

Real time military news

Published date: 1/21/2025, 5:12:42 AM
1/21/2025, 5:12:42 AM
Palestinian Mujahideen Movement: The aggression of the fascist Zionist forces and settler gangs will not succeed in breaking the will of our people or uprooting them from their land.
حركة المجاهدين الفلسطينية: لن يفلح عدوان القوات الصهيونية الفاشية وعصابات المستوطنين في كسر إرادة شعبنا او اقتلاعه من أرضه
Movimento Mujahideen Palestino: A agressão das forças sionistas fascistas e das gangues de colonos não conseguirá quebrar a vontade do nosso povo ