

Real time military news

Published date: 12/26/2024, 8:39:39 AM
12/26/2024, 8:39:39 AM
🔴 Safa follow-up | Head of the Children's Department at Nasser Hospital to Al Jazeera: ▪️ 3 deaths arrived at the hospital due to the cold for children between the ages of 4 and 21 days. ▪️ Food insecurity among mothers led to the emergence of new disease cases among children.
🔴 متابعة صفا| رئيس قسم الأطفال بمستشفى ناصر للجزيرة: ▪️ 3 وفيات وصلت إلى المستشفى بسبب البرد لأطفال تتراوح أعمارهم بين 4 و21 يومًا. ▪️ انعدام الأمن الغذائي بين الأمهات أدى إلى ظهور حالات مرضية جديدة بين الأطفال.
🔴关注萨法|纳赛尔半岛医院儿科主任: ▪️ 3 例因 4 岁至 21 天之间的儿童感冒而被送往医院的死亡病例。 ▪️ 母亲的粮食不安全导致儿童中出现新的疾病病例。
🔴 Siga Safa| Chefe do Departamento de Pediatria do Hospital Nasser Al Jazeera: ▪️3 mortes chegaram ao hospital devido ao resfriado em crianças entre 4 e 21 dias. ▪️A insegurança alimentar entre as mães tem levado ao surgimento de novos casos de doenças entre as crianças.
🔴 Sigue a Safa| Jefe del Departamento de Pediatría del Hospital Nasser Al Jazeera: ▪️Llegaron al hospital 3 fallecidos por frío de niños de 4 a 21 días. ▪️La inseguridad alimentaria entre las madres ha provocado la aparición de nuevos casos de enfermedades entre los niños.
🔴 Следуйте за Сафой | Заведующий педиатрическим отделением больницы Нассер Аль-Джазира: ▪️В больницу поступило 3 умерших из-за простуды детей в возрасте от 4 до 21 дня. ▪️ Отсутствие продовольственной безопасности среди матерей привело к появлению новых случаев заболевания среди детей.
🔴 सफा को फॉलो करें| नासिर अल जज़ीरा अस्पताल में बाल रोग विभाग के प्रमुख: ▪️4 से 21 दिन की उम्र के बच्चों की ठंड के कारण अस्पताल में 3 मौतें हुईं। ▪️ माताओं के बीच खाद्य असुरक्षा के कारण बच्चों में नई बीमारी के मामले सामने आ रहे हैं।
🔴 Suivez Safa | Chef du service de pédiatrie de l'hôpital Nasser Al Jazeera : ▪️3 décès sont arrivés à l'hôpital suite au rhume d'enfants âgés de 4 à 21 jours. ▪️ L'insécurité alimentaire des mères a entraîné l'émergence de nouveaux cas de maladies chez les enfants.
🔴 متابعة صفا| رئيس قسم الأطفال بمستشفى ناصر للجزيرة: ▪️ 3 وفيات وصلت إلى المستشفى بسبب البرد لأطفال تتراوح أعمارهم بين 4 و21 يومًا. ▪️ انعدام الأمن الغذائي بين الأمهات أدى إلى ظهور حالات مرضية جديدة بين الأطفال.
🔴 Folgen Sie Safa| Leiter der Pädiatrie-Abteilung im Nasser Al Jazeera Krankenhaus: ▪️ 3 Todesfälle kamen aufgrund der Erkältung von Kindern im Alter zwischen 4 und 21 Tagen ins Krankenhaus. ▪️ Die Ernährungsunsicherheit bei Müttern hat zum Auftreten neuer Krankheitsfälle bei Kindern geführt.
🔴 Segui Safa| Direttore del Dipartimento di Pediatria dell'Ospedale Nasser Al Jazeera: ▪️3 decessi arrivati ​​in ospedale a causa del raffreddore di bambini di età compresa tra 4 e 21 giorni. ▪️L'insicurezza alimentare tra le madri ha portato all'emergere di nuovi casi di malattie tra i bambini.
🔴 サファをフォロー|ナセル・アルジャジーラ病院小児科部長は次のように述べています。 ▪️生後4日から21日までの子供の風邪により病院に到着した3名が死亡した。 ▪️母親たちの食糧不安により、子どもたちの間で新たな病気が発生している。
🔴Volg Safa| Hoofd van de afdeling kindergeneeskunde van het Nasser Al Jazeera-ziekenhuis: ▪️Er kwamen 3 sterfgevallen binnen in het ziekenhuis als gevolg van de verkoudheid van kinderen tussen de 4 en 21 dagen oud. ▪️Voedselonzekerheid onder moeders heeft geleid tot de opkomst van nieuwe ziektegevallen onder kinderen.
🔴 Ακολουθήστε το Safa| Επικεφαλής του Παιδιατρικού Τμήματος στο Νοσοκομείο Nasser Al Jazeera: ▪️ Στο νοσοκομείο έφτασαν 3 θάνατοι λόγω κρυολογήματος παιδιών ηλικίας 4 έως 21 ημερών. ▪️ Η επισιτιστική ανασφάλεια μεταξύ των μητέρων έχει οδηγήσει στην εμφάνιση νέων κρουσμάτων ασθένειας στα παιδιά.

2/17/2025, 10:28:26 AM
Image 2025-02-17T10:28:26
On the seventh of October 📝 Translation of Safa Yediot: The army's implications reveal the killing of a number of "Kfar Ezza" settlers with its fire https://safa.ps/p/381019
2/17/2025, 10:31:54 AM
🔴 Follow -up Safa Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine: ▪️ We condemn and reject the statements issued by the Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority, Muhammad Mustafa, regarding changing the mechanism of paying the dues of prisoners, martyrs and wounded, which come to complete the decision to cancel the laws and regulations related to the payment of these allocations. ▪️ This step reflects the authority’s insistence on abandoning Palestinian national principles and holy sites in a miserable attempt to satisfy the United States and the international community at the expense of the rights of our people. ▪️ We renew our assertion that the issue of prisoners, martyrs and wounded is not social files or humanitarian cases that can be subject to the criteria of "need", but rather national issues with distinction related to the continuous struggle of our people for freedom and liberation and that prejudice to them is a transgression of red lines and direct submission to American and "Israeli" dictates that It aims to criminalize resistance and weaken the spirit of steadfastness among our fans. ▪️ We renew our rejection of these humiliating policies, and we confirm that these decisions will fall under the feet of our people who will not be allowed to pass. ▪️ We call on all national and societal forces to address these shameful measures and work to protect the rights of the families of martyrs, prisoners and wounded as sacred rights that may not be violated under any circumstance.
2/17/2025, 10:33:26 AM
Image 2025-02-17T10:33:26
On the seventh of October 📝 Translation of Safa Yediot: The army's investigations reveal the killing of a number of "Kfar Ezza" settlers at its fire https://safa.ps/p/381019
2/17/2025, 10:40:57 AM
🔴 Translation of Safa The Hebrew newspaper "Yediot Aharonot": ▪️ Investigations by the Qassam Brigades' control fighters on Kibbutz "Kfar Ezza" on October 7 revealed a dangerous series of the army's failure. ▪️ The forces failed to protect the Kibbutz first, then the reinforcements reached late hours and also failed to prevent the Qassam fighters control over it. ▪ .. The army forces killed 3 settlers after the belief that they were from the Qassam fighters. ▪ .. The army forces withdrew from the Kibbutz before making sure that it was free of the Qassam fighters and thus the fighters returned to it again. 64 Israelis were killed and 19 others fell into the Qassam families from Kibbutz on October 7.
2/17/2025, 10:48:05 AM
🔴 Follow -up Safa Lebanese President: ▪️ The Israeli enemy does not trust and we are afraid of not achieving full withdrawal tomorrow. ▪️ Responding to the failure to achieve the Israeli withdrawal tomorrow, with a unified national position. ▪️ The option of war does not benefit and we will work in diplomatic means because Lebanon no longer tolerates a new war. ▪️ The army is ready to be stationed in villages and towns from which the Israelis will withdraw.