Enemy media: What we saw on February 23 is not a funeral but rather a reorganization in the ranks of Hezbollah in less than 70 days of the ceasefire
إعلام العدو: ما رأيناه في 23 فبراير ليس تشييعا بل إعادة تنظيم في صفوف حزب الله في أقل من 70 يومًا من وقف إطلاق النار
Mídia inimiga: o que vimos em 23 de fevereiro não é um funeral, mas uma reorganização nas fileiras do Hezbollah em menos de 70 dias do cessar -fogo
Medios enemigos: lo que vimos el 23 de febrero no es un funeral, sino una reorganización en las filas de Hezbolá en menos de 70 días del alto el fuego
Вражеские СМИ: То, что мы видели 23 февраля, не похороны, а скорее реорганизация в рядах Хезболлы менее чем за 70 дней после прекращения огня
दुश्मन मीडिया: हमने 23 फरवरी को जो देखा वह अंतिम संस्कार नहीं है, बल्कि युद्धविराम के 70 दिनों से कम समय में हिजबुल्लाह के रैंक में पुनर्गठन किया गया है
Médias ennemis: Ce que nous avons vu le 23 février n'est pas un funéraille mais plutôt une réorganisation dans les rangs du Hezbollah en moins de 70 jours du cessez
إعلام العدو: ما رأيناه في 23 فبراير ليس تشييعا بل إعادة تنظيم في صفوف حزب الله في أقل من 70 يومًا من وقف إطلاق النار
Feindliche Medien: Was wir am 23. Februar gesehen haben
Enemy Media: ciò che abbiamo visto il 23 febbraio non è un funerale, ma piuttosto una riorganizzazione nei ranghi di Hezbollah in meno di 70 giorni di cessate il fuoco
Vijandelijke media: wat we op 23 februari zagen, is geen begrafenis, maar eerder een reorganisatie in de gelederen van Hezbollah in minder dan 70 dagen van het staakt -het -vuren
Εχθρικά μέσα ενημέρωσης: Αυτό που είδαμε στις 23 Φεβρουαρίου δεν είναι κηδεία αλλά μάλλον αναδιοργάνωση στις τάξεις της Χεζμπολάχ σε λιγότερο από 70 ημέρες της κατάπαυσης
1/7/2025, 4:24:17 PM
Palestinian sources: A young man was injured by enemy bullets during clashes in the town of Beit Furik, east of Nablus
1/7/2025, 4:33:38 PM
🔶 Who reads the news of those prophets and does not realize that he is faced with one spirit and one soul? You read about Noah, about Idris, about Abraham, and so on, and so on until you reach our Prophet Muhammad (may God’s prayers be upon him and his family). Then you find yourself faced with one group, all of them with one heart, their outlook on life is one, their concern for God’s servants is one, their dedication in the field of work for God is one, their relationship with God Almighty, their starting point is one; Let us say to ourselves, we are in this nation that has been divided and torn apart after Allah warned it in His Holy Book, and forbade it from division and disagreement, and not to fall into what the previous nation fell into, or a group of previous nations before it {And do not be like those who became divided and differed after clear proofs had come to them. And those will have a great punishment.} (Al Imran 105).
Lessons from the Guidance of the Holy Quran - Faith Identity Book
1/8/2025, 10:23:06 AM
Iraqi Prime Minister: Stability in Syria is key to stability in the entire region
12/18/2024, 2:53:21 AM
⭕️Urgent | Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades: The Youth of Revenge and Liberation - Balata Camp managed to target the Zionist enemy forces storming the eastern region of the city of Nablus with a heavy barrage of bullets
12/18/2024, 2:53:25 AM
⭕️Urgent | Hebrew newspaper "Israel Hayom": The Israeli army and the Shin Bet are carrying out a large-scale night operation in the West Bank
Hebrew newspaper "Israel Hayom": There are ongoing arrests in Hebron and the Ramallah area, and clashes in Nablus in the West Bank