Dringend | Leider van de Syrische regering Ahmed Al-Sharaa ontvangt de minister van Buitenlandse Zaken van Saoedi-Arabië, Prins Faisal bin Farhan
Επείγον | Ο ηγέτης της συριακής διοίκησης Ahmed Al-Sharaa δέχεται τον υπουργό Εξωτερικών της Σαουδικής Αραβίας, πρίγκιπα Faisal bin Farhan
12/27/2024, 3:53:40 PM
Syrian Foreign Minister receives a phone call from #Afghanistan's Foreign Minister
12/27/2024, 5:34:44 PM
Media sources: The Egyptian Foreign Minister is preparing to visit the Syrian capital, Damascus, to meet with the head of the Syrian administration, Ahmed al-Sharaa.
12/27/2024, 5:41:20 PM
Economic analyst George Khazam
Why will real estate prices decrease?
__ Elimination of high fees and bribes imposed by municipalities on building permits
__ Reduction in all costs of national and imported building materials due to the elimination of the Fourth Division gang
__ Cancellation of the failed decision of the Central Bank of Syria to deposit part of the sold property in the bank, which led to a slowdown in buying and selling
__ End of monopoly, corruption and bribes in cement factories
__ Freedom to import iron, cement and other things without the failed services of the Central Bank
__ With the decrease in customs duties, there is a decrease in the prices of imported building materials and the prices of raw materials needed by national industries that construction and cladding require
__ Entry of giant foreign companies for reconstruction
And with it an increase in the number of apartments offered for sale
With the decrease in construction costs, it is not necessary that the prices of commercial and residential properties that enjoy a distinguished location decrease
Because the prices of these properties exceed the pricing according to construction costs
12/27/2024, 5:49:28 PM
12/27/2024, 6:36:06 PM
Damascus Governor in a recorded video denies what was reported by American media regarding his call for peace with Israel and confirms that his speech focused on Syrian civil peace