

Real time military news

Published date: 1/23/2025, 1:40:17 PM
1/23/2025, 1:40:17 PM
Popular Front: We affirm our full solidarity with the Yemeni people and their resistance forces, and we call on all free people of the nation to escalate the confrontation with the American project and its tools.
الجبهة الشعبية: نؤكد تضامننا الكامل مع الشعب اليمني وقواه المقاومة وندعو كل أحرار الأمة إلى تصعيد المواجهة مع المشروع الأمريكي وأدواته
Frente Popular: Afirmamos nossa total solidariedade ao povo iemenita e suas forças de resistência, e apelamos a todas as pessoas livres da nação para que intensifiquem o confronto com o projeto americano e suas ferramentas.
Frente Popular: Afirmamos nuestra plena solidaridad con el pueblo yemení y sus fuerzas de resistencia, y hacemos un llamamiento a todos los pueblos libres de la nación a intensificar la confrontación con el proyecto estadounidense y sus herramientas.
Народный фронт: Мы подтверждаем нашу полную солидарность с йеменским народом и его силами сопротивления и призываем всех свободных людей страны усилить конфронтацию с американским проектом и его инструментами.
पॉपुलर फ्रंट: हम यमनी लोगों और उनके प्रतिरोध बलों के साथ अपनी पूर्ण एकजुटता की पुष्टि करते हैं, और हम देश के सभी स्वतंत्र लोगों से अमेरिकी परियोजना और उसके उपकरणों के साथ टकराव को बढ़ाने का आह्वान करते हैं।
Le Front populaire : Nous affirmons notre entière solidarité avec le peuple yéménite et ses forces de résistance, et nous appelons tous les peuples libres de la nation à intensifier la confrontation avec le projet américain et ses outils.
الجبهة الشعبية: نؤكد تضامننا الكامل مع الشعب اليمني وقواه المقاومة وندعو كل أحرار الأمة إلى تصعيد المواجهة مع المشروع الأمريكي وأدواته
Volksfront: Wir bekräftigen unsere uneingeschränkte Solidarität mit dem jemenitischen Volk und seinen Widerstandskräften und rufen alle freien Menschen der Nation auf, die Konfrontation mit dem amerikanischen Projekt und seinen Werkzeugen zu eskalieren.
Fronte Popolare: Affermiamo la nostra piena solidarietà al popolo yemenita e alle sue forze di resistenza e invitiamo tutte le persone libere della nazione ad intensificare il confronto con il progetto americano e i suoi strumenti.
Volksfront: Wij bevestigen onze volledige solidariteit met het Jemenitische volk en hun verzetskrachten, en wij roepen alle vrije mensen van het land op om de confrontatie met het Amerikaanse project en zijn instrumenten op te voeren.
Λαϊκό Μέτωπο: Επιβεβαιώνουμε την πλήρη αλληλεγγύη μας στον λαό της Υεμένης και τις αντιστασιακές δυνάμεις του και καλούμε όλους τους ελεύθερους ανθρώπους του έθνους να κλιμακώσουν την αντιπαράθεση με το αμερικανικό σχέδιο και τα εργαλεία του.

12/25/2024, 9:09:55 AM
The Popular Front: Praises the qualitative military operations that the Yemeni armed forces continue to carry out, the latest of which was targeting a Zionist military target in the occupied city of Jaffa
12/25/2024, 7:02:39 AM
Statement of the Yemeni Armed Forces regarding targeting a military target of the Israeli enemy in the occupied Jaffa area December 25, 2024 Statement issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful God Almighty said: {O you who believe, if you support God, He will support you and plant firmly your feet} God Almighty is true In victory for the oppression of the Palestinian people and their Mujahideen and in response to the massacres against our brothers in Gaza, and within the fifth stage of the support stages in the battle of the promised conquest and the holy jihad and within the framework of responding to the Israeli aggression against our country The force targeted The Yemeni Armed Forces missiles, with the help of God Almighty, targeted a military target of the Israeli enemy in the occupied Jaffa area with a hypersonic ballistic missile, type Palestine 2. The operation achieved its goals successfully, thanks to God. The Yemeni Armed Forces, in light of the ongoing war of genocide against our brothers in the Gaza Strip, confirm that they will continue their military operations against the Israeli enemy during the coming period and that these operations will not stop until the aggression on Gaza stops and the siege is lifted. Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best Disposer of affairs. He is the best Master and the best Supporter. Long live Yemen, free, honorable and independent. And victory to Yemen and to all the free people of the nation. Sana'a, 24 Jumada al-Akhirah 1446 AH Corresponding to December 25, 2024 AD Issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces #Battle_of_the_Promised_Conquest_and_Holy_Jihad
12/25/2024, 7:31:55 AM
Palestinian Mujahideen Movement: The continuation of the valiant Yemeni forces’ bombardment of the depths of the Zionist entity with missiles is a message by fire from the great Yemen that Gaza and its resistance are not alone
12/25/2024, 7:32:02 AM
Palestinian Mujahideen Movement: We salute the heroes of the great Yemen, its armed forces, its leadership, and Mr. Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, who continue to support and back their brothers in Palestine.
12/25/2024, 7:32:06 AM
Palestinian Mujahideen Movement: We bless the continuous qualitative missile bombardment carried out by the Mujahideen of the Yemeni Armed Forces deep inside the usurping Zionist entity.