

Real time military news

Published date: 12/17/2024, 7:44:27 AM
12/17/2024, 7:44:27 AM
Currently, the air alert is ongoing in several regions ❗️The course of enemy drones from the air force: ▪️UAVs in the south of Kyiv region, course - west; ▪️UAVs in the north of Kyiv region, course - east; ▪️UAVs in the east of Kirovohrad region, course - northeast. ▪️UAVs in Poltava region, course - west.
Наразі повітряна тривога триває в декількох областях ❗️Курс руху ворожих дронів від ПС: ▪️БпЛА на півдні Київщини, курс - західний; ▪️БпЛА на півночі Київщини, курс - східний; ▪️БпЛА на сході Кіровоградщини, курс - північно східний. ▪️БпЛА на Полтавщині, курс - західний.
目前,多个地区的空中警报仍在继续 ❗️PS中敌方无人机的移动路线: ▪️BpLA位于基辅地区南部,路线-西; ▪️BpLA位于基辅地区北部,航线-东; ▪️BpLA 位于基洛沃拉德州东部,向东北方向移动。 ▪️波尔塔瓦州的BpLA,路线-西部。
Atualmente, o alerta aéreo continua em diversas áreas ❗️O curso da movimentação dos drones inimigos do PS: ▪️BpLA no sul da região de Kyiv, curso - oeste; ▪️BpLA no norte da região de Kyiv, claro - leste; ▪️BpLA no leste do Oblast de Kirovohrad, em direção ao nordeste. ▪️BpLA no Oblast de Poltava, claro - oeste.
Actualmente, la alerta aérea continúa en varias zonas ❗️El curso del movimiento de los drones enemigos desde el PS: ▪️BpLA en el sur de la región de Kyiv, rumbo al oeste; ▪️BpLA en el norte de la región de Kyiv, rumbo al este; ▪️BpLA en el este de la provincia de Kirovohrad, en dirección noreste. ▪️BpLA en la región de Poltava, rumbo - occidental.
В настоящее время воздушная тревога продолжается в нескольких областях ❗️Курс движения вражеских дронов от ПС: ▪️БпЛА на юге Киевщины, курс – западный; ▪️БпЛА на севере Киевщины, курс – восточный; ▪️БпЛА на востоке Кировоградщины, курс – северо-восточный. ▪️БпЛА в Полтавской области, курс - западный.
फिलहाल कई इलाकों में हवाई अलर्ट जारी है ❗️पीएस से दुश्मन के ड्रोन की आवाजाही का तरीका: ▪️बीपीएलए कीव क्षेत्र के दक्षिण में, पाठ्यक्रम - पश्चिम; ▪️बीपीएलए कीव क्षेत्र के उत्तर में, पाठ्यक्रम - पूर्व; ▪️बीपीएलए किरोवोग्राड ओब्लास्ट के पूर्व में, उत्तर-पूर्व की ओर बढ़ रहा है। ▪️पोल्टावा ओब्लास्ट में बीपीएलए, पाठ्यक्रम - पश्चिमी।
Actuellement, l'alerte aérienne se poursuit dans plusieurs zones ❗️Le déroulement des déplacements des drones ennemis depuis le PS : ▪️BpLA au sud de la région de Kyiv, cours - ouest ; ▪️BpLA au nord de la région de Kyiv, cours - est ; ▪️BpLA à l'est de l'oblast de Kirovohrad, en direction du nord-est. ▪️BpLA dans la région de Poltava, cours - ouest.
وحاليا، يستمر التنبيه الجوي في عدة مناطق ❗️مسار حركة طائرات العدو بدون طيار من PS: ▪️BpLA في جنوب منطقة كييف بالطبع - الغرب؛ ▪️BpLA في شمال منطقة كييف، بالطبع - الشرق؛ ▪️BpLA في شرق منطقة كيروفوهراد، باتجاه الشمال الشرقي. ▪️BpLA في بولتافا أوبلاست، الدورة - الغربية.
Derzeit besteht in mehreren Gebieten weiterhin Luftalarm ❗️Der Bewegungsverlauf feindlicher Drohnen aus der PS: ▪️BpLA im Süden der Region Kiew, Verlauf – Westen; ▪️BpLA im Norden der Region Kiew, Kurs – Osten; ▪️BpLA im Osten der Oblast Kirowohrad, Richtung Nordosten. ▪️BpLA im Oblast Poltawa, Kurs – westlich.
Attualmente è in corso l'allerta aerea in diverse zone ❗️Il percorso dei movimenti dei droni nemici dell'aeronautica militare: ▪️UAV nel sud della regione di Kiev, diretti verso ovest; ▪️UAV nel nord della regione di Kiev, diretti verso est; ▪️UAV nella parte orientale della regione di Kirovohrad, diretto a nord-est. ▪️UAV nella regione di Poltava, diretti verso ovest.
現在、いくつかの地域で大気警報が発令中です ❗️空軍からの敵ドローンの移動経路: ▪️キエフ地域南部の無人航空機が西に向かっている。 ▪️キエフ地域北部の無人航空機が東に向かっている。 ▪️キロヴォフラード地方東部の無人航空機が北東に向かっている。 ▪️ポルタヴァ地方の無人航空機、西へ向かう。
Momenteel gaat het luchtalarm in verschillende gebieden door ❗️Het bewegingsverloop van vijandelijke drones vanaf de PS: ▪️BpLA in het zuiden van de regio Kiev, koers - west; ▪️BpLA in het noorden van de regio Kiev, koers - oost; ▪️BpLA in het oosten van de oblast Kirovohrad, in noordoostelijke richting. ▪️BpLA in Poltava Oblast, cursus - westelijk.
Αυτή τη στιγμή συνεχίζεται ο αεροπορικός συναγερμός σε αρκετές περιοχές ❗️Η πορεία κίνησης των εχθρικών drones από το ΠΣ: ▪️BpLA στα νότια της περιοχής του Κιέβου, πορεία - δυτικά. ▪️BpLA στα βόρεια της περιοχής Κιέβου, πορεία - ανατολικά. ▪️BpLA στα ανατολικά της περιφέρειας Kirovohrad, με κατεύθυνση βορειοανατολικά. ▪️BpLA στην Περιφέρεια Πολτάβα, πορεία - δυτική.

1/21/2025, 12:38:21 PM
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The head of the Dnipropetrovsk OVA reported that the construction of fortifications is progressing according to the approved plan Today, Serhiy Lysak visited the territory where the construction of fortifications is taking place: "I inspected how the work is progressing. I spoke with the military about the priority needs. Currently, everything is moving according to the approved plan. There are enough resources. The details are not public," he wrote in Telegram. We will remind, the other day it became known that the distance from the front line to the borders of the Dnipropetrovsk region has been reduced to less than 7 km (from the TO village of Solone, Donetsk region). The communities of Velykomykhailivska, Malomykhailivska, Novopavlivska, Mezhivska, Pokrovska, Petropavlivska and Vasylkivska are in the zone of increased danger. In addition, the Russian Armed Forces are already delivering KABs and artillery to the region.
1/23/2025, 2:25:24 PM
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The threat of the use of ballistic weapons from the east! - PS
1/21/2025, 2:00:55 PM
Launches of guided aerial bombs by enemy tactical aircraft on Donetsk and Sumy regions, - PS
1/21/2025, 2:11:50 PM
The first contacts of the Ukrainian authorities with the new Trump team may begin in early February as part of the "Ukrainian Week" in Washington This was stated by the head of the "Servant of the People" faction, David Arakhamia, during a telethon. "In early February, there will be a "Ukrainian Week" in Washington. I think that the main processes, the main negotiations with the new Trump team will actually take place there, so we are waiting." ✅ We are on WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
1/21/2025, 2:30:51 PM
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Police investigate the fact of bullying a 12-year-old girl in Bila Tserkva Yesterday, a video appeared on the Internet in which three teenagers beat a 12-year-old girl in the city of Bila Tserkva in the Kyiv region. Law enforcement officers identified seven participants in this incident, aged 12 to 16. It is known that the minors gathered in a local park, where they invited the 12-year-old victim. Later, in order to intimidate the girl, one of the suspects, a 16-year-old boy, threatened, hit the girl and sprayed a gas canister in her face. In addition, the suspect demanded 15 thousand hryvnias from the girl. The suspects were notified of suspicion of torture and extortion during martial law. ✅ We are on WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram