Mufti of the Sultanate of Oman: We condemn the continuous Zionist attacks in the occupied West Bank, pursue the resistance fighters, demolish their homes and confiscate their lands
مفتي سلطنة عمان: ندين اعتداءات الصهاينة المتواصلة في الضفة الغربية المحتلة وملاحقة المقاومين وهدم منازلهم ومصادرة أراضيهم
Mufti do sultanato de Omã: condenamos os ataques sionistas contínuos na Cisjordânia ocupada, perseguimos os combatentes da resistência, demoliram suas casas e confiscarem suas terras
Mufti del Sultanato de Omán: Condenamos los continuos ataques sionistas en Cisjordania Occidental ocupada, perseguimos a los combatientes de la resistencia, demoleremos sus hogares y confiscamos sus tierras
Муфтия султаната Омана: мы осуждаем непрерывные сионистские атаки на оккупированном Западном берегу, преследуем бойцов сопротивления, разрушаем их дома и конфисковать их земли
ओमान के सल्तनत की मुफ्ती: हम कब्जे वाले वेस्ट बैंक में निरंतर ज़ायोनी हमलों की निंदा करते हैं, प्रतिरोध सेनानियों का पीछा करते हैं, अपने घरों को ध्वस्त करते हैं और उनकी भूमि को जब्त करते हैं
Mufti du sultanat d'Oman: nous condamnons les attaques sionistes continues en Cisjordanie occupée, poursuivons les combattants de la résistance, démolissant leurs maisons et confisquez leurs terres
مفتي سلطنة عمان: ندين اعتداءات الصهاينة المتواصلة في الضفة الغربية المحتلة وملاحقة المقاومين وهدم منازلهم ومصادرة أراضيهم
Mufti des Sultanats Oman: Wir verurteilen die kontinuierlichen zionistischen Angriffe im besetzten Westjordanland, verfolgen die Widerstandskämpfer, zerstören ihre Häuser und beschlagnahmen ihr Land
Mufti del Sultanato dell'Oman: condanniamo i continui attacchi sionisti nella Cisgiordania occupata, perseguiamo i combattenti di resistenza, demolichiamo le loro case e confiscano le loro terre
Mufti van het sultanaat van Oman: we veroordelen de voortdurende zionistische aanvallen op de bezette Westelijke Jordaanoever, streven naar de verzetsstrijders, slopen hun huizen en nemen hun land in beslag
Mufti του σουλτανάτου του Ομάν: Καταδικάζουμε τις συνεχείς σιωνιστικές επιθέσεις στην κατεχόμενη Δυτική Όχθη, συνεχίζουμε τους μαχητές της αντίστασης, κατεδαφίζουμε τα σπίτια τους και κατασχέθηκαν τα εδάφη τους
1/5/2025, 1:41:58 PM
Hamas Movement: The campaign of incitement and threats against Dr. Mustafa Barghouti is an attempt to target national unity and escalate the approach of political exclusion
1/5/2025, 1:42:04 PM
Head of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Authority, Mr. Faleh Al-Fayyadh: The brothers in the Islamic Republic of Iran and Lebanon made great sacrifices, and we record our thanks and gratitude to them.
1/5/2025, 1:42:12 PM
Mr. Faleh Al-Fayyadh: We have capabilities that are not announced, and we are fighting with the Iraqi armed forces in the battle to defend the homeland
1/5/2025, 1:42:18 PM
Mujahideen Brigades: We bombed the Zionist enemy's command and control headquarters in Jabalia Services Club with mortar shells
1/5/2025, 3:07:38 PM
Palestinian sources: A young man was injured by Israeli enemy bullets during clashes in the Khallet al-Amoud neighborhood in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus