The Prisoners Authority and the Palestinian Prisoners Club: 20 citizens were arrested by the Israeli enemy from the occupied West Bank, including two children and former prisoners
هيئة الأسرى ونادي الأسير الفلسطيني: 20 مواطنا اعتقلهم العدو الإسرائيلي من الضفة الغربية المحتلة بينهم طفلان وأسرى سابقون
A Comissão dos Prisioneiros e o Clube dos Prisioneiros Palestinos: 20 cidadãos foram presos pelo inimigo israelense na Cisjordânia ocupada, incluindo duas crianças e ex-prisioneiros.
La Autoridad de Prisioneros y el Club de Prisioneros Palestinos: 20 ciudadanos fueron arrestados por el enemigo israelí en Cisjordania ocupada, incluidos dos niños y ex prisioneros
Управление по делам заключенных и Клуб палестинских заключенных: 20 граждан были арестованы израильским врагом с оккупированного Западного берега, в том числе двое детей и бывших заключенных
कैदी आयोग और फिलिस्तीनी कैदी क्लब: कब्जे वाले वेस्ट बैंक से इजरायली दुश्मन द्वारा 20 नागरिकों को गिरफ्तार किया गया, जिनमें दो बच्चे और पूर्व कैदी शामिल थे।
La Commission des prisonniers et le Club des prisonniers palestiniens : 20 citoyens ont été arrêtés par l’ennemi israélien depuis la Cisjordanie occupée, dont deux enfants et anciens prisonniers.
هيئة الأسرى ونادي الأسير الفلسطيني: 20 مواطنا اعتقلهم العدو الإسرائيلي من الضفة الغربية المحتلة بينهم طفلان وأسرى سابقون
Die Gefangenenkommission und der Palästinensische Gefangenenclub: 20 Bürger wurden vom israelischen Feind aus dem besetzten Westjordanland festgenommen, darunter zwei Kinder und ehemalige Gefangene.
La Commissione dei Prigionieri e il Club dei Prigionieri Palestinesi: 20 cittadini sono stati arrestati dal nemico israeliano nella Cisgiordania occupata, tra cui due bambini ed ex prigionieri.
De Gevangenencommissie en de Palestijnse Gevangenenclub: twintig burgers werden door de Israëlische vijand gearresteerd vanaf de bezette Westelijke Jordaanoever, waaronder twee kinderen en voormalige gevangenen.
Η Επιτροπή Κρατουμένων και η Λέσχη Παλαιστινίων Κρατουμένων: 20 πολίτες συνελήφθησαν από τον ισραηλινό εχθρό από την κατεχόμενη Δυτική Όχθη, μεταξύ των οποίων δύο παιδιά και πρώην κρατούμενοι.
1/5/2025, 1:41:58 PM
Hamas Movement: The campaign of incitement and threats against Dr. Mustafa Barghouti is an attempt to target national unity and escalate the approach of political exclusion
1/5/2025, 1:42:04 PM
Head of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Authority, Mr. Faleh Al-Fayyadh: The brothers in the Islamic Republic of Iran and Lebanon made great sacrifices, and we record our thanks and gratitude to them.
1/5/2025, 1:42:12 PM
Mr. Faleh Al-Fayyadh: We have capabilities that are not announced, and we are fighting with the Iraqi armed forces in the battle to defend the homeland
1/5/2025, 1:42:18 PM
Mujahideen Brigades: We bombed the Zionist enemy's command and control headquarters in Jabalia Services Club with mortar shells
1/5/2025, 3:07:38 PM
Palestinian sources: A young man was injured by Israeli enemy bullets during clashes in the Khallet al-Amoud neighborhood in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus