In the Kherson region, there is an increase in the activity of the enemy, - the head of the OVA
According to Prokudin, there are facts when the occupiers advance and try to gain a foothold on the islands or on the right bank.
The command sets them the task to seize at least a part of the right-bank Kherson region and gain a foothold there, the official said.
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На Херсонщині спостерігається підвищення активності ворога, - голова ОВА
За словами Прокудіна, є факти, коли окупанти висуваються та намагаються закріпитися на островах або на правому березі.
Їм командування ставить завдання, щоб вони захопили хоча б частинку правобережної Херсонщини і закріпилися там, - повідомив посадовець.
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Na região de Kherson, há um aumento na atividade do inimigo, - o chefe do OVA
Segundo Prokudin, há factos em que os ocupantes avançam e tentam firmar-se nas ilhas ou na margem direita.
O comando atribui-lhes a tarefa de capturar pelo menos uma parte da região da margem direita de Kherson e ganhar uma posição ali, disse o oficial.
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En la región de Kherson, hay un aumento en la actividad del enemigo, - el jefe de la OVA
Según Prokudin, hay hechos cuando los ocupantes avanzan e intentan afianzarse en las islas o en la margen derecha.
El comando les asigna la tarea de apoderarse de al menos una parte de la región de Kherson, en la margen derecha, y establecerse allí, dijo el funcionario.
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В Херсонской области наблюдается повышение активности врага, - председатель ОВА
По словам Прокудина, есть факты, когда оккупанты выдвигаются и пытаются закрепиться на островах или на правом берегу.
Им командование ставит задачу, чтобы они захватили хотя бы часть правобережной Херсонщины и закрепились там, - сообщил чиновник.
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ओवीए के प्रमुख ने कहा, ''खेरसॉन क्षेत्र में दुश्मन की गतिविधि में वृद्धि हुई है।''
प्रोकुडिन के अनुसार, ऐसे तथ्य हैं जब कब्ज़ा करने वाले आगे बढ़ते हैं और द्वीपों या दाहिने किनारे पर पैर जमाने की कोशिश करते हैं।
अधिकारी ने कहा, कमांड ने उन्हें दाहिने किनारे के खेरसॉन क्षेत्र के कम से कम एक हिस्से को जब्त करने और वहां पैर जमाने का काम सौंपा है।
✅ हम व्हाट्सएप पर हैं | वाइबर | टेलीग्राम
Dans la région de Kherson, il y a une augmentation de l'activité de l'ennemi, - le chef de l'OVA
Selon Prokoudine, il arrive que les occupants avancent et tentent de prendre pied sur les îles ou sur la rive droite.
Le commandement leur donne pour tâche de s'emparer d'au moins une partie de la région de Kherson, sur la rive droite, et d'y prendre pied, a indiqué le responsable.
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في منطقة خيرسون هناك زيادة في نشاط العدو - رئيس OVA
وبحسب بروكودين، هناك حقائق عندما يتقدم المحتلون ويحاولون الحصول على موطئ قدم على الجزر أو على الضفة اليمنى.
وقال المسؤول إن القيادة كلفتهم بمهمة الاستيلاء على جزء على الأقل من منطقة خيرسون على الضفة اليمنى والحصول على موطئ قدم هناك.
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In der Region Cherson nimmt die Aktivität des Feindes zu, des Chefs der OVA
Laut Prokudin liegen Tatsachen vor, wenn die Besatzer vorrücken und versuchen, auf den Inseln oder am rechten Ufer Fuß zu fassen.
Das Kommando stelle ihnen die Aufgabe, zumindest einen Teil der Region Cherson am rechten Ufer zu erobern und dort Fuß zu fassen, sagte der Beamte.
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Nella regione di Kherson si registra un aumento dell'attività del nemico, il capo dell'OVA
Secondo Prokudin ci sono dei fatti in cui gli occupanti avanzano e cercano di prendere piede sulle isole o sulla riva destra.
Il comando assegna loro il compito di impadronirsi almeno di una parte della regione della riva destra di Kherson e di stabilirvi un punto d'appoggio, ha detto il funzionario.
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In de Kherson-regio is er een toename van de activiteit van de vijand, het hoofd van de OVA
Volgens Prokudin zijn er feiten wanneer de bezetters oprukken en proberen voet aan de grond te krijgen op de eilanden of op de rechteroever.
Het commando geeft hen de taak om ten minste een deel van de Kherson-regio op de rechteroever te veroveren en daar voet aan de grond te krijgen, aldus de functionaris.
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Στην περιοχή Kherson, παρατηρείται αύξηση της δραστηριότητας του εχθρού, - ο επικεφαλής της OVA
Σύμφωνα με τον Prokudin, υπάρχουν γεγονότα όταν οι κατακτητές προχωρούν και προσπαθούν να αποκτήσουν ερείσματα στα νησιά ή στη δεξιά όχθη.
Η διοίκηση τους θέτει ως καθήκον να καταλάβουν τουλάχιστον ένα μέρος της δεξιάς όχθης της περιοχής Χερσών και να αποκτήσουν έδαφος εκεί, είπε ο αξιωματούχος.
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1/10/2025, 6:15:08 AM
Another minus 1830 Russian soldiers
Loss of the Russian Army in Ukraine from 24.02.22 to 10.01.25:
▪️personnel - 804930 (+1830)
▪️tanks - 9741 (+10)
▪️armored vehicles - 20253 (+32)
▪️artillery systems - 21789 (+24)
▪️MLRS - 1260
▪️air defense systems - 1041 (+3)
▪️aircraft - 369
▪️helicopters - 331
▪️UAVs - 21884 (+71)
▪️cruise missiles - 3017 (+3)
▪️ships/boats - 28
▪️submarines - 1
▪️vehicles+tankers - 33473 (+86)
▪️special equipment - 3689 (+3)
1/10/2025, 6:58:57 AM
Russian occupiers once again attacked the civilian infrastructure of Semenivka in Chernihiv region
Five explosions from a Geran-2 UAV were recorded.
An elderly woman was hospitalized with injuries. 2 houses and a business were damaged. Non-residential buildings were occupied, - OVA.
1/10/2025, 7:15:08 AM
German Chancellor Blocks New Aid Package for Ukraine - Der Spiegel
The country's Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock and Defense Minister Boris Pistorius want to allocate about €3 billion for weapons for Ukraine before the Bundestag elections. However, Scholz is probably against this.
The publication writes that the list of weapons for Ukraine was drawn up in November 2024 - after the collapse of the German government coalition. It included 3 Iris-T air defense batteries with missiles for them, Patriot missiles, 10 wheeled howitzers and artillery ammunition.
Der Spiegel sources believe that Scholz does not want to announce further weapons supplies to Ukraine in the midst of the election campaign, so as not to alienate potential voters of the Social Democratic Party of Germany.
1/10/2025, 7:22:55 AM
The sky defenders neutralized 33 of 72 enemy strike UAVs
34 of them did not reach their targets, and 1 flew to the Russian Federation.
The drones were shot down in Poltava, Sumy, Kharkiv, Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Khmelnytskyi, Vinnytsia and Kherson regions.
In the Kyiv region, the shot down UAV fell on a high-rise building, damaging a building and 20 cars. In the Chernihiv region - 5 drone hits in enterprises and farm buildings. A civilian was injured, - PS.
1/10/2025, 7:36:20 AM
Enterprises in Rostov and Leningrad regions caught fire in the swamps
At least 16 UAVs attacked the Rostov region. The PlastFaktor plant in the village of Krym caught fire, Russian media write.
And in the Leningrad region, a fire broke out with an area of 1,900 m² in the industrial zone of the city of Gatchina, where factories producing acetone, varnishes and paints are located. The cause of the fire is not specified. Locals wrote about the sounds of explosions.
☝️ Head of the Central Defense Directorate at the National Security and Defense Council Andriy Kovalenko writes that camouflaged military facilities were attacked: "Russia presents military plants as ordinary, trying to hide their real products. But everything is known."