Palestinian sources: A young man was injured by Israeli enemy bullets during clashes in the Khallet al-Amoud neighborhood in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus
مصادر فلسطينية: إصابة شاب برصاص العدو الإسرائيلي خلال المواجهات في حي خلة العامود بمدينة نابلس بالضفة المحتلة
Fontes palestinas: Um jovem foi ferido por balas inimigas israelenses durante confrontos no bairro Khallet al-Amoud, na cidade de Nablus, na Cisjordânia ocupada.
Fuentes palestinas: Un joven resultó herido por balas del enemigo israelí durante enfrentamientos en el barrio de Khallet al-Amoud en la ciudad de Nablus, en la Cisjordania ocupada.
Палестинские источники: Молодой человек был ранен пулями израильского противника во время столкновений в районе Халлет аль-Амуд в городе Наблус на оккупированном Западном Берегу.
फिलिस्तीनी स्रोत: कब्जे वाले वेस्ट बैंक में नब्लस शहर के खलेट अल-अमौद पड़ोस में टकराव के दौरान इजरायली दुश्मन की गोलियों से एक युवक घायल हो गया।
Sources palestiniennes : Un jeune homme a été blessé par des balles de l'ennemi israélien lors d'affrontements dans le quartier de Khallet al-Amoud, dans la ville de Naplouse, en Cisjordanie occupée.
مصادر فلسطينية: إصابة شاب برصاص العدو الإسرائيلي خلال المواجهات في حي خلة العامود بمدينة نابلس بالضفة المحتلة
Palästinensische Quellen: Ein junger Mann wurde bei Auseinandersetzungen im Viertel Khallet al-Amoud in der Stadt Nablus im besetzten Westjordanland durch israelische feindliche Kugeln verletzt.
Fonti palestinesi: Un giovane è stato ferito da proiettili nemici israeliani durante gli scontri nel quartiere Khallet al-Amoud nella città di Nablus, nella Cisgiordania occupata.
Palestijnse bronnen: Een jonge man raakte gewond door Israëlische vijandelijke kogels tijdens confrontaties in de wijk Khallet al-Amoud in de stad Nablus op de bezette Westelijke Jordaanoever.
Παλαιστινιακές πηγές: Ένας νεαρός άνδρας τραυματίστηκε από ισραηλινές εχθρικές σφαίρες κατά τη διάρκεια αντιπαραθέσεων στη συνοικία Khallet al-Amoud στην πόλη Nablus στην κατεχόμενη Δυτική Όχθη.
2/25/2025, 7:08:44 AM
Enemy media: What we saw on February 23 is not a funeral but rather a reorganization in the ranks of Hezbollah in less than 70 days of the ceasefire
2/25/2025, 7:08:47 AM
The enemy media after the funeral ceremony: Where did the billions we spent in destroying Hezbollah went? .. Indeed, they won and we lost.
2/25/2025, 7:09:31 AM
The Palestinian Mujahideen Movement: The death of 3 children as a result of the severe cold in the Gaza Strip due to the enemy's prevention to enter fuel, caravans and tents.
2/25/2025, 7:09:34 AM
The Palestinian Mujahideen Movement: We condemn the international silence on the crimes of the Zionist enemy continuously against our people, women and children, especially the continuation of the severe siege
2/25/2025, 7:09:50 AM
The Mujahideen Movement: We call on all the world's free to continue the popular pressure to support our people in the face of the fascist enemy criminality and the continuation of the supporting activities