🔴 Safa follow-up | Red Crescent: A young man (21 years old) was injured by live bullets in the abdomen during clashes in Balata camp east of Nablus and is being transferred to the hospital
🔴 متابعة صفا| الهلال الأحمر: إصابة شاب (21 عامًا) بالرصاص الحي بالبطن خلال مواجهات مخيّم بلاطة شرقي نابلس وجار نقله إلى المستشفى
🔴 Siga Safa| Crescente Vermelho: Um jovem (21 anos) foi ferido por balas reais no abdômen durante confrontos no campo de Balata, a leste de Nablus, e está sendo transferido para o hospital.
🔴 Sigue a Safa| Media Luna Roja: Un joven (21 años) resultó herido por balas reales en el abdomen durante enfrentamientos en el campo de Balata, al este de Nablus, y está siendo trasladado al hospital.
🔴 Подпишитесь на Сафу | Красный Полумесяц: Молодой человек (21 год) был ранен боевыми пулями в живот во время столкновений в лагере Балата, к востоку от Наблуса, и его переводят в больницу.
🔴 सफा को फॉलो करें| रेड क्रिसेंट: नब्लस के पूर्व में बलाटा शिविर में टकराव के दौरान पेट में गोली लगने से एक युवक (21 वर्ष) घायल हो गया और उसे अस्पताल में स्थानांतरित किया जा रहा है।
🔴 Suivez Safa | Croissant-Rouge : Un jeune homme (21 ans) a été blessé par balles réelles à l'abdomen lors d'affrontements dans le camp de Balata, à l'est de Naplouse, et il est en cours de transfert à l'hôpital.
🔴 متابعة صفا| الهلال الأحمر: إصابة شاب (21 عامًا) بالرصاص الحي بالبطن خلال مواجهات مخيّم بلاطة شرقي نابلس وجار نقله إلى المستشفى
🔴 Folgen Sie Safa| Roter Halbmond: Ein junger Mann (21 Jahre alt) wurde bei Auseinandersetzungen im Lager Balata östlich von Nablus durch scharfe Kugeln im Bauch verletzt und wird ins Krankenhaus gebracht.
🔴 Segui Safa| Mezzaluna Rossa: un giovane (21 anni) è stato ferito da proiettili veri all'addome durante gli scontri nel campo di Balata, a est di Nablus, ed è stato trasferito in ospedale.
🔴 Volg Safa | Rode Halve Maan: Een jongeman (21 jaar oud) raakte gewond door scherpe kogels in de buik tijdens gevechten in het kamp Balata, ten oosten van Nablus, en hij wordt overgebracht naar het ziekenhuis
🔴 Ακολουθήστε το Safa | Ερυθρά Ημισέληνος: Ένας νεαρός άνδρας (21 ετών) τραυματίστηκε από σφαίρες στην κοιλιά κατά τη διάρκεια συγκρούσεων στον καταυλισμό Μπαλάτα, ανατολικά της Ναμπλούς, και μεταφέρεται στο νοσοκομείο
2/17/2025, 10:28:26 AM
On the seventh of October
📝 Translation of Safa Yediot: The army's implications reveal the killing of a number of "Kfar Ezza" settlers with its fire
2/17/2025, 10:31:54 AM
🔴 Follow -up Safa Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:
▪️ We condemn and reject the statements issued by the Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority, Muhammad Mustafa, regarding changing the mechanism of paying the dues of prisoners, martyrs and wounded, which come to complete the decision to cancel the laws and regulations related to the payment of these allocations.
▪️ This step reflects the authority’s insistence on abandoning Palestinian national principles and holy sites in a miserable attempt to satisfy the United States and the international community at the expense of the rights of our people.
▪️ We renew our assertion that the issue of prisoners, martyrs and wounded is not social files or humanitarian cases that can be subject to the criteria of "need", but rather national issues with distinction related to the continuous struggle of our people for freedom and liberation and that prejudice to them is a transgression of red lines and direct submission to American and "Israeli" dictates that It aims to criminalize resistance and weaken the spirit of steadfastness among our fans.
▪️ We renew our rejection of these humiliating policies, and we confirm that these decisions will fall under the feet of our people who will not be allowed to pass.
▪️ We call on all national and societal forces to address these shameful measures and work to protect the rights of the families of martyrs, prisoners and wounded as sacred rights that may not be violated under any circumstance.
2/17/2025, 10:33:26 AM
On the seventh of October
📝 Translation of Safa Yediot: The army's investigations reveal the killing of a number of "Kfar Ezza" settlers at its fire
2/17/2025, 10:40:57 AM
🔴 Translation of Safa The Hebrew newspaper "Yediot Aharonot":
▪️ Investigations by the Qassam Brigades' control fighters on Kibbutz "Kfar Ezza" on October 7 revealed a dangerous series of the army's failure.
▪️ The forces failed to protect the Kibbutz first, then the reinforcements reached late hours and also failed to prevent the Qassam fighters control over it.
▪ .. The army forces killed 3 settlers after the belief that they were from the Qassam fighters.
▪ .. The army forces withdrew from the Kibbutz before making sure that it was free of the Qassam fighters and thus the fighters returned to it again.
64 Israelis were killed and 19 others fell into the Qassam families from Kibbutz on October 7.
2/17/2025, 10:48:05 AM
🔴 Follow -up Safa Lebanese President:
▪️ The Israeli enemy does not trust and we are afraid of not achieving full withdrawal tomorrow.
▪️ Responding to the failure to achieve the Israeli withdrawal tomorrow, with a unified national position.
▪️ The option of war does not benefit and we will work in diplomatic means because Lebanon no longer tolerates a new war.
▪️ The army is ready to be stationed in villages and towns from which the Israelis will withdraw.