Britain at Ramstein announced a new military aid package for Ukraine
London will allocate a package of 150 million pounds sterling (approximately 187.5 million dollars).
The package will include:
▪️surface-to-air and air-to-air missiles.
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Британія на "Рамштайні" оголосила новий пакет військової допомоги для України
Лондон виділить пакет на 150 млн фунтів стерлінгів (приблизно 187,5 млн доларів).
Пакет включатиме:
▪️артилерійські засоби
▪️ракети "земля-повітря" і "повітря-повітря".
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Grã-Bretanha anunciou um novo pacote de ajuda militar para a Ucrânia em Ramstein
Londres alocará um pacote de 150 milhões de libras (aproximadamente US$ 187,5 milhões).
O pacote incluirá:
▪️armas de artilharia
▪️mísseis terra-ar e ar-ar.
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Gran Bretaña anunció en Ramstein un nuevo paquete de ayuda militar para Ucrania
Londres destinará un paquete de 150 millones de libras (unos 187,5 millones de dólares).
El paquete incluirá:
▪️armas de artillería
▪️misiles tierra-aire y aire-aire.
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Британия на "Рамштайне" объявила новый пакет военной помощи для Украины
Лондон выделит пакет на 150 млн фунтов стерлингов (примерно 187,5 млн долларов).
Пакет будет включать:
▪️артиллерийские средства
▪️ракеты "земля-воздух" и "воздух-воздух".
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ब्रिटेन ने रामस्टीन में यूक्रेन के लिए सैन्य सहायता के नए पैकेज की घोषणा की
लंदन 150 मिलियन पाउंड (लगभग 187.5 मिलियन डॉलर) का पैकेज आवंटित करेगा।
पैकेज में निम्नलिखित शामिल होंगे:
▪️तोपखाने के हथियार
▪️सतह से हवा और हवा से हवा में मार करने वाली मिसाइलें।
✅ हम व्हाट्सएप पर हैं | वाइबर | टेलीग्राम
La Grande-Bretagne a annoncé un nouveau programme d'aide militaire à l'Ukraine à Ramstein
Londres va allouer une enveloppe de 150 millions de livres (environ 187,5 millions de dollars).
Le forfait comprendra :
▪️armes d'artillerie
▪️missiles sol-air et air-air.
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أعلنت بريطانيا عن حزمة جديدة من المساعدات العسكرية لأوكرانيا في رامشتاين
وستخصص لندن حزمة مساعدات بقيمة 150 مليون جنيه إسترليني (حوالي 187.5 مليون دولار).
ستتضمن الحزمة:
▪️أسلحة مدفعية
▪️صواريخ أرض-جو وصواريخ جو-جو.
✅ نحن على الواتساب | فايبر | برقية
Großbritannien kündigte in Ramstein ein neues Militärhilfepaket für die Ukraine an
London wird ein Paket im Wert von 150 Millionen Pfund (ungefähr 187,5 Millionen Dollar) bereitstellen.
Das Paket beinhaltet:
▪️Boden-Luft- und Luft-Luft-Raketen.
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La Gran Bretagna ha annunciato un nuovo pacchetto di aiuti militari per l'Ucraina a Ramstein
Londra stanzierà un pacchetto di 150 milioni di sterline (circa 187,5 milioni di dollari).
Il pacchetto includerà:
▪️carri armati
▪️armi di artiglieria
▪️missili terra-aria e aria-aria.
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Groot-Brittannië kondigde in Ramstein een nieuw pakket militaire hulp aan Oekraïne aan
Londen zal een pakket van 150 miljoen pond (ongeveer 187,5 miljoen dollar) toewijzen.
Het pakket bevat:
▪️grond-lucht- en lucht-luchtraketten.
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Η Βρετανία ανακοίνωσε νέο πακέτο στρατιωτικής βοήθειας για την Ουκρανία στο Ramstein
Το Λονδίνο θα διαθέσει ένα πακέτο 150 εκατομμυρίων λιρών (περίπου 187,5 εκατομμύρια δολάρια).
Το πακέτο θα περιλαμβάνει:
▪️όπλα πυροβολικού
▪️Πύραυλοι επιφανείας-αέρος και αέρος-αέρος.
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12/17/2024, 6:09:02 AM
Already over 765 thousand liquidated soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Loss of the Russian Army in Ukraine from 24.02.22 to 17.12.24:
▪️personnel - 765110 (+1600)
▪️tanks - 9567 (+4)
▪️armored vehicles - 19751 (+15)
▪️artillery systems - 21159 (+8)
▪️MLRS - 1256
▪️air defense systems - 1025
▪️aircraft - 369
▪️helicopters - 329
▪️UAVs - 20406 (+34)
▪️cruise missiles - 2943
▪️ships/boats - 28
▪️submarines - 1
▪️vehicles + tankers - 31550 (+70)
▪️network equipment - 3650
12/17/2024, 6:48:07 AM
Russian general killed in Moscow
Russian media reports that Igor Kirillov, the head of the Russian Army's Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops, and his assistant were killed. The Russian Investigative Committee officially confirmed their deaths, claiming that the cause was the remote detonation of an explosive device attached to a scooter that was allegedly parked near the entrance.
Yesterday, Kirillov was reported in absentia by the SBU on suspicion of mass use of banned chemical weapons by the Russians against the Armed Forces of Ukraine - on his orders, since the start of the full-scale war, there have been 4,800 cases of chemical weapons being used by the enemy.
Be careful, the photo contains sensitive content!
12/17/2024, 6:57:29 AM
Racists are trying to hide losses among North Korean soldiers, - President of Ukraine
There were attempts to keep the presence of North Korean soldiers a secret. While they were being trained, they were even forbidden to show their faces. The Russian military tried to delete any video evidence of their presence.
And now, after the battles with our guys, the Russians are also trying to... literally burn the faces of the killed North Korean soldiers.
There is no reason for Koreans to fight and die for Putin. And even after their death, only mockery awaits them from Russia," - Volodymyr Zelensky.
Be careful, the video contains sensitive content!
12/17/2024, 7:04:59 AM
Launches of guided aerial bombs by tactical aviation in Sumy region, - PS
12/17/2024, 7:44:27 AM
Currently, the air alert is ongoing in several regions
❗️The course of enemy drones from the air force:
▪️UAVs in the south of Kyiv region, course - west;
▪️UAVs in the north of Kyiv region, course - east;
▪️UAVs in the east of Kirovohrad region, course - northeast.
▪️UAVs in Poltava region, course - west.