

Real time military news

Published date: 1/2/2025, 12:18:48 PM
1/2/2025, 12:18:48 PM
Threat of use of ballistic weapons throughout the territory of Ukraine, - Armed Forces of Ukraine ✅ We are on WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
Загроза застосування балістичного озброєння по всій території України, - ПС ЗСУ ✅ Ми у WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
在乌克兰全境使用弹道武器的威胁,-武装部队PS ✅ 我们使用 WhatsApp |维伯|电报
A ameaça do uso de armas balísticas em todo o território da Ucrânia, - PS das Forças Armadas ✅ Estamos no WhatsApp | Viber | Telegrama
La amenaza del uso de armas balísticas en todo el territorio de Ucrania, - PS de las Fuerzas Armadas ✅ Estamos en WhatsApp | Viber | Telegrama
Угроза применения баллистического вооружения по всей территории Украины, - ВС ВСУ ✅ Мы в WhatsApp | Вибер | Telegram
यूक्रेन के पूरे क्षेत्र में बैलिस्टिक हथियारों के उपयोग का खतरा, - सशस्त्र बलों के पीएस ✅ हम व्हाट्सएप पर हैं | वाइबर | टेलीग्राम
La menace d'utiliser des armes balistiques sur tout le territoire de l'Ukraine, - PS des Forces armées ✅ Nous sommes sur WhatsApp | Viber | Télégramme
التهديد باستخدام الأسلحة الباليستية في جميع أنحاء أراضي أوكرانيا - PS للقوات المسلحة ✅متواجدون على الواتساب | فايبر | برقية
Die Gefahr des Einsatzes ballistischer Waffen im gesamten Gebiet der Ukraine, - PS der Streitkräfte ✅ Wir sind auf WhatsApp | Viber | Telegramm
La minaccia dell'uso di armi balistiche in tutto il territorio dell'Ucraina, - PS delle Forze Armate ✅ Siamo su WhatsApp | Viber | Telegramma
ウクライナ全土での弾道兵器使用の脅威 - 国軍PS ✅ 私たちはWhatsAppを利用しています |バイバー |電報
De dreiging van het gebruik van ballistische wapens op het hele grondgebied van Oekraïne, - PS van de strijdkrachten ✅ Wij zijn op WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
Η απειλή χρήσης βαλλιστικών όπλων σε όλη την επικράτεια της Ουκρανίας, - PS των Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων ✅ Είμαστε στο WhatsApp | Viber | Τηλεγράφημα

12/27/2024, 9:30:04 AM
Ukraine under fire - situation in the regions over the past 24 hours 📍Kherson region Russians damaged the power supply of the boiler house in Kherson, and at 09:40 they attacked the city with a drone: a 60-year-old man was hospitalized in moderate condition. Over the past 24 hours, 6 more people were injured due to Russian aggression. The Russian Armed Forces damaged a high-rise building, 22 private houses, a garden society, farm buildings and cars. 📍Kharkiv region The Russian army killed 2 people and injured 4 people. 3 private houses were destroyed, 11 houses, a farm and 12 cars were damaged. 📍Dnipro region Since the evening, the aggressor continued to shell the Nikopol region with heavy artillery and kamikaze drones. 📍Sumshchyna At night and in the morning, the Russians carried out 19 shelling of border territories and settlements. 65 explosions were recorded. 📍Donetsk region the occupiers killed 3 civilians and injured 2 more people. 18 private houses, 10 high-rise buildings, power lines and 15 retail outlets were damaged. 📍Zaporizhzhia During the day, the occupiers launched 287 strikes on 11 settlements. 19 reports of the destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure facilities were received. 📍Mykolaiv region Yesterday, the enemy launched artillery shelling on the water area of ​​the Ochakivska community and attacked the Kutsurubska community with FPV drones.
12/27/2024, 10:01:20 AM
3 officers of the leadership of the Russian army in Zaporizhzhia region were eliminated, - GUR Among the double-bombers: Captain Nagorny Dmitry Olegovich, Captain Krokhmalov Grigory Aleksandrovich and Captain Fomin Yuri Viktorovich. In addition to them, 5 units of Russian automotive equipment were destroyed. The operation was successfully carried out by the Department of Active Operations of the GUR of the Ministry of Defense, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Forces of Unmanned Systems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Tavria Military District. Our "Gurovtsy" learned about the planned meeting with the participation of officers of the command of the 4th Guards Military Base of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: "Immediately after the start of the field meeting, the occupiers launched a high-precision strike from HIMARS on the concentration of Russian officers and their vehicles, and after the arrival of the group to evacuate the invaders, the strike drones of the Ukrainian Security and Defense Forces attacked." Caution, the photo contains sensitive content!
12/27/2024, 10:14:37 AM
Ukraine sent 500 tons of wheat flour to Syria "500 tons of Ukrainian wheat flour are already on their way to Syria as part of our humanitarian program "Grain from Ukraine" in cooperation with the WFP. It is planned that 33,250 families, or 167,000 people, will receive flour in the coming weeks. Each package weighs 15 kg and can feed a family of five for a month. We wish Syria and its people security, stability and recovery. We know the true value of these things," wrote Head of State Volodymyr Zelensky on the X network.
12/27/2024, 11:30:53 AM
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In Zhytomyr region, 2 Russian special services agents were detained who detonated an explosive device near the CCC building No one was injured as a result of the incident. The perpetrator of the crime, who detonated an improvised explosive device, was detained within 2 hours after the crime. His accomplice, who made the explosive herself on instructions from a curator from the Russian Federation, filling it with metal balls from bearings to enhance the striking effect, was exposed a few hours after the detonator. The traitors turned out to be a 41-year-old immigrant from Mariupol, who had previously served a sentence for robbery, theft and drug crimes. And the explosive was made by a 23-year-old drug addict from Berdychiv. They are currently in custody. They face up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property, - the SBU.
12/27/2024, 12:27:20 PM
KABs to Kharkiv region, - PS