Launches of guided aerial bombs by enemy tactical aircraft in the direction of Orikhiv, Zaporizhia region, - PS
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Пуски керованих авіаційних бомб ворожою тактичною авіацією в напрямку Оріхова Запорізької області, - ПС
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Lançamentos de bombas aéreas guiadas por aeronaves táticas inimigas na direção de Orikhiv, região de Zaporizhia, - PS
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Lanzamiento de bombas aéreas guiadas por aviones tácticos enemigos en dirección a Orikhiv, región de Zaporizhia, - PS
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Пуски управляемых авиационных бомб вражеской тактической авиацией в направлении Орехова Запорожской области, - ПС
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ओरिखिव, ज़ापोरीज़िया क्षेत्र की दिशा में दुश्मन के सामरिक विमानों द्वारा निर्देशित हवाई बमों का प्रक्षेपण, - पी.एस.
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Lancements de bombes aériennes guidées par des avions tactiques ennemis en direction d'Orikhiv, région de Zaporizhia, - PS
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إطلاق قنابل جوية موجهة من قبل طائرات تكتيكية معادية في اتجاه أوريخيف، منطقة زابوريزهيا، - PS
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Abschüsse gelenkter Luftbomben durch feindliche taktische Flugzeuge in Richtung Orichow, Region Saporischschja, - PS
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Lancio di bombe aeree guidate da parte di aerei tattici nemici in direzione di Orikhiv, regione di Zaporizhia, - PS
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Lanceringen van geleide luchtbommen door vijandelijke tactische vliegtuigen in de richting van Orikhiv, regio Zaporizhia, - PS
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Εκτοξεύσεις κατευθυνόμενων εναέριων βομβών από εχθρικά τακτικά αεροσκάφη προς την κατεύθυνση Orikhiv, περιοχή Zaporizhia, - Υ.Γ.
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12/14/2024, 11:07:22 AM
GUR destroyed a Su-30 fighter jet and 3 locomotives in Russia
The plane burned down in the city of Krymsk, Krasnodar Territory, Russia, right at the airfield today, and yesterday a fire in Krasnodar disabled 3 enemy railway locomotives, Ukrainian intelligence reports, adding that these military facilities were used by the aggressor in a criminal war against Ukraine.
12/14/2024, 12:18:03 PM
In Zaporozhye, the occupiers attacked Bilenka with drones
2 people were injured. A gas station and a car were damaged, - OVA.
12/14/2024, 12:41:30 PM
Weekend, do you want to relax and watch something cool? We have something special for you!
In times of trials, it is extremely important to remember your roots. The documentary project "Zápal" unites us around the most precious thing - Ukrainian traditions.
In the new issue, we will immerse ourselves in the atmosphere of a real Ukrainian Christmas. Together with our favorite Ukrainian artists, we will travel to the western regions, discovering new facets of our culture.
Don't miss your chance to support Ukrainian and restore the spirit of our holidays. Watch now and share the video with your friends and family!
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12/14/2024, 12:42:40 PM
Threat of use of ballistic weapons from Crimea, in regions where alarm has been declared, - PS
12/14/2024, 12:47:15 PM
Border guards detained 8 men who tried to flee to Hungary in a minibus with vegetables
The vehicle was driven by a 63-year-old resident of Transcarpathia (he was also detained), who claimed that he was transporting nothing but vegetables. However, during the inspection of the vehicle, 8 men from different regions of Ukraine were found behind the double wall, - the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.