Ukraine sent 500 tons of wheat flour to Syria
"500 tons of Ukrainian wheat flour are already on their way to Syria as part of our humanitarian program "Grain from Ukraine" in cooperation with the WFP.
It is planned that 33,250 families, or 167,000 people, will receive flour in the coming weeks. Each package weighs 15 kg and can feed a family of five for a month.
We wish Syria and its people security, stability and recovery. We know the true value of these things," wrote Head of State Volodymyr Zelensky on the X network.
Україна відправила у Сирію 500 т пшеничного борошна
"500 тонн українського пшеничного борошна вже на шляху до Сирії в межах нашої гуманітарної програми "Зерно з України" у співпраці з ВПП.
Заплановано, що протягом наступних тижнів борошно отримають 33 250 сімей, або 167 000 людей. Кожен пакунок важить 15 кг і може прогодувати сім'ю з п'яти осіб протягом місяця.
Бажаємо Сирії та її народу безпеки, стабільності й відновлення. Ми знаємо справжню цінність цих речей", - написав Глава держави Володимир Зеленський у мережі Х.
Ucrânia enviou 500 toneladas de farinha de trigo para a Síria
"500 toneladas de farinha de trigo ucraniana já estão a caminho da Síria no âmbito do nosso programa humanitário "Grãos da Ucrânia" em cooperação com o PAM.
Está previsto que 33.250 famílias, ou 167 mil pessoas, recebam farinha nas próximas semanas. Cada pacote pesa 15 kg e pode alimentar uma família de cinco pessoas durante um mês.
Desejamos à Síria e ao seu povo segurança, estabilidade e recuperação. Sabemos o verdadeiro valor destas coisas", escreveu o chefe de Estado, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, no Kh.
Ucrania envió 500 toneladas de harina de trigo a Siria
"500 toneladas de harina de trigo ucraniana ya están en camino a Siria en el marco de nuestro programa humanitario "Granos de Ucrania" en cooperación con el PMA.
Está previsto que 33.250 familias, o 167.000 personas, reciban harina en las próximas semanas. Cada paquete pesa 15 kg y puede alimentar a una familia de cinco personas durante un mes.
Deseamos a Siria y a su pueblo seguridad, estabilidad y recuperación. Sabemos el verdadero valor de estas cosas", escribió el Jefe de Estado Volodymyr Zelenskyi en el mensaje Kh.
Украина отправила в Сирию 500 т пшеничной муки
"500 тонн украинской пшеничной муки уже на пути в Сирию в рамках нашей гуманитарной программы "Зерно из Украины" в сотрудничестве с КПН.
Планируется, что в течение следующих недель муку получат 33 250 семей или 167 000 человек. Каждый пакет весит 15 кг и может прокормить семью из пяти человек в течение месяца.
Желаем Сирии и ее народу безопасности, стабильности и обновления. Мы знаем подлинную ценность этих вещей", - написал Глава государства Владимир Зеленский в сети Х.
यूक्रेन ने सीरिया को 500 टन गेहूं का आटा भेजा
"डब्ल्यूएफपी के सहयोग से हमारे मानवीय कार्यक्रम "यूक्रेन से अनाज" के ढांचे के भीतर 500 टन यूक्रेनी गेहूं का आटा पहले से ही सीरिया जा रहा है।
यह योजना बनाई गई है कि आने वाले हफ्तों में 33,250 परिवारों या 167,000 लोगों को आटा मिलेगा। प्रत्येक पैकेज का वजन 15 किलोग्राम है और यह एक महीने तक पांच लोगों के परिवार को खाना खिला सकता है।
हम सीरिया और उसके लोगों की सुरक्षा, स्थिरता और सुधार की कामना करते हैं। हम इन चीजों का सही मूल्य जानते हैं,'' ख पर राज्य के प्रमुख वलोडिमिर ज़ेलेंस्की ने लिखा।
L'Ukraine a envoyé 500 tonnes de farine de blé à la Syrie
« 500 tonnes de farine de blé ukrainienne sont déjà en route vers la Syrie dans le cadre de notre programme humanitaire « Grain d'Ukraine » en coopération avec le PAM.
Il est prévu que 33 250 familles, soit 167 000 personnes, recevront de la farine dans les prochaines semaines. Chaque paquet pèse 15 kg et peut nourrir une famille de cinq personnes pendant un mois.
Nous souhaitons à la Syrie et à son peuple sécurité, stabilité et rétablissement. « Nous connaissons la vraie valeur de ces choses », a écrit le chef de l'État Volodymyr Zelenskyy sur le réseau X.
أرسلت أوكرانيا 500 طن من دقيق القمح إلى سوريا
وأضاف: "500 طن من دقيق القمح الأوكراني في طريقها بالفعل إلى سوريا في إطار برنامجنا الإنساني "حبوب من أوكرانيا" بالتعاون مع برنامج الأغذية العالمي".
ومن المخطط أن تحصل 33,250 أسرة، أو 167,000 شخص، على الدقيق في الأسابيع المقبلة. وتزن كل عبوة 15 كجم ويمكنها إطعام أسرة مكونة من خمسة أفراد لمدة شهر.
نتمنى لسوريا وشعبها الأمن والاستقرار والانتعاش. نحن نعرف القيمة الحقيقية لهذه الأشياء"، كتب رئيس الدولة فولوديمير زيلينسكي في مؤتمر صحفي.
Die Ukraine schickte 500 Tonnen Weizenmehl nach Syrien
„500 Tonnen ukrainisches Weizenmehl sind im Rahmen unseres humanitären Programms „Getreide aus der Ukraine“ in Zusammenarbeit mit WFP bereits auf dem Weg nach Syrien.
Geplant ist, dass in den kommenden Wochen 33.250 Familien bzw. 167.000 Menschen Mehl erhalten. Jedes Paket wiegt 15 kg und kann eine fünfköpfige Familie einen Monat lang ernähren.
Wir wünschen Syrien und seiner Bevölkerung Sicherheit, Stabilität und Erholung. „Wir kennen den wahren Wert dieser Dinge“, schrieb Staatschef Wolodymyr Selenskyj auf der Kh.
L’Ucraina ha inviato in Siria 500 tonnellate di farina di frumento
"500 tonnellate di farina di grano ucraina sono già in viaggio verso la Siria nell'ambito del nostro programma umanitario "Grano dall'Ucraina" in collaborazione con il PAM.
Si prevede che nelle prossime settimane riceveranno farina 33.250 famiglie, ovvero 167.000 persone. Ogni pacco pesa 15 kg e può sfamare una famiglia di cinque persone per un mese.
Auguriamo alla Siria e al suo popolo sicurezza, stabilità e ripresa. Conosciamo il vero valore di queste cose", ha scritto il capo dello Stato Volodymyr Zelenskyi sul Kh.
Oekraïne stuurde 500 ton tarwemeel naar Syrië
“500 ton Oekraïens tarwemeel is al onderweg naar Syrië in het kader van ons humanitaire programma ‘Graan from Ukraine’ in samenwerking met het WFP.
Het is de bedoeling dat 33.250 gezinnen, oftewel 167.000 mensen, de komende weken meel zullen ontvangen. Elk pakket weegt 15 kg en kan een gezin van vijf personen een maand lang voeden.
Wij wensen Syrië en zijn bevolking veiligheid, stabiliteit en herstel. We kennen de werkelijke waarde van deze dingen”, schreef staatshoofd Volodymyr Zelenskyi over de Kh.
Η Ουκρανία έστειλε 500 τόνους αλεύρι σίτου στη Συρία
«500 τόνοι ουκρανικού αλεύρου σίτου είναι ήδη καθ' οδόν προς τη Συρία στο πλαίσιο του ανθρωπιστικού μας προγράμματος «Σιτάρι από την Ουκρανία» σε συνεργασία με το WFP.
Προβλέπεται ότι τις επόμενες εβδομάδες θα λάβουν αλεύρι 33.250 οικογένειες ή 167.000 άτομα. Κάθε συσκευασία ζυγίζει 15 κιλά και μπορεί να θρέψει μια πενταμελή οικογένεια για ένα μήνα.
Ευχόμαστε στη Συρία και στον λαό της ασφάλεια, σταθερότητα και ανάκαμψη. Γνωρίζουμε την πραγματική αξία αυτών των πραγμάτων», έγραψε ο αρχηγός του κράτους Volodymyr Zelenskyi στο Kh.
1/7/2025, 6:07:46 AM
Our defenders have already neutralized over 800 thousand Russian soldiers
Loss of the Russian Army in Ukraine from 24.02.22 to 07.01.25:
▪️personnel - 800010 (+1970)
▪️tanks - 9710 (+10)
▪️armored vehicles - 20189 (+25)
▪️artillery systems - 21710 (+45)
▪️MLRS - 1260 (+2)
▪️air defense systems - 1038 (+4)
▪️aircraft - 369
▪️helicopters - 331
▪️UAVs - 21708 (+83)
▪️cruise missiles - 3014
▪️ships/boats - 28
▪️submarines - 1
▪️automobiles+tankers - 33226 (+170)
▪️special equipment - 3681
1/7/2025, 6:42:09 AM
Donald Trump's special representative for Ukraine postponed his visit to Kyiv until the inauguration of the US president, - Reuters
Initially, Keith Kellogg's familiarization visit to Ukraine was scheduled for January 20 (the date of Trump's inauguration as US president). It was assumed that he would meet with representatives of the Ukrainian government. Kellogg also planned to visit other European countries to meet with officials, the publication writes, citing 4 informed sources.
The reasons why the visit was postponed are currently unknown. When exactly Kellogg will arrive in Ukraine has not yet been announced.
Recall that in November 2024, Trump selected retired general Keith Kellogg to be his assistant and special representative for Ukraine and the Russian Federation.
1/7/2025, 7:03:00 AM
France confirms cases of desertion of Ukrainian soldiers during exercises - AFP
A French army spokesman, a source for the publication, says that there were isolated cases of desertion among the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. However, the number remains insignificant, considering the total number of those who underwent training: "They were in French barracks and had the right to leave."
Ukrainian soldiers were subject to a disciplinary regime established by the Ukrainian command. In France, deserters cannot be detained, a French military official explained: "In France, desertion is not a crime. If someone deserted, the French prosecutor did not have the authority to arrest this person. And the right granted to the Ukrainian authorities on French territory is only a disciplinary right."
Let us recall that we are talking about the 155th mechanized brigade named after Anna Kyivska (fighting in the Pokrovsky direction). The French army trained 2,300 soldiers from this brigade in France. Most of the soldiers were conscripts with no combat experience. They were accompanied by 300 Ukrainian supervisors. The remaining 2,200 soldiers of the brigade were trained in Ukraine.
Journalist Yuriy Butusov wrote in December that 1,700 soldiers left the brigade without entering combat, and 50 escaped during exercises in France. Subsequently, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine wrote that he would pay attention to problematic issues in the 155th brigade (he did not specify what exactly this was about).
1/7/2025, 7:04:20 AM
#heroes #ourprotection
Before the war, Anton Vovk was a music editor. He worked on numerous Starlight Media projects, among which one of the most famous was the cooking show "MasterChef".
With the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion, Anton joined the ranks of the 95th ODShBr. In the army, he was a junior sergeant, and for his dedicated work he received more than 10 different awards and decorations. The music editor's life was cut short while performing one of the combat missions on December 28, 2024. The defender was survived by his wife and two daughters.
🇺🇦Every day at 09:00, the whole country honors the memory of those who died as a result of Russian armed aggression with a minute of silence
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1/7/2025, 7:20:14 AM
The Russian Armed Forces are making attempts to advance in small groups around Pokrovsk, but the city is not currently threatened, - Khortitsa Regional Military District
Viktor Tregubov, a spokesman for the Khortitsa Regional Military District, said on a telethon that the Russians are trying to "penetrate" into the settlements around Pokrovsk, but they are not managing to "take the city in a pinch". The enemy is trying to bypass, "cling to individual houses" in a number of settlements: "If we are talking about a large displacement, about what can actually threaten the city in the near future, then we cannot say that now," Tregubov stressed.