behörde verhindert, dass 35 Mitglieder des palästinensischen Nationalkongresses nach Doha reisen, um an der Konferenz teilzunehmen. Hier ist, was private Quellen dem "Quds Network" zu diesem Schritt enthüllt.
die Details:
La conferenza è iniziata poco tempo fa ... L'autorità impedisce a 35 membri del Congresso nazionale palestinese di viaggiare a Doha per partecipare alla conferenza. Ecco cosa hanno rivelato fonti private a "Quds Network" su questo passaggio.
I dettagli:
De conferentie begon kort geleden ... De autoriteit voorkomt 35 leden van het Palestijnse nationale congres om naar Doha te reizen om deel te nemen aan de conferentie .. Dit is wat privébronnen hebben onthuld aan "Qudds Network" over deze stap.
De details:
Το συνέδριο ξεκίνησε πριν από λίγο καιρό ... Η αρχή εμποδίζει τα 35 μέλη του Παλαιστινιακού Εθνικού Κογκρέσου να ταξιδέψουν στη Ντόχα για να συμμετάσχουν στο συνέδριο .. Εδώ αποκαλύπτονται οι ιδιωτικές πηγές στο "δίκτυο QUDS" για αυτό το βήμα.
τις λεπτομέρειες:
12/28/2024, 5:28:28 AM
News brief from Quds Network:
- A new night of Yemeni strikes on occupation targets and sirens sounded in large areas of occupied Palestine
- Tents of displaced people flooded in areas of the Gaza Strip after seawater entered them due to the stormy and very cold weather
- Martyrs and wounded after bombing a house in Al-Maghazi camp
- The occupation launches two raids on Al-Nuseirat camp and Al-Masdar town in the middle of the Strip
- Occupation boats and artillery target the west of Rafah city
- Occupation artillery shelled the east of Khan Yunis governorate
- Occupation vehicles open fire towards the southern areas of Al-Zeitoun neighborhood
- Resistance fighters clashed with occupation forces around Tulkarm camp and targeted them with explosive devices
- Resistance fighters damaged an occupation army vehicle after targeting it with an explosive device in Qaffin, north of Tulkarm
- Occupation forces launched a campaign of arrests and raids in Jalazone camp, north of Ramallah
- Occupation forces arrested Islam Ghanem and Karim Al-Zeitawi during the storming of Tulkarm
- Clashes between resistance groups renewed The authority's security forces in the vicinity of Jenin camp after midnight last night
12/28/2024, 5:41:16 AM
Urgent | Two martyrs and one wounded as the occupation forces bombed a group of Palestinians on Sarari Street in Jabalia al-Balad, north of the Gaza Strip.
12/28/2024, 5:48:51 AM
The "Presidential Guard" announces the killing of Major Hussein Ahmed Nassar from Yatta, during the PA's security operation in Jenin.
12/28/2024, 5:57:47 AM
Urgent | Iranian General Staff: Our forces are ready with all their capabilities to respond decisively to any threat or aggression.
12/28/2024, 6:04:43 AM
Urgent | The occupation artillery shells the town of Abasan al-Kabira, east of Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip.