IDF Spokesperson:
Following the initial report, terrorists fired at a bus and civilian vehicles near El Pondok in the Ephraim Brigade. Several civilians were injured in various ways and are currently receiving medical treatment.
Security forces have launched a pursuit of the terrorists and are carrying out roadblocks and cordoning off several villages in the area.
דובר צה"ל:
בהמשך לדיווח הראשוני, מחבלים ירו לעבר אוטובוס ורכבים אזרחיים סמוך לאל פונדוק שבחטיבת אפרים. מספר אזרחים נפצעו באורחים שונים ומקבלים כעת טיפול רפואי.
כוחות הביטחון פתחו במרדף אחר המחבלים ומבצעים חסימות וכתר על מספר כפרים במרחב.
收到初步报告后,恐怖分子向以法莲区 El Pondok 附近的一辆公共汽车和民用车辆开枪。多名市民被不同客人打伤,目前正在接受治疗。
Porta-voz da IDF:
Após o relatório inicial, os terroristas dispararam contra um autocarro e veículos civis perto de El Pondok, na divisão Ephraim. Vários cidadãos ficaram feridos por vários convidados e estão atualmente recebendo tratamento médico.
As forças de segurança lançaram uma perseguição aos terroristas e estão a realizar bloqueios e bloqueios de várias aldeias da região.
Portavoz de las FDI:
Tras el informe inicial, los terroristas dispararon contra un autobús y vehículos civiles cerca de El Pondok, en la división de Ephraim. Varios ciudadanos resultaron heridos por varios invitados y actualmente están recibiendo tratamiento médico.
Las fuerzas de seguridad han perseguido a los terroristas y están bloqueando y bloqueando varias localidades de la zona.
Представитель ЦАХАЛа:
По первоначальному сообщению, террористы обстреляли автобус и гражданские автомобили возле Эль-Пондока в дивизии «Эфраим». Несколько граждан получили ранения от различных гостей и в настоящее время получают медицинскую помощь.
Силовики начали преследование террористов и проводят блокаду и блокаду нескольких деревень в этом районе.
आईडीएफ प्रवक्ता:
प्रारंभिक रिपोर्ट के बाद, आतंकवादियों ने एप्रैम डिवीजन में एल पोंडोक के पास एक बस और नागरिक वाहनों पर गोलीबारी की। विभिन्न मेहमानों द्वारा कई नागरिक घायल हो गए और वर्तमान में चिकित्सा उपचार प्राप्त कर रहे हैं।
सुरक्षा बलों ने आतंकवादियों की तलाश शुरू कर दी है और इलाके के कई गांवों की नाकेबंदी कर दी है।
Porte-parole de Tsahal :
Suite au rapport initial, des terroristes ont tiré sur un bus et des véhicules civils près d'El Pondok dans la brigade Ephraim. Plusieurs civils ont été blessés de diverses manières et reçoivent actuellement des soins médicaux.
Les forces de sécurité se sont lancées à la poursuite des terroristes et ont procédé à des blocus et à un bouclage de plusieurs villages de la région.
المتحدث باسم الجيش الإسرائيلي:
وفي أعقاب التقرير الأولي، أطلق الإرهابيون النار على حافلة ومركبات مدنية بالقرب من البوندوك في منطقة أفرايم. وأصيب عدد من المواطنين على يد ضيوف مختلفين ويتلقون العلاج حاليا.
وشنت قوات الأمن ملاحقة للإرهابيين وقامت بمحاصرة العديد من القرى في المنطقة.
Nach dem ersten Bericht feuerten Terroristen in der Nähe von El Pondok in der Division Ephraim auf einen Bus und zivile Fahrzeuge. Mehrere Bürger wurden durch diverse Gäste verletzt und befinden sich derzeit in ärztlicher Behandlung.
Die Sicherheitskräfte haben eine Verfolgungsjagd gegen die Terroristen eingeleitet und führen Blockaden und Blockaden in mehreren Dörfern in der Gegend durch.
Portavoce dell'IDF:
Dopo la prima notizia, i terroristi hanno sparato contro un autobus e veicoli civili vicino a El Pondok nella divisione Ephraim. Diversi cittadini sono rimasti feriti da vari ospiti e attualmente ricevono cure mediche.
Le forze di sicurezza hanno lanciato l'inseguimento dei terroristi e stanno effettuando blocchi e blocchi di diversi villaggi della zona.
Na de eerste melding schoten terroristen op een bus en burgervoertuigen nabij El Pondok in de Ephraim-divisie. Een aantal burgers raakte gewond door verschillende gasten en wordt momenteel medisch behandeld.
De veiligheidstroepen hebben de achtervolging van de terroristen ingezet en voeren blokkades en blokkades uit van verschillende dorpen in de omgeving.
Εκπρόσωπος του IDF:
Μετά την αρχική αναφορά, τρομοκράτες πυροβόλησαν εναντίον λεωφορείου και πολιτικών οχημάτων κοντά στο El Pondok στη μεραρχία Εφραίμ. Αρκετοί πολίτες τραυματίστηκαν από διάφορους επισκέπτες και αυτή τη στιγμή λαμβάνουν ιατρική περίθαλψη.
Οι δυνάμεις ασφαλείας έχουν ξεκινήσει καταδίωξη των τρομοκρατών και πραγματοποιούν αποκλεισμούς και αποκλεισμούς πολλών χωριών της περιοχής.
12/30/2024, 2:48:31 PM
Polishing the Diamonds:
This is how the war affects the training of the most "exploded" unit
1/29/2025, 6:38:40 PM
IDF Spokesperson:
The IDF has been working in recent hours to remove suspects who posed a threat to forces operating in the Gaza Strip.
An Air Force aircraft fired at a suspicious vehicle that was moving north from the center of the Gaza Strip without checking in an area that is not approved for passage according to the agreement, thus violating the agreed outline. The vehicle continued to move north.
In addition, IDF forces carried out evasive fire in several areas in the Gaza Strip to remove suspects who were moving towards them and posed a threat to the fighters present in the area.
The IDF is determined to fully comply with the terms of the agreement in order to return the kidnapped, prepared for any scenario, and will continue to take all necessary actions to remove any immediate threat to IDF soldiers.
The IDF once again calls on Gaza residents to obey IDF instructions and not approach the forces deployed in the area.
12/30/2024, 3:56:25 PM
Attached is a statement from the IDF spokesperson regarding the name of the IDF martyr whose family was notified:
A link to the IDF website, where the details and photos of the martyrs are published and updated, is attached:
In the incident in which Sergeant Uriel Peretz, the late, was killed, three soldiers in the Netzah Yehuda Battalion, Kfir Brigade, were seriously injured.
The soldiers were evacuated to receive medical treatment at a hospital, and their families were notified.
12/30/2024, 4:05:46 PM
IDF Spokesperson:
An alert has been activated in the Kifumim, the details are being investigated.
12/30/2024, 4:11:33 PM
IDF Spokesperson:
Following the alert issued in Kisufim at 18:02, one launch was detected from the center of the Gaza Strip and fell in an open area.
No casualties.