the Rashists hit Bilozerka in the Kherson region with artillery: 8 injured
Among the injured are 2 children: a 16-year-old boy and a 15-year-old girl. They have explosive, craniocerebral injuries and contusions. The boy still has a shrapnel wound on his forehead. There are 3 more women aged 43 and 62 and 2 men aged 51 and 52 with the same diagnosis as these children. A 21-year-old man with a shrapnel wound to the neck was also hospitalized - head of the OVA Oleksandr Prokudin.
рашисти вдарили з артилерії по Білозерці на Херсонщині: 8 постраждалих
Серед травмованих 2 дитини: 16-річний хлопець та 15-річна дівчина. У них вибухові, черепно-мозкові травми та контузії. В хлопця ще уламкове поранення чола. З діагнозом як і у цих дітей ще 3 жінок віком 43 та 62 роки та 2 чоловіків 51 та 52 років. Госпіталізували також 21-річного чоловіка з уламковим пораненням шиї, - голова ОВА Олександр Прокудін.
os Rashistas atingiram Bilozerka na região de Kherson com artilharia: 8 feridos
Entre os feridos estão 2 crianças: um menino de 16 anos e uma menina de 15 anos. Eles têm lesões craniocerebrais explosivas e contusões. O menino ainda tem um ferimento de estilhaço na testa. Há mais 3 mulheres de 43 e 62 anos e 2 homens de 51 e 52 anos com o mesmo diagnóstico destas crianças. Um homem de 21 anos com um estilhaço no pescoço também foi hospitalizado - chefe do OVA Oleksandr Prokudin.
Los Rashistas atacaron con artillería Bilozerka en la región de Kherson: 8 heridos
Entre los heridos se encuentran 2 niños: un chico de 16 años y una chica de 15 años. Tienen lesiones explosivas, craneocerebrales y contusiones. El niño todavía tiene una herida de metralla en la frente. Hay 3 mujeres más de 43 y 62 años y 2 hombres de 51 y 52 años con el mismo diagnóstico que estos niños. También fue hospitalizado un hombre de 21 años con una herida de metralla en el cuello: el jefe de la OVA, Oleksandr Prokudin.
рашисты ударили из артиллерии по Белозерке в Херсонской области: 8 пострадавших
Среди травмированных 2 ребенка: 16-летний парень и 15-летняя девушка. У них взрывчатые, черепно-мозговые травмы и контузии. У парня еще обломочное ранение лба. С диагнозом как и у этих детей еще 3 женщины в возрасте 43 и 62 года и 2 мужчин 51 и 52 лет. Госпитализировали также 21-летнего мужчину с обломочным ранением шеи, - председатель ОВА Александр Прокудин.
राशिस्टों ने तोपखाने से खेरसॉन क्षेत्र में बिलोज़ेरका पर हमला किया: 8 घायल हो गए
घायलों में 2 बच्चे हैं: एक 16 साल का लड़का और एक 15 साल की लड़की। उन्हें विस्फोटक, मस्तिष्क संबंधी चोटें और चोटें हैं। लड़के के माथे पर अभी भी छर्रे का घाव है। 43 और 62 वर्ष की 3 और महिलाएं और 51 और 52 वर्ष की आयु के 2 पुरुष हैं जिनका निदान इन बच्चों जैसा ही है। गर्दन पर छर्रे लगने से घायल 21 वर्षीय व्यक्ति को भी अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया - ओवीए के प्रमुख ऑलेक्ज़ेंडर प्रोकुडिन।
les Rashistes ont frappé avec l'artillerie Bilozerka dans la région de Kherson: 8 blessés
Parmi les blessés figurent 2 enfants : un garçon de 16 ans et une fille de 15 ans. Ils souffrent de blessures explosives, cranio-cérébrales et de contusions. Le garçon porte toujours un éclat d'obus au front. Il y a 3 autres femmes âgées de 43 et 62 ans et 2 hommes âgés de 51 et 52 ans avec le même diagnostic que ces enfants. Un homme de 21 ans blessé au cou par un éclat d'obus a également été hospitalisé - le chef de l'OVA Oleksandr Prokudin.
الرشيون يقصفون مدينة بيلوزيركا في منطقة خيرسون بالمدفعية ويتسببون في إصابة 8 أشخاص
ومن بين المصابين طفلان: صبي يبلغ من العمر 16 عاماً وفتاة تبلغ من العمر 15 عاماً. لديهم إصابات وكدمات متفجرة وقحفية دماغية. ولا يزال الصبي مصابًا بشظية في جبهته. هناك 3 نساء أخريات تتراوح أعمارهن بين 43 و62 عامًا ورجلين يبلغان من العمر 51 و52 عامًا لديهم نفس التشخيص مثل هؤلاء الأطفال. كما تم إدخال رجل يبلغ من العمر 21 عامًا مصابًا بشظية في الرقبة إلى المستشفى - رئيس OVA أولكسندر بروكودين.
Die Raschisten griffen Bilozerka in der Region Cherson mit Artillerie an: 8 Verletzte
Unter den Verletzten sind zwei Kinder: ein 16-jähriger Junge und ein 15-jähriges Mädchen. Sie haben explosive, Schädel-Hirn-Verletzungen und Prellungen. Der Junge hat immer noch eine Granatsplitterwunde an der Stirn. Es gibt drei weitere Frauen im Alter von 43 und 62 Jahren und zwei Männer im Alter von 51 und 52 Jahren mit der gleichen Diagnose wie diese Kinder. Ein 21-jähriger Mann mit einer Granatsplitterwunde am Hals wurde ebenfalls ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert – der Leiter der OVA Oleksandr Prokudin.
i Rashisti colpiscono con l'artiglieria Bilozerka nella regione di Kherson: 8 feriti
Tra i feriti ci sono 2 ragazzi: un ragazzo di 16 anni e una ragazza di 15 anni. Presentano lesioni esplosive, craniocerebrali e contusioni. Il ragazzo ha ancora una ferita da scheggia sulla fronte. Ci sono altre 3 donne di 43 e 62 anni e 2 uomini di 51 e 52 anni con la stessa diagnosi di questi bambini. È stato ricoverato in ospedale anche un uomo di 21 anni con una ferita da scheggia al collo, il capo dell'OVA Oleksandr Prokudin.
de Rashisten raakten Bilozerka in de regio Kherson met artillerie: 8 gewonden
Onder de gewonden bevinden zich twee kinderen: een 16-jarige jongen en een 15-jarig meisje. Ze hebben explosieve, hersenletsel en kneuzingen. De jongen heeft nog steeds een granaatscherfwond op zijn voorhoofd. Er zijn nog 3 vrouwen van 43 en 62 jaar en 2 mannen van 51 en 52 jaar met dezelfde diagnose als deze kinderen. Een 21-jarige man met een granaatscherfwond in de nek werd ook in het ziekenhuis opgenomen - hoofd van de OVA Oleksandr Prokudin.
οι Ρασιστές χτύπησαν με πυροβολικό την Μπιλοζέρκα στην περιοχή Χερσώνα: 8 τραυματίες
Ανάμεσα στους τραυματίες είναι 2 παιδιά: ένα αγόρι 16 ετών και ένα κορίτσι 15 ετών. Έχουν εκρηκτικά, κρανιοεγκεφαλικά τραύματα και μώλωπες. Το αγόρι έχει ακόμα ένα τραύμα από σκάγια στο μέτωπό του. Υπάρχουν 3 ακόμη γυναίκες ηλικίας 43 και 62 ετών και 2 άνδρες ηλικίας 51 και 52 ετών με την ίδια διάγνωση με αυτά τα παιδιά. Ένας 21χρονος άνδρας με τραύμα από σκάγια στον λαιμό νοσηλεύτηκε επίσης - επικεφαλής της OVA Oleksandr Prokudin.
12/26/2024, 12:13:26 PM
In the Kherson region, there is an increase in the activity of the enemy, - the head of the OVA
According to Prokudin, there are facts when the occupiers advance and try to gain a foothold on the islands or on the right bank.
The command sets them the task to seize at least a part of the right-bank Kherson region and gain a foothold there, the official said.
