Urgent | The occupation forces burn a number of houses after invading the town of Bani Hayyan in southern Lebanon at dawn today.
عاجل | قوات الاحتلال تحرق عدداً من المنازل بعد توغلها إلى بلدة بني حيان في جنوب لبنان فجر اليوم.
紧急 |今天黎明,占领军入侵黎巴嫩南部城镇巴尼哈扬,烧毁了许多房屋。
Urgente | As forças de ocupação queimaram várias casas após a sua incursão na cidade de Bani Hayyan, no sul do Líbano, na madrugada de hoje.
Urgente | Las fuerzas de ocupación quemaron varias casas después de invadir la ciudad de Bani Hayyan, en el sur del Líbano, al amanecer de hoy.
Срочно | Оккупационные силы сожгли несколько домов после вторжения в город Бани-Хайян на юге Ливана сегодня на рассвете.
तत्काल | आज भोर में दक्षिणी लेबनान के बानी हयान शहर पर आक्रमण करने के बाद कब्ज़ाकारी सेना ने कई घरों को जला दिया।
Urgent | Les forces d'occupation ont incendié un certain nombre de maisons après avoir envahi la ville de Bani Hayyan, dans le sud du Liban, à l'aube aujourd'hui.
عاجل | قوات الاحتلال تحرق عدداً من المنازل بعد توغلها إلى بلدة بني حيان في جنوب لبنان فجر اليوم.
Dringend | Die Besatzungstruppen haben heute im Morgengrauen die Stadt Bani Hayyan im Südlibanon niedergebrannt, nachdem sie dort zahlreiche Häuser erobert hatten.
Urgente | Le forze di occupazione hanno bruciato diverse case dopo aver invaso la città di Bani Hayyan, nel Libano meridionale, all'alba di oggi.
緊急 |占領軍は今日夜明けにレバノン南部のバニ・ハヤンの町に侵攻し、多数の家屋を焼き払った。
Dringend | De bezettingstroepen hebben een aantal huizen in brand gestoken nadat ze vanochtend de stad Bani Hayyan in Zuid-Libanon waren binnengevallen.
Επείγον | Οι δυνάμεις κατοχής έκαψαν πολλά σπίτια μετά την εισβολή στην πόλη Μπάνι Χαγιάν στο νότιο Λίβανο τα ξημερώματα σήμερα.
12/28/2024, 5:28:28 AM
News brief from Quds Network:
- A new night of Yemeni strikes on occupation targets and sirens sounded in large areas of occupied Palestine
- Tents of displaced people flooded in areas of the Gaza Strip after seawater entered them due to the stormy and very cold weather
- Martyrs and wounded after bombing a house in Al-Maghazi camp
- The occupation launches two raids on Al-Nuseirat camp and Al-Masdar town in the middle of the Strip
- Occupation boats and artillery target the west of Rafah city
- Occupation artillery shelled the east of Khan Yunis governorate
- Occupation vehicles open fire towards the southern areas of Al-Zeitoun neighborhood
- Resistance fighters clashed with occupation forces around Tulkarm camp and targeted them with explosive devices
- Resistance fighters damaged an occupation army vehicle after targeting it with an explosive device in Qaffin, north of Tulkarm
- Occupation forces launched a campaign of arrests and raids in Jalazone camp, north of Ramallah
- Occupation forces arrested Islam Ghanem and Karim Al-Zeitawi during the storming of Tulkarm
- Clashes between resistance groups renewed The authority's security forces in the vicinity of Jenin camp after midnight last night
12/28/2024, 5:41:16 AM
Urgent | Two martyrs and one wounded as the occupation forces bombed a group of Palestinians on Sarari Street in Jabalia al-Balad, north of the Gaza Strip.
12/28/2024, 5:48:51 AM
The "Presidential Guard" announces the killing of Major Hussein Ahmed Nassar from Yatta, during the PA's security operation in Jenin.
12/28/2024, 5:57:47 AM
Urgent | Iranian General Staff: Our forces are ready with all their capabilities to respond decisively to any threat or aggression.
12/28/2024, 6:04:43 AM
Urgent | The occupation artillery shells the town of Abasan al-Kabira, east of Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip.