Os defensores eliminaram outros 1.690 ocupantes russos durante o dia
Perdas totais em combate do inimigo de 24/02/22 a 28/12/24:
▪️pessoal ‒ 784.200 (+1.690)
▪️tanques ‒ 9651 (+7)
▪️veículos blindados ‒ 19970 (+19)
▪️sistema de arte – 21408 (+29)
▪️RSZV - 1256
▪️ meios de defesa aérea ‒ 1032
▪️aviões - 369
▪️helicópteros - 329
▪️UAV – 21013 (+14)
▪️ mísseis de cruzeiro ‒ 3003
▪️navios/barcos ‒ 28
▪️ submarinos - 1
▪️veículos e caminhões-tanque - 32328 (+66)
▪️ equipamento especial ‒ 3668
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Los defensores eliminaron a otros 1.690 ocupantes rusos durante el día.
Pérdidas totales en combate del enemigo del 24.02.22 al 28.12.24:
▪️personal ‒ 784.200 (+1.690)
▪️tanques ‒ 9651 (+7)
▪️vehículos blindados - 19970 (+19)
▪️sistema de arte – 21408 (+29)
▪️RSZV - 1256
▪️ medios de defensa aérea ‒ 1032
▪️aviones - 369
▪️helicópteros - 329
▪️UAV – 21013 (+14)
▪️ misiles de crucero ‒ 3003
▪️barcos/barcos ‒ 28
▪️ submarinos - 1
▪️vehículos y camiones cisterna - 32328 (+66)
▪️ equipo especial ‒ 3668
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Защитники за сутки ликвидировали еще 1690 российских окупантов
Общие боевые потери противника с 24.02.22 по 28.12.24:
▪️личного состава ‒ 784200 (+1690)
▪️танков ‒ 9651 (+7)
▪️бронированных машин ‒ 19970 (+19)
▪️артсистем – 21408 (+29)
▪️РСЗО – 1256
▪️средства ПВО ‒ 1032
▪️самолетов – 369
▪️вертолетов – 329
▪️БПЛА – 21013 (+14)
▪️крылатые ракеты ‒ 3003
▪️корабли /катера ‒ 28
▪️подводные лодки - 1
▪️автотехники и автоцистерн – 32328 (+66)
▪️спецтехника ‒ 3668
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रक्षकों ने दिन के दौरान अन्य 1,690 रूसी कब्ज़ाधारियों को मार गिराया
24.02.22 से 28.12.24 तक दुश्मन की कुल युद्ध हानि:
▪️कार्मिक ‒ 784,200 (+1,690)
▪️टैंक ‒ 9651 (+7)
▪️बख्तरबंद वाहन ‒ 19970 (+19)
▪️आर्टसिस्टम – 21408 (+29)
▪️वायु रक्षा के साधन ‒1032
▪️विमान - 369
▪️हेलीकॉप्टर - 329
▪️यूएवी – 21013 (+14)
▪️ क्रूज़ मिसाइलें ‒ 3003
▪️जहाज/नावें ‒28
▪️पनडुब्बियां - 1
▪️वाहन एवं टैंकर - 32328 (+66)
▪️विशेष उपकरण‒3668
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Les défenseurs ont éliminé 1 690 autres occupants russes au cours de la journée.
Pertes totales au combat de l'ennemi du 24.02.22 au 28.12.24 :
▪️personnel ‒ 784 200 (+1 690)
▪️réservoirs ‒ 9651 (+7)
▪️véhicules blindés ‒ 19970 (+19)
▪️artsystem – 21408 (+29)
▪️ moyens de défense aérienne ‒ 1032
▪️avions - 369
▪️hélicoptères - 329
▪️UAV – 21013 (+14)
▪️ missiles de croisière ‒ 3003
▪️navires/bateaux ‒ 28
▪️ sous-marins - 1
▪️véhicules et camions-citernes - 32328 (+66)
▪️équipement spécial ‒ 3668
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قضى المدافعون على 1690 محتلا روسيا آخرين خلال النهار
إجمالي الخسائر القتالية للعدو من 24.02.22 إلى 28.12.24:
▪️الموظفون - 784,200 (+1,690)
▪️الدبابات - 9651 (+7)
▪️مركبات مدرعة ‒ 19970 (+19)
▪️نظام الفن – 21408 (+29)
▪️RSZV - 1256
▪️ وسائل الدفاع الجوي - 1032
▪️الطائرات - 369
▪️مروحيات - 329
▪️طائرات بدون طيار – 21013 (+14)
▪️ صواريخ كروز – 3003
▪️السفن/القوارب - 28
▪️غواصات - 1
▪️المركبات والصهاريج - 32328 (+66)
▪️ معدات خاصة ‒ 3668
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Die Verteidiger eliminierten im Laufe des Tages weitere 1.690 russische Besatzer
Gesamtkampfverluste des Gegners vom 24.02.22 bis 28.12.24:
▪️Personal ‒ 784.200 (+1.690)
▪️Panzer ‒ 9651 (+7)
▪️gepanzerte Fahrzeuge ‒ 19970 (+19)
▪️artsystem – 21408 (+29)
▪️ RSZV - 1256
▪️ Luftverteidigungsmittel ‒ 1032
▪️Flugzeuge – 369
▪️Hubschrauber – 329
▪️UAV – 21013 (+14)
▪️ Marschflugkörper ‒ 3003
▪️Schiffe/Boote ‒ 28
▪️ U-Boote - 1
▪️Fahrzeuge und Tankwagen - 32328 (+66)
▪️ Sonderausstattung ‒ 3668
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I difensori hanno eliminato altri 1.690 occupanti russi durante la giornata
Perdite totali in combattimento del nemico dal 24.02.22 al 28.12.24:
▪️personale ‒ 784.200 (+1.690)
▪️carri armati ‒ 9651 (+7)
▪️veicoli blindati ‒ 19970 (+19)
▪️artsystem – 21408 (+29)
▪️mezzi di difesa aerea ‒ 1032
▪️aerei - 369
▪️elicotteri - 329
▪️UAV – 21013 (+14)
▪️ missili da crociera ‒ 3003
▪️navi/barche ‒ 28
▪️ sottomarini - 1
▪️veicoli e cisterne - 32328 (+66)
▪️ attrezzature speciali ‒ 3668
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De verdedigers schakelden gedurende de dag nog eens 1.690 Russische bezetters uit
Totale gevechtsverliezen van de vijand van 24.02.22 tot 28.12.24:
▪️personeel ‒ 784.200 (+1.690)
▪️tanks ‒ 9651 (+7)
▪️pantservoertuigen ‒ 19970 (+19)
▪️kunstsysteem – 21408 (+29)
▪️ luchtverdedigingsmiddelen ‒ 1032
▪️vliegtuigen - 369
▪️helikopters - 329
▪️UAV – 21013 (+14)
▪️ kruisraketten ‒ 3003
▪️schepen/boten ‒ 28
▪️ onderzeeërs - 1
▪️voertuigen en tankwagens - 32328 (+66)
▪️ speciale uitrusting ‒ 3668
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Οι υπερασπιστές εξάλειψαν άλλους 1.690 Ρώσους κατακτητές κατά τη διάρκεια της ημέρας
