Popular Front: We affirm our full solidarity with the Yemeni people and their resistance forces, and we call on all free people of the nation to escalate the confrontation with the American project and its tools.
الجبهة الشعبية: نؤكد تضامننا الكامل مع الشعب اليمني وقواه المقاومة وندعو كل أحرار الأمة إلى تصعيد المواجهة مع المشروع الأمريكي وأدواته
Frente Popular: Afirmamos nossa total solidariedade ao povo iemenita e suas forças de resistência, e apelamos a todas as pessoas livres da nação para que intensifiquem o confronto com o projeto americano e suas ferramentas.
Frente Popular: Afirmamos nuestra plena solidaridad con el pueblo yemení y sus fuerzas de resistencia, y hacemos un llamamiento a todos los pueblos libres de la nación a intensificar la confrontación con el proyecto estadounidense y sus herramientas.
Народный фронт: Мы подтверждаем нашу полную солидарность с йеменским народом и его силами сопротивления и призываем всех свободных людей страны усилить конфронтацию с американским проектом и его инструментами.
पॉपुलर फ्रंट: हम यमनी लोगों और उनके प्रतिरोध बलों के साथ अपनी पूर्ण एकजुटता की पुष्टि करते हैं, और हम देश के सभी स्वतंत्र लोगों से अमेरिकी परियोजना और उसके उपकरणों के साथ टकराव को बढ़ाने का आह्वान करते हैं।
Le Front populaire : Nous affirmons notre entière solidarité avec le peuple yéménite et ses forces de résistance, et nous appelons tous les peuples libres de la nation à intensifier la confrontation avec le projet américain et ses outils.
الجبهة الشعبية: نؤكد تضامننا الكامل مع الشعب اليمني وقواه المقاومة وندعو كل أحرار الأمة إلى تصعيد المواجهة مع المشروع الأمريكي وأدواته
Volksfront: Wir bekräftigen unsere uneingeschränkte Solidarität mit dem jemenitischen Volk und seinen Widerstandskräften und rufen alle freien Menschen der Nation auf, die Konfrontation mit dem amerikanischen Projekt und seinen Werkzeugen zu eskalieren.
Fronte Popolare: Affermiamo la nostra piena solidarietà al popolo yemenita e alle sue forze di resistenza e invitiamo tutte le persone libere della nazione ad intensificare il confronto con il progetto americano e i suoi strumenti.
Volksfront: Wij bevestigen onze volledige solidariteit met het Jemenitische volk en hun verzetskrachten, en wij roepen alle vrije mensen van het land op om de confrontatie met het Amerikaanse project en zijn instrumenten op te voeren.
Λαϊκό Μέτωπο: Επιβεβαιώνουμε την πλήρη αλληλεγγύη μας στον λαό της Υεμένης και τις αντιστασιακές δυνάμεις του και καλούμε όλους τους ελεύθερους ανθρώπους του έθνους να κλιμακώσουν την αντιπαράθεση με το αμερικανικό σχέδιο και τα εργαλεία του.
12/27/2024, 2:40:39 PM
🔶 Rather, we have become misguided and with our money, we Muslims lead each other astray. All those works that lead Muslim women astray, which push women to unveil and show off, are funded by the public funds of the people. They are funded, or encouraged, by the public funds of the people if there is a private sector that does those works. The institutes in which those who later graduate as directors or actors receive training and education are also among the projects funded by the public funds of the people in any Islamic country. We buy misguidance as the Children of Israel bought it. They want us to go astray. Rather, to reach what they have reached, we buy misguidance. Don't our media buy misguidance for large sums? They buy films from Egyptians, Syrians, and others to show them to our women in our homes. Isn't this buying misguidance? Isn't this the soul that Allah said the Jews carry? {They purchase error and want you to go astray} So this is another one.
At the same time, is there anyone who offers guidance? Offers guidance that shouts in the face of these people? No.. Because even if you bear the name of a believer, you yourself are capable of being tamed until everything in front of you becomes natural and unexciting, everything in front of you becomes natural.
Lessons from the guidance of the Holy Quran - A must for you to follow in the footsteps of the Children of Israel
1/25/2025, 6:53:45 AM
12/27/2024, 2:46:16 PM
Gaza Ministry of Health: Burning of the operating rooms, surgery, laboratory, maintenance and ambulance units at Kamal Adwan Hospital
12/27/2024, 2:46:20 PM
Gaza Ministry of Health: The enemy army is forcibly transferring patients under threat of arms to the Indonesian hospital
12/27/2024, 2:46:25 PM
Gaza Ministry of Health: The fire has now begun to spread to all buildings of Kamal Adwan Hospital