

Real time military news

Published date: 2/1/2025, 3:52:38 PM
2/1/2025, 3:52:38 PM
IDF Spokesperson: As part of the operation in northern Samaria, an IAF aircraft recently attacked armed terrorists in the Jenin area of ​​the Menashe Brigade.
דובר צה"ל: כחלק מהמבצע בצפון השומרון, כלי טיס של חיל האוויר תקף לפני זמן קצר מחבלים חמושים במרחב ג'נין שבחטיבת מנשה.
以色列国防军发言人: 作为北撒马利亚行动的一部分,以色列空军一架飞机最近袭击了杰宁地区的梅纳什旅武装恐怖分子。
Porta-voz das IDF: Como parte da operação no norte de Samaria, uma aeronave da IAF atacou recentemente terroristas armados na área de Jenin na Brigada Menashe.
Portavoz de las FDI: Como parte de la operación en el norte de Samaria, un avión de la Fuerza Aérea israelí atacó recientemente a terroristas armados en la zona de Jenin en la Brigada Menashe.
Представитель Армии обороны Израиля: В рамках операции на севере Самарии самолет ВВС Израиля недавно атаковал вооруженных террористов в районе Дженина в бригаде Менаше.
आईडीएफ प्रवक्ता: उत्तरी सामरिया में ऑपरेशन के एक भाग के रूप में, हाल ही में भारतीय वायुसेना के एक विमान ने मेनाशे ब्रिगेड के जेनिन क्षेत्र में सशस्त्र आतंकवादियों पर हमला किया।
Porte-parole de Tsahal : Dans le cadre de l'opération dans le nord de la Samarie, un avion de l'armée de l'air israélienne a récemment attaqué des terroristes armés dans la région de Jénine dans la brigade Menashe.
المتحدث باسم جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي: وفي إطار العملية شمال السامرة، هاجمت طائرة تابعة لسلاح الجو الإسرائيلي مؤخرا إرهابيين مسلحين في منطقة جنين من لواء منشيه.
IDF-Sprecher: Im Rahmen der Operation im Norden von Samaria griff ein Flugzeug der israelischen Luftwaffe kürzlich bewaffnete Terroristen der Menashe-Brigade in der Region Jenin an.
Portavoce delle IDF: Nell'ambito dell'operazione nella Samaria settentrionale, un aereo dell'IAF ha recentemente attaccato terroristi armati nella zona di Jenin, appartenenti alla Brigata Menashe.
IDFスポークスマン: 最近、サマリア北部での作戦の一環として、イスラエル空軍の航空機がジェニン地域のメナシェ旅団の武装テロリストを攻撃した。
Woordvoerder IDF: Als onderdeel van de operatie in Noord-Samaria heeft een IAF-vliegtuig onlangs gewapende terroristen in het Jenin-gebied aangevallen, met de Menashe Brigade.
Εκπρόσωπος του IDF: Στο πλαίσιο της επιχείρησης στη βόρεια Σαμάρεια, αεροσκάφος της Πολεμικής Αεροπορίας επιτέθηκε πριν από λίγο σε ένοπλους τρομοκράτες στην περιοχή Τζενίν της Ταξιαρχίας Μενάσε.

12/30/2024, 2:48:31 PM
Image 2024-12-30T14:48:31
Polishing the Diamonds: This is how the war affects the training of the most "exploded" unit https://www.idf.il/260938
1/29/2025, 6:38:40 PM
IDF Spokesperson: The IDF has been working in recent hours to remove suspects who posed a threat to forces operating in the Gaza Strip. An Air Force aircraft fired at a suspicious vehicle that was moving north from the center of the Gaza Strip without checking in an area that is not approved for passage according to the agreement, thus violating the agreed outline. The vehicle continued to move north. In addition, IDF forces carried out evasive fire in several areas in the Gaza Strip to remove suspects who were moving towards them and posed a threat to the fighters present in the area. The IDF is determined to fully comply with the terms of the agreement in order to return the kidnapped, prepared for any scenario, and will continue to take all necessary actions to remove any immediate threat to IDF soldiers. The IDF once again calls on Gaza residents to obey IDF instructions and not approach the forces deployed in the area.
12/30/2024, 3:56:25 PM
Attached is a statement from the IDF spokesperson regarding the name of the IDF martyr whose family was notified: https://IDFANC.activetrail.biz/ANC3012202475644 A link to the IDF website, where the details and photos of the martyrs are published and updated, is attached: https://www.idf.il/59780 In the incident in which Sergeant Uriel Peretz, the late, was killed, three soldiers in the Netzah Yehuda Battalion, Kfir Brigade, were seriously injured. The soldiers were evacuated to receive medical treatment at a hospital, and their families were notified.
12/30/2024, 4:05:46 PM
IDF Spokesperson: An alert has been activated in the Kifumim, the details are being investigated.
12/30/2024, 4:11:33 PM
IDF Spokesperson: Following the alert issued in Kisufim at 18:02, one launch was detected from the center of the Gaza Strip and fell in an open area. No casualties.