Συνολικές απώλειες μάχης του εχθρού από 24.02.22 έως 28.12.24:
▪️προσωπικό ‒ 784.200 (+1.690)
▪️δεξαμενές ‒ 9651 (+7)
▪️θωρακισμένα οχήματα ‒ 19970 (+19)
▪️artsystem – 21408 (+29)
▪️ RSZV - 1256
▪️ μέσα αεράμυνας ‒ 1032
▪️αεροπλάνα - 369
▪️ελικόπτερα - 329
▪️UAV – 21013 (+14)
▪️ Πύραυλοι κρουζ ‒ 3003
▪️πλοία/σκάφη ‒ 28
▪️ υποβρύχια - 1
▪️οχήματα και βυτιοφόρα - 32328 (+66)
▪️ ειδικός εξοπλισμός ‒ 3668
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1/14/2025, 3:19:13 PM
1/14/2025, 3:44:54 PM
Specialists of the engineering and aviation service will not be transferred to units of other branches and types of the Armed Forces
This was reported by the Air Forces of the Armed Forces.
"This also applies to other specialties that are in short supply in the Air Forces. It is also not about transferring people who studied abroad on Western equipment of anti-aircraft missile forces, trained soldiers from calculations of mobile fire groups, other highly specialized specialists, who are objectively difficult to find a replacement for," the military said in a statement.
They also confirmed that the Air Forces are gradually transferring a certain number of personnel to ground units to strengthen brigades on the front line. However, this will not apply to shortage specialties and specialists who are involved in performing tasks by combat aviation.
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1/14/2025, 5:17:41 PM
Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke out on the issue of lowering the mobilization age
"We have heard many signals regarding the mobilization age of our military. I will not give a clear figure, but we have over a hundred brigades, and each of them needs equipment, equipment - armored, artillery - every day. We must equip our brigades with appropriate equipment. Our partners have all these requests. I think this is the most important thing - a person must be protected. Have appropriate weapons and knowledge. Our partners must saturate the Ukrainian army with this, first of all," the president said during a meeting with German Defense Minister Pistorius.
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1/14/2025, 4:39:01 PM
Pro-Russian MP Boyko won the second court case
The administrative protocol of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) was submitted to the judge of the Pechersk District Court of Kyiv, Oleg Bilotserkivts. The document stated that the head of the former political party "OPZZH" Yuriy Boyko did not submit reports on the property, income, expenses and financial obligations of the party for 2021-2022, Glavkom reports with reference to the court registry.
The MP did not appear at the meeting, but submitted written explanations through the court office. The politician stated that the activities of "OPZZH" are prohibited in Ukraine based on court decisions. Starting from October 5, 2022, the party is in liquidation. Boyko added that his authority as the head of the liquidation commission does not include submitting financial reports of the political force to the NAPC. The judge agreed with the arguments of MP Boyko.
Recall that Yuriy Boyko is on the Register of Traitors, which is run by the Chesno movement. A corruption scandal known as “Boyko’s Towers” broke out in the country ten years ago with the name of this politician. In the summer of 2018, Boyko, together with Medvedchuk, participated in a conference in St. Petersburg, and in 2019, Boyko also flew to Moscow.
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1/14/2025, 4:39:40 PM
Pro-Russian MP Boyko won the second court case
The administrative protocol of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) was submitted to the judge of the Pechersk District Court of Kyiv, Oleg Bilotserkivts. The document stated that the head of the former political party "OPZZH" Yuriy Boyko did not submit reports on the property, income, expenses and financial obligations of the party for 2021-2022, Glavkom reports with reference to the court registry.
The MP did not appear at the meeting, but submitted written explanations through the court office. The politician stated that the activities of "OPZZH" are prohibited in Ukraine based on court decisions. Starting from October 5, 2022, the party is in liquidation. Boyko added that his authority as the head of the liquidation commission does not include submitting financial reports of the political force to the NAPC. The judge agreed with the arguments of MP Boyko.
Recall that Yuriy Boyko is on the Register of Traitors, which is run by the Chesno movement. A corruption scandal known as “Boyko’s Towers” broke out in the country ten years ago with the name of this politician. In the summer of 2018, Boyko, together with Medvedchuk, participated in a conference in St. Petersburg, and in 2019, Boyko also flew to Moscow.
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