🔴 Translation of Safa The Hebrew newspaper "Yediot Aharonot":
▪️ Investigations by the Qassam Brigades' control fighters on Kibbutz "Kfar Ezza" on October 7 revealed a dangerous series of the army's failure.
▪️ The forces failed to protect the Kibbutz first, then the reinforcements reached late hours and also failed to prevent the Qassam fighters control over it.
▪ .. The army forces killed 3 settlers after the belief that they were from the Qassam fighters.
▪ .. The army forces withdrew from the Kibbutz before making sure that it was free of the Qassam fighters and thus the fighters returned to it again.
64 Israelis were killed and 19 others fell into the Qassam families from Kibbutz on October 7.
🔴 ترجمة صفا| صحيفة "يديعوت أحرونوت" العبرية:
▪️تحقيقات سيطرة مقاتلي كتائب القسام على كيبوتس "كفار عزّة" يوم 7 أكتوبر كشفت سلسلة خطيرة من فشل الجيش.
▪️القوات فشلت في حماية الكيبوتس أولًا ثم وصلت التعزيزات متأخرة لساعات وفشلت أيضًا في منع سيطرة مقاتلي القسام عليه.
▪️قوات الجيش قتلت 3 مستوطنين بعد الاعتقاد أنهم من مقاتلي القسام.
▪️قوات الجيش انسحبت من الكيبوتس قبل التأكد من خلوه من مقاتلي القسام وبالتالي عاد المقاتلون إليه مرة أخرى.
▪️قُتل 64 إسرائيليًا ووقع 19 آخرين في أسر القسام من الكيبوتس يوم 7 أكتوبر.
🔴 Tradução de Safa O jornal hebraico "Yediot Aharonot":
▪ Isso, investigações dos combatentes de controle de Brigadas de Qassam, em Kibutz "Kfar Ezza", em 7 de outubro, revelou uma série perigosa do fracasso do Exército.
▪️ As forças falharam em proteger o Kibutz primeiro, depois os reforços chegaram a horas atrasadas e também não impediram o controle do Qassam Fighters sobre ele.
▪. As forças do Exército mataram três colonos após a crença de que eram dos combatentes do Qassam.
▪. As forças do Exército se retiraram do Kibutz antes de garantir que estava livre dos combatentes do Qassam e, portanto, os combatentes retornaram a ele novamente.
64 israelenses foram mortos e outros 19 caíram nas famílias Qassam de Kibutz em 7 de outubro.
🔴 Traducción de Safa El periódico hebreo "Yediot Aharonot":
▪into las investigaciones de los combatientes de control de las Brigadas de Qassam en Kibbutz "Kfar Ezza" el 7 de octubre revelaron una peligrosa serie del fracaso del ejército.
▪time las fuerzas no pudieron proteger el Kibbutz primero, luego los refuerzos llegaron al final de las horas y tampoco pudieron evitar el control de los combatientes de Qassam.
▪ .. Las fuerzas del ejército mataron a 3 colonos después de la creencia de que eran de los combatientes de Qassam.
▪ .. Las fuerzas del ejército se retiraron del Kibbutz antes de asegurarse de que estuviera libre de los combatientes de Qassam y, por lo tanto, los combatientes volvieron a él nuevamente.
64 israelíes fueron asesinados y otros 19 cayeron en las familias Qassam de Kibbutz el 7 de octubre.
🔴 Перевод SAFA Еврейская газета "Yediot Aharonot":
▪ Исследования, проведенные борцами по контролю за бригадами Кассама на кибуце "Kfar Ezza" 7 октября, показали опасную серию неудачи армии.
▪ Сначала силы не смогли защитить кибуц, затем подкрепления достигли поздних часов, а также не смогли предотвратить контроль над им истребителями Кассама.
▪ .. Армейские силы убили 3 поселенца после того, как они были из бойцов Кассама.
▪ .. Армейские силы вышли из кибуца, прежде чем следить за тем, чтобы они были свободны от бойцов Кассама, и поэтому бойцы снова вернулись к нему.
64 Израильтяне были убиты, а 19 других попали в семьи Кассама из Кибуца 7 октября.
