Enemy tactical aviation activity in the northeast direction
There is a threat of launching aircraft missiles!
Активність ворожої тактичної авіації на північно-східному напрямку
Є загроза пуску авіаційних ракет!
A atividade da aviação tática inimiga na direção nordeste
Existe uma ameaça de lançamento de mísseis aéreos!
Actividad de aviación táctica enemiga en dirección noreste
¡Existe la amenaza de lanzamiento de misiles aéreos!
Активность вражеской тактической авиации на северо-восточном направлении
Есть угроза запуска авиационных ракет!
उत्तर-पूर्व दिशा में शत्रु की सामरिक विमानन गतिविधि
विमान मिसाइलों के प्रक्षेपण का खतरा है!
Activité aérienne tactique ennemie en direction du nord-est
Il y a une menace de lancement de missiles aériens !
نشاط طيران العدو التكتيكي في الاتجاه الشمالي الشرقي
هناك تهديد بإطلاق صواريخ على الطائرات!
Feindliche taktische Flugaktivität in nordöstlicher Richtung
Es besteht die Gefahr des Abschusses von Flugzeugraketen!
Attività di aviazione tattica nemica in direzione nord-est
C'è il rischio di lancio di missili aerei!
Vijandelijke tactische luchtvaartactiviteit in noordoostelijke richting
Er is gevaar voor het afvuren van vliegtuigraketten!
Εχθρική τακτική αεροπορική δραστηριότητα στη βορειοανατολική κατεύθυνση
Υπάρχει κίνδυνος εκτόξευσης πυραύλων αεροσκαφών!
1/5/2025, 1:47:42 PM
It became known about 5 more victims of the racist attacks in Kherson today
These are 3 men and 2 women. The victims mostly have shrapnel wounds to body parts, contusions and mine-explosive injuries.
Damage to an apartment building and civilian cars was recorded.
Medics are providing them with all necessary assistance, - OVA.
1/5/2025, 3:05:41 PM
Russian troops continue to terrorize civilians in Kherson region
The occupiers once again dropped an explosive device from a drone on a resident of Antonivka. The 58-year-old man was diagnosed with a mine-explosive injury and shrapnel wounds to his legs. The victim was hospitalized for medical assistance.
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1/5/2025, 2:23:38 PM
Threat of use of ballistic weapons in areas where air alert has been declared - Ukrainian Armed Forces
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1/5/2025, 3:15:19 PM
1/5/2025, 3:18:34 PM
Russians attacked Kharkiv with drones
Around 14:45, a Molniya UAV was spotted flying over an open area at the intersection of Saltivskyi and Kyivskyi districts. A private house was damaged as a result of the flyover.
Around 16:00, another Molniya UAV was spotted flying over Kholodnohirskyi district. The hit was found on the roof of an administrative building of one of the enterprises.
No information was received about the injured.
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