

Real time military news

Published date: 12/25/2024, 7:32:02 AM
12/25/2024, 7:32:02 AM
Palestinian Mujahideen Movement: We salute the heroes of the great Yemen, its armed forces, its leadership, and Mr. Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, who continue to support and back their brothers in Palestine.
حركة المجاهدين الفلسطينية: نوجه تحيتنا لأبطال اليمن العظيم وقواته المسلحة وقيادته والسيد عبد الملك الحوثي الذين يواصلون نصرة وإسناد إخوانهم في فلسطين
O Movimento Mujahideen Palestino: Estendemos nossas saudações aos heróis do grande Iêmen, suas forças armadas, sua liderança e ao Sr. Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, que continuam a apoiar e apoiar seus irmãos na Palestina.
El Movimiento Muyahidín Palestino: Extendemos nuestros saludos a los héroes del gran Yemen, sus fuerzas armadas, sus dirigentes y al Sr. Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, que continúan apoyando y apoyando a sus hermanos en Palestina.
Палестинское движение моджахедов: Мы передаем наши приветствия героям великого Йемена, его вооруженным силам, его руководству и г-ну Абдул-Малику Аль-Хуси, которые продолжают поддерживать и поддерживать своих братьев в Палестине.
फिलिस्तीनी मुजाहिदीन आंदोलन: हम महान यमन के नायकों, उसके सशस्त्र बलों, उसके नेतृत्व और श्री अब्दुल-मलिक अल-हौथी को शुभकामनाएं देते हैं, जो फिलिस्तीन में अपने भाइयों का समर्थन और समर्थन करना जारी रखते हैं।
Le Mouvement des Moudjahidines palestiniens : Nous adressons nos salutations aux héros du grand Yémen, à ses forces armées, à ses dirigeants, ainsi qu'à M. Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, qui continuent de soutenir et de soutenir leurs frères en Palestine.
حركة المجاهدين الفلسطينية: نوجه تحيتنا لأبطال اليمن العظيم وقواته المسلحة وقيادته والسيد عبد الملك الحوثي الذين يواصلون نصرة وإسناد إخوانهم في فلسطين
Die palästinensische Mudschaheddin-Bewegung: Wir grüßen die Helden des großen Jemen, seine Streitkräfte, seine Führung und Herrn Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, die ihre Brüder in Palästina weiterhin unterstützen und unterstützen.
Il Movimento Mujahideen Palestinese: estendiamo i nostri saluti agli eroi del grande Yemen, alle sue forze armate, alla sua leadership e al signor Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, che continua a sostenere e sostenere i loro fratelli in Palestina.
De Palestijnse Mujahideen-beweging: Wij groeten de helden van het grote Jemen, zijn strijdkrachten, zijn leiderschap, en de heer Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, die hun broeders in Palestina blijven steunen en steunen.
Το Κίνημα των Παλαιστινίων Μουτζαχεντίν: Απευθύνουμε τους χαιρετισμούς μας στους ήρωες της μεγάλης Υεμένης, τις ένοπλες δυνάμεις της, την ηγεσία της και τον κ. Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, που συνεχίζουν να υποστηρίζουν και να υποστηρίζουν τους αδελφούς τους στην Παλαιστίνη.

12/19/2024, 3:49:58 PM
🔴Urgent| Saada: Al-Aqsa Support Committee identifies 33 squares for the million-man march in "With Gaza, Jihad, Mobilization and Alertness, and Ready to Deter Any Aggression" on Friday Saada: Al-Aqsa Support Committee identifies the Prophet's Birthday Square west of the city as the location for the central march at 10:00 am Saada Squares: Al-Shaheed Al-Qaed, Sha'ara, Bani Sayyah, Al-Hijlah, Bani Al-Qam, and Gharbi Al-Shawariq in Barazih, Al-Sahlain, Al-Aqlain, and Al-Burqa in Al-Salem, Aro and Jumaa Bani Bahr in the morning Saada Squares: Al-Ain, Al-Qahra, Al-Sarw, Al-Barak, and the square of Bani Saad and Al-Raqqa in Al-Dhaher, Rubu' Al-Hudud, the city of Jawi, and the square of Walad Amr and Bani Abbad in Majz in the morning Saada Squares: Al-Jarsha, Baqama, and Al-Rahmanin in Ghamr, Qataber, Yasnim in Baqim, Kataf, Amlah, Dhuib, Al-Maqna' in the morning Saada Squares: Al-Khamis in Manbeh, Shada, Al-Jafra and Udlah with Hashwa, Al Thabit in Qataber are places for popular outings after the prayer
12/19/2024, 3:50:20 PM
🔴Urgent | Al Bayda: Supporting Al Aqsa determines the main street in Al Bayda and Al Amal Street in Rada’a on Friday afternoon and the directorate centers after prayers
12/18/2024, 6:11:13 AM
⭕️Urgent | Palestinian sources: A fire broke out in the intensive care unit of Kamal Adwan Hospital after it was targeted by Israeli enemy fire Palestinian sources: Martyrs and wounded as a result of Israeli enemy aircraft bombing homes in the vicinity of Kamal Adwan Hospital, north of the Gaza Strip Palestinian sources: Two martyrs were recovered from the vicinity of the "Mufti Land" park, north of the Nuseirat camp, central Gaza Strip
12/18/2024, 6:12:34 AM
She reached the peak of human and religious perfection for women. #Birth_anniversary_of_al-Zahra_peace_be_upon_her #International_Muslim_Women's_Day
12/18/2024, 6:43:40 AM
🎥 Commander of the US Fifth Fleet: What happened in the Red Sea is an "unbelievable story" #AlAqsa_Flood #The_Battle_of_the_Promised_Conquest_and_Holy_Jihad