🔴 SAFA का अनुवाद हिब्रू अखबार "येदियट अहरोनोट":
7 अक्टूबर को किबुतज़ "केफ़र इजा" पर कासम ब्रिगेड्स के नियंत्रण सेनानियों द्वारा जांच में सेना की विफलता की एक खतरनाक श्रृंखला का पता चला।
▪ बल पहले किबुतज़ की रक्षा करने में विफल रहे, फिर सुदृढीकरण देर से पहुंच गए और इस पर कासम सेनानियों के नियंत्रण को रोकने में भी विफल रहे।
▪ .. सेना के बलों ने इस विश्वास के बाद 3 बसने वालों को मार डाला कि वे कासम सेनानियों से थे।
▪ .. सेना की सेना यह सुनिश्चित करने से पहले किबुत्ज़ से वापस ले ली कि यह कासम सेनानियों से मुक्त था और इस तरह सेनानियों ने फिर से लौट आए।
64 इजरायल की मौत हो गई और 19 अन्य लोग 7 अक्टूबर को किबुत्ज़ से कसम परिवार में गिर गए।
🔴 Traduction de Safa Le journal hébreu "Yediot Aharonot":
▪️ Les enquêtes des combattants de contrôle des Brigades Qassam sur Kibbutz "Kfar Ezza" le 7 octobre ont révélé une série dangereuse de l'échec de l'armée.
▪️ Les forces n'ont pas pu protéger d'abord le kibboutz, puis les renforts ont atteint des heures tardives et n'ont pas non plus empêché les combattants de Qassam.
▪ .. Les forces de l'armée ont tué 3 colons après la conviction qu'ils provenaient des combattants de Qassam.
▪ .. Les forces de l'armée se sont retirées du kibboutz avant de s'assurer qu'elle était libre des combattants de Qassam et donc les combattants y retournaient.
64 Israéliens ont été tués et 19 autres sont tombés dans les familles Qassam de Kibboutz le 7 octobre.
🔴 ترجمة صفا| صحيفة "يديعوت أحرونوت" العبرية:
▪️تحقيقات سيطرة مقاتلي كتائب القسام على كيبوتس "كفار عزّة" يوم 7 أكتوبر كشفت سلسلة خطيرة من فشل الجيش.
▪️القوات فشلت في حماية الكيبوتس أولًا ثم وصلت التعزيزات متأخرة لساعات وفشلت أيضًا في منع سيطرة مقاتلي القسام عليه.
▪️قوات الجيش قتلت 3 مستوطنين بعد الاعتقاد أنهم من مقاتلي القسام.
▪️قوات الجيش انسحبت من الكيبوتس قبل التأكد من خلوه من مقاتلي القسام وبالتالي عاد المقاتلون إليه مرة أخرى.
▪️قُتل 64 إسرائيليًا ووقع 19 آخرين في أسر القسام من الكيبوتس يوم 7 أكتوبر.
🔴 Übersetzung von SAFA Die hebräische Zeitung "Yediot Aharonot":
▪ Untersuchungen der Kontrollkämpfer Qassam Brigades auf Kibbuz "KFAR Ezza" am 7. Oktober ergab eine gefährliche Serie des Scheiterns der Armee.
▪ Das schützte die Kräfte nicht zuerst den Kibbuz, dann erreichten die Verstärkungen die späten Stunden und verhindern auch nicht, dass die Qassam -Kämpfer die Kontrolle darüber haben.
▪ .. Die Armeesträge töteten 3 Siedler, nachdem sie glaubten, sie stammten von den Qassam -Kämpfer.
▪ .. Die Armeesträge zogen sich aus dem Kibbuz zurück, bevor sie sicherstellten, dass sie frei von den Qassam -Kämpfer war und somit die Kämpfer wieder dorthin kehrten.
64 Israelis wurden getötet und 19 andere fielen am 7. Oktober aus Kibbuz in die Qassam -Familien.
🔴 traduzione di safa Il quotidiano ebraico "Yediot Aharonot":
▪️ Le indagini dei combattenti di controllo delle brigate di Qassam su Kibbutz "Kfar Ezza" il 7 ottobre hanno rivelato una pericolosa serie di fallimento dell'esercito.
▪️ Le forze non sono riuscite a proteggere prima il kibbutz, quindi i rinforzi hanno raggiunto le ore tardive e non sono riusciti a impedire il controllo dei combattenti di Qassam.
▪ .. Le forze dell'esercito hanno ucciso 3 coloni dopo la convinzione che provenivano dai combattenti di Qassam.
▪ .. Le forze dell'esercito si ritirarono dal kibbutz prima di assicurarsi che fosse libero dai combattenti Qassam e quindi i combattenti tornarono di nuovo.
64 israeliani sono stati uccisi e altri 19 sono caduti nelle famiglie di Qassam da Kibbutz il 7 ottobre.
🔴 Vertaling van SAFA De Hebreeuwse krant "Yediot Aharonot":
▪️ Onderzoek door de controlejagers van de Qassam Brigades op Kibbutz "Kfar Ezza" op 7 oktober onthulde een gevaarlijke serie van het falen van het leger.
▪️ De krachten slaagden er niet in om de Kibbutz eerst te beschermen, waarna de versterkingen late uren bereikten en konden ook niet voorkomen dat de Qassam -jagers erover controleren.
▪ .. De legerkrachten doodden 3 kolonisten na de overtuiging dat ze van de Qassam -jagers waren.
▪ .. De legertroepen trokken zich terug uit de Kibbutz voordat ze ervoor zorgden dat het vrij was van de Qassam -jagers en dus kwamen de jagers er weer naar terug.
64 Israëli's werden gedood en 19 anderen vielen op 7 oktober in de Qassam -families uit Kibbutz.
🔴 Μετάφραση του SAFA Η εβραϊκή εφημερίδα "Yediot Aharonot":
▪ Κάλεσε τις έρευνες από τους μαχητές ελέγχου του Qassam Brigades στο Kibbutz "Kfar Ezza" στις 7 Οκτωβρίου αποκάλυψε μια επικίνδυνη σειρά αποτυχίας του στρατού.
▪ Κάνει πρώτα οι δυνάμεις να προστατεύσουν το kibbutz, τότε οι ενισχύσεις έφτασαν στις καθυστερημένες ώρες και επίσης απέτυχαν να αποτρέψουν τους μαχητές του Qassam να ελέγξουν πάνω του.
▪ .. Οι στρατιωτικές δυνάμεις σκότωσαν 3 αποίκους μετά την πεποίθηση ότι ήταν από τους μαχητές του Qassam.
▪ .. Οι στρατιωτικές δυνάμεις αποσύρθηκαν από το Kibbutz πριν βεβαιωθούν ότι ήταν απαλλαγμένο από τους μαχητές του Qassam και έτσι οι μαχητές επέστρεψαν ξανά σε αυτό.
64 Ισραηλινοί σκοτώθηκαν και 19 άλλοι έπεσαν στις οικογένειες Qassam από το Kibbutz στις 7 Οκτωβρίου.
12/30/2024, 12:59:53 PM
🔴 Safa follow-up | Press statement issued by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas):
▪️Following the increase in deaths in the Gaza Strip due to the severe cold wave and the low pressure, and the martyrdom of seven of our people, including six infants in dilapidated displacement tents, due to the severe cold and the lack of heating means; We urgently call on the United Nations and Arab and Islamic countries to work to bring in relief supplies and tents to protect hundreds of thousands of displaced civilians from the cold and the catastrophic effects of the ongoing Zionist aggression.
▪️The humanitarian and legal duty of the international community and the United Nations requires urgent action to provide relief to our people in the Gaza Strip, who have been subjected to a Zionist crime of genocide and ethnic cleansing that has been ongoing for about fifteen months, and to work to provide basic needs of shelter, food, water, medicine and heating means, and to oblige the fascist occupation to stop its aggression and lift its siege on more than two million people who are facing ethnic cleansing and inhumane living conditions imposed by the criminal occupation.
12/30/2024, 1:03:43 PM
🔴 Safa follow-up | Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades: We bombed, in cooperation with the Qassam Brigades, a concentration of enemy vehicles and soldiers in Abu Sharkh roundabout, west of Jabalia camp, with 80 mm mortar shells
12/30/2024, 1:07:56 PM
📝 Safa translation | Hebrew sources: "Al-Qassam" took control of a drone and launched it against the Gaza envelope
1/12/2025, 10:24:33 AM
🔴 Safa follow-up | Nuseirat Municipality: Our services will stop within 48 hours due to the depletion of fuel needed to operate water wells and sewage pumps
12/30/2024, 1:22:15 PM
🔴 Safa Follow-up | Human Rights Protection Center:
▪️We express our shock at the announcement that the number of Palestinian prisoners who died under torture and brutal practices since October 7 has risen to (54) martyrs, including 5 who were martyred during the last 24 hours.
▪️We have monitored, along with many human rights institutions, a long series of violations to which Palestinian prisoners are exposed since the moment of violent and brutal arrest, their use as human shields, torture, abuse, humiliating and degrading treatment, enforced disappearance, deprivation of a fair trial and legal representation, deprivation of the most basic human rights, and their detention in inhumane conditions.
▪️The long series of violations is an inevitable result of the failure of international institutions to play their role, which allowed the Israeli occupation authorities to persist and deepen these violations.
▪️We call on the International Committee of the Red Cross to take a clear position on the ongoing systematic violations of the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions alike, and to call on the High Contracting States to convene an extraordinary conference to discuss these violations and the extent of the Israeli government's commitment to its obligations.
▪️We demand that the numbers of Palestinian prisoners and detainees held in Israeli prisons be immediately disclosed, as well as their places of detention and their health status, including medical staff, the latest of whom was the director of Kamal Adwan Hospital, Dr. Hussam Abu Safiyeh.
▪️We call on the International Criminal Court to include in its investigations the violations committed against Palestinian prisoners and detainees as crimes subject to the jurisdiction of the court.