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12/26/2024, 2:49:18 PM
Situation on the front as of 16:00
Since the beginning of the day, the total number of combat clashes along the entire front line has increased to 114.
▪️In the Kharkiv direction, 2 combat clashes took place in the areas of Vovchansk and Starytsia.
▪️6 assault actions of the invaders were repelled by our soldiers near Zapadne, Lozova and Kruglyakivka in the Kupyansk direction, 2 combat clashes are still ongoing.
▪️In the Lymansk direction, the enemy is attacking in the areas of Kopanki, Cherneshchyna, Novosergiivka, Platonovka, Zeleny Gay, Druzhelyubivka, Makiivka, Terni, Zarichny, Torsky, Serebryansky forest and Hryhorivka. In total, since the beginning of the day, 18 combat clashes have already been recorded in this direction, 4 of which are still ongoing.
▪️In the Siversky direction, the invaders attacked 3 times in the area of Bilogorivka, our defenders successfully repelled all attacks.
▪️In the Toretsk direction, the enemy attacked 8 times near Diliivka and Toretsk, 2 clashes are still ongoing.
▪️In the Pokrovsky direction, in the areas of Vozdvizhenka, Myrolyubivka, Promyen, Lysivka, Zeleny, Dachensky, Novy Trud, Pishchany, Pokrovsk, Novoolenivka, Shevchenko and Novotroitsky - the enemy carried out 26 attacks, 21 of which have already been repelled.
▪️In the Kurakhiv direction, 17 clashes are ongoing in the areas of the settlements of Petropavlivka, Slovianka and Kurakhovo. 11 enemy assaults have already been repelled.
▪️In the areas of the settlements of Yantarne, Vremivka, Kostiantynopol, Novyi Komar, Kostiantynopolske in the Vremiv direction, 12 enemy attacks were repelled, 6 clashes are ongoing.
▪️In the Orikhiv direction, in the area of the settlement of Novoandreyevka, the invaders carried out 1 futile attack.
▪️In the Prydniprovske direction, our defenders repelled 1 enemy attack.
▪️10 clashes took place in the Kursk direction, the enemy dropped 9 guided aerial bombs on the areas of settlements and positions of our defenders, and launched 201 artillery shells, including 13 from multiple launch rocket systems, - the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
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12/26/2024, 2:58:34 PM
Russian 'shadow' fleet tanker may have damaged cable between Finland and Estonia - Financial Times
The Eagle S was stopped by Finnish authorities after the Estlink 2 undersea power cable in the Gulf of Finland was disconnected on Wednesday.
The tanker, which is registered in the Cook Islands and is transporting oil from Russia to Egypt according to ship tracking data, was seen near the cable at the time of the incident. It is currently being investigated whether it cut three communication cables in the Gulf of Finland.
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12/26/2024, 3:13:05 PM
Thailand accepts Russia's invitation to become a BRICS partner country
The country's Foreign Ministry says that BRICS membership will help Thailand increase trade, investment, food and energy security, and will also help strengthen Thailand's role in promoting international cooperation and multilateralism.
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12/26/2024, 3:24:57 PM
Platoon Commander of the 211th Pontoon-Bridge Brigade Declared Wanted
Under the procedural guidance of specialized defense prosecutors, the commander of one of the platoons of the pontoon-bridge battalion of the 211th Pontoon-Bridge Brigade was notified of suspicion of abuse of authority by a military official, unauthorized departure from a military unit, and desertion.
According to the investigation, from February to May 2024, while in the mission area in Eastern Ukraine, the suspect repeatedly used violence against servicemen.
In February 2024, while in the Dnipropetrovsk region, he beat a soldier for being intoxicated. Later, while in the Donetsk region, the suspect beat this soldier again. He ordered his subordinates to tie him to a wooden structure. The suspect also beat another soldier over a dispute over the publication of a video on the Internet about inadequate living conditions. In addition, in May, while in the Kharkiv region, he beat a subordinate for allegedly inappropriate treatment of him.
Due to the fact that the suspect is hiding from the investigation, he has been put on the wanted list, - the Prosecutor General's Office.
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