Palestinian Mujahideen Movement: The aggression of the fascist Zionist forces and settler gangs will not succeed in breaking the will of our people or uprooting them from their land.
حركة المجاهدين الفلسطينية: لن يفلح عدوان القوات الصهيونية الفاشية وعصابات المستوطنين في كسر إرادة شعبنا او اقتلاعه من أرضه
Movimento Mujahideen Palestino: A agressão das forças sionistas fascistas e das gangues de colonos não conseguirá quebrar a vontade do nosso povo ou arrancá-lo de suas terras.
Movimiento Muyahidín Palestino: La agresión de las fuerzas sionistas fascistas y las bandas de colonos no logrará quebrantar la voluntad de nuestro pueblo ni desarraigarlo de su tierra.
Движение палестинских моджахедов: Агрессия фашистских сионистских сил и поселенческих банд не сможет сломить волю нашего народа или изгнать его с его земли.
फिलिस्तीनी मुजाहिदीन आंदोलन: फासीवादी ज़ायोनी ताकतों और बसने वाले गिरोहों की आक्रामकता हमारे लोगों की इच्छा को तोड़ने या उन्हें उनकी भूमि से उखाड़ने में सफल नहीं होगी।
Mouvement des Moudjahidines palestiniens : L’agression des forces sionistes fascistes et des bandes de colons ne parviendra pas à briser la volonté de notre peuple ni à le déraciner de sa terre.
حركة المجاهدين الفلسطينية: لن يفلح عدوان القوات الصهيونية الفاشية وعصابات المستوطنين في كسر إرادة شعبنا او اقتلاعه من أرضه
Palästinensische Mudschaheddin-Bewegung: Die Aggression der faschistischen zionistischen Streitkräfte und Siedlerbanden wird den Willen unseres Volkes nicht brechen oder es aus seinem Land vertreiben können.
Movimento dei mujaheddin palestinesi: l'aggressione delle forze fasciste sioniste e delle bande di coloni non riuscirà a spezzare la volontà del nostro popolo o a sradicarlo dalla sua terra.
Palestijnse Mujahideenbeweging: De agressie van de fascistische zionistische troepen en kolonistenbendes zal er niet in slagen de wil van ons volk te breken of hen van hun land te verdrijven.
Κίνημα Παλαιστινίων Μουτζαχεντίν: Η επίθεση των φασιστικών Σιωνιστικών δυνάμεων και των συμμοριών εποίκων δεν θα καταφέρει να σπάσει τη βούληση του λαού μας ή να τον ξεριζώσει από τη γη του.
1/5/2025, 1:41:58 PM
Hamas Movement: The campaign of incitement and threats against Dr. Mustafa Barghouti is an attempt to target national unity and escalate the approach of political exclusion
1/5/2025, 1:42:04 PM
Head of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Authority, Mr. Faleh Al-Fayyadh: The brothers in the Islamic Republic of Iran and Lebanon made great sacrifices, and we record our thanks and gratitude to them.
1/5/2025, 1:42:12 PM
Mr. Faleh Al-Fayyadh: We have capabilities that are not announced, and we are fighting with the Iraqi armed forces in the battle to defend the homeland
1/5/2025, 1:42:18 PM
Mujahideen Brigades: We bombed the Zionist enemy's command and control headquarters in Jabalia Services Club with mortar shells
1/5/2025, 3:07:38 PM
Palestinian sources: A young man was injured by Israeli enemy bullets during clashes in the Khallet al-Amoud neighborhood in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus