Rescuers once again came under repeated shelling by racists in Pokrovsk
The day before, the enemy shelled the private sector of the city, hitting a residential building - a fire broke out.
The rescue team localized the fire with an area of 120 m². However, during this time, the occupiers struck the hit site again, - the State Emergency Service.
Fortunately, no injuries.
Рятувальники вкотре потрапили під повторний обстріл рашистів у Покровську
Напередодні ворог обстріляв приватний сектор міста, поціливши у житловий будинок - виникла пожежа.
Рятувальна бригада локалізувала загоряння площею 120 м². Втім під час цього окупанти повторно вдарили по місцю влучання, - ДСНС.
На щастя, без постраждалих.
As equipes de resgate mais uma vez foram atacadas pelos Rashistas em Pokrovsk
Na véspera, o inimigo disparou contra o setor privado da cidade, visando um prédio residencial - ocorreu um incêndio.
A equipe de resgate localizou o incêndio em uma área de 120 m². Porém, durante isso, os ocupantes atingiram novamente o local do impacto - o Serviço de Emergência do Estado.
Felizmente, não houve vítimas.
Los rescatistas una vez más fueron atacados por los Rashistas en Pokrovsk
El día anterior, el enemigo disparó contra el sector privado de la ciudad, apuntando a un edificio residencial, y se produjo un incendio.
El equipo de rescate localizó el incendio en una superficie de 120 m². Sin embargo, en ese momento los ocupantes atacaron nuevamente el lugar del impacto, informó el Servicio Estatal de Emergencias.
Afortunadamente no hubo víctimas.
Спасатели еще раз попали под повторный обстрел рашистов в Покровске
Накануне враг обстрелял частный сектор города, попав в жилой дом - возник пожар.
Спасательная бригада локализовала возгорание площадью 120 м².
К счастью, без пострадавших.
बचावकर्मी एक बार फिर पोक्रोव्स्क में राशिस्टों की गोलीबारी का शिकार हो गए
एक दिन पहले, दुश्मन ने शहर के निजी क्षेत्र में एक आवासीय इमारत को निशाना बनाकर गोलीबारी की - आग लग गई।
बचाव दल ने 120 वर्ग मीटर के क्षेत्र में आग का स्थानीयकरण किया। हालाँकि, इस दौरान, कब्ज़ा करने वालों ने प्रभाव वाली जगह पर फिर से हमला किया, - राज्य आपातकालीन सेवा।
सौभाग्य से, कोई हताहत नहीं हुआ।
Les sauveteurs ont de nouveau essuyé le feu des rashistes à Pokrovsk
La veille, l'ennemi avait tiré sur le secteur privé de la ville, visant un immeuble résidentiel - un incendie s'était déclaré.
Les secours ont localisé l'incendie sur une superficie de 120 m². Cependant, pendant ce temps, les occupants ont de nouveau touché le lieu de l'impact, indique le service d'urgence de l'État.
Heureusement, il n’y a eu aucune victime.
تعرض رجال الإنقاذ مرة أخرى لإطلاق النار من قبل الراشيين في بوكروفسك
وقبل ذلك بيوم أطلق العدو النار على القطاع الخاص بالمدينة مستهدفا مبنى سكنيا - اندلع حريق.
وقام فريق الإنقاذ بحصر الحريق بمساحة 120 متراً مربعاً. ومع ذلك، خلال ذلك، ضرب المحتلون مرة أخرى مكان التأثير، - خدمة الطوارئ الحكومية.
ولحسن الحظ، لم تقع إصابات.
Die Retter gerieten in Pokrowsk erneut unter Beschuss der Raschisten
Am Tag zuvor feuerte der Feind auf den Privatsektor der Stadt und zielte auf ein Wohngebäude – es brach ein Feuer aus.
Das Rettungsteam lokalisierte den Brand auf einer Fläche von 120 m². Dabei trafen die Besatzer jedoch erneut die Einschlagstelle, so der Landesrettungsdienst.
Glücklicherweise gab es keine Verletzten.
I soccorritori sono finiti ancora una volta sotto il fuoco dei Rashisti a Pokrovsk
Il giorno prima, il nemico aveva sparato nel settore privato della città, mirando a un edificio residenziale: era scoppiato un incendio.
La squadra di soccorso ha localizzato l'incendio su una superficie di 120 mq. Tuttavia, gli occupanti hanno colpito nuovamente il luogo dell'impatto: il Servizio di emergenza statale.
Fortunatamente non ci sono state vittime.
De reddingswerkers kwamen opnieuw onder vuur te liggen van de Rashisten in Pokrovsk
De dag ervoor schoot de vijand op de particuliere sector van de stad, gericht op een woongebouw - er brak brand uit.
Het reddingsteam heeft de brand gelokaliseerd met een oppervlakte van 120 m². Tijdens deze actie raakten de bezetters echter opnieuw de plaats van inslag, de Staatshulpdienst.
Gelukkig vielen er geen slachtoffers.
Οι διασώστες δέχθηκαν για άλλη μια φορά τα πυρά των Ρασιστών στο Ποκρόβσκ
Προχθές ο εχθρός πυροβόλησε κατά του ιδιωτικού τομέα της πόλης, με στόχο κτίριο κατοικιών - ξέσπασε φωτιά.
Η ομάδα διάσωσης εντόπισε τη φωτιά σε έκταση 120 m². Ωστόσο, κατά τη διάρκεια αυτού, οι κατακτητές χτύπησαν ξανά τον τόπο πρόσκρουσης, - η Κρατική Υπηρεσία Έκτακτης Ανάγκης.
Ευτυχώς δεν υπήρξαν θύματα.
2/18/2025, 10:10:27 AM
Ukraine under fire is the situation in the regions per day
📍 Kyiv region
Last night, the wreckage of the whipped enemy UAV fell in the Svyatoshinsky district of Kiev. There was a fire in the territory of an industrial enterprise and burned a car in the courtyard of an apartment building nearby.
The Russian drone hit a high -rise building in Dolinskaya: 3 victims - mom and 2 children.
Shakshapeda's wreckage of the Russian army damaged 4 houses, garage and car in the Cherkasy district.
In Orikhov, an 80-year-old man was killed at the hands of the racists. His body was discovered today under the rubble of a house that the Russians fired last night from artillery. During the day, the invaders made 398 beats on 9 settlements. 29 reports of damage to apartments and private homes were received.
📍Herson region
The hospital was taken to the hospital, who was hit by a Russian drone the day before. The medical aid also needed 3 inhabitants of Stanislav, who were affected by the strikes of the Russian army. Due to Russian aggression, 8 people were injured. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation damaged a high -rise building, 9 private homes, a point of indomitability, household and cars.
At night and morning, the Russians made 7 shelling. There were 19 explosions - a car was mutilated in the Boromlyansk community.
📍 Kharkiv region
During the day, Russian invaders wounded 4 civilians. The dormitory, a building of social security, administrative building, a multi -storey building, a hospital building, a warehouse and private homes were mutilated.
The Russians killed 1 man in Pokrovsk, and 3 more were injured. Numerous houses, transmission lines, cars and administrative buildings are trapped.
📍 Mykolaivshchyna
Yesterday, the invaders carried out the arteiber of the Kutsurub community: in the village. Kutsurub damaged a private home and transmission lines. As a result of the shelling, 4 settlements of the community were deactivated. Electricity supply was restored by energy in 3 settlements. The enemy also attacked the FPV-Dron coast of Ochakov twice.
📍 Dnipropetrovsk region
By late evening, the Russian army fired at the villages of Nikopol region from heavy artillery. 1 wounded during yesterday's attack on the Chervonohrigor community went to the doctors. She was given a medical help (recovered at home). In total, 7 people were injured during the day.
2/18/2025, 10:59:59 AM
Russia made the North Korean missiles KN -23 more accurate when hit - the head of the GUR
"At first, its accuracy was very low, with an error of 500 to 1500 m.
This is one example of why the DPRK's participation in the war against Ukraine will have long-term consequences for the security system in the Asian-Pacific region, because Moscow and Pyongyang deepen military cooperation in the field of technology, science and industry: "This war has mobilized all military capabilities . Only 3 states - Ukraine, Russia and North Korea - acquire the direct experience of the full -scale war of the XXI century.
Among other things, Budanov also noted that the DPRK in the Russian War against Ukraine has lost about 4,000 thousand soldiers killed and severely wounded, but they continue to participate in joint operations with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Also on the front there is an increase in the number of North Korean artillery.
2/18/2025, 11:06:42 AM
The Cabinet of Ministers directs over UAH 1.5 billion to support the Chernobyl shelter
"Today, the government is sending more than 1.5 billion UAH to support the safe condition of the Chernobyl NPP. We increase funding by 139 million compared to 2024," Prime Minister Denis Shmigal said, adding that there is no radiation threat and continue work on eliminating Russian consequences Attacks on the night of February 14.
2/18/2025, 11:07:55 AM
High-speed target at the Sumy region in the southwestern direction
2/18/2025, 11:25:20 AM
The Defense Forces of Ukraine reserve the right to strike strategic sites that contribute to the armed aggression of the Russian Federation. Energy infrastructure destruction operations that support Russia's illegal war will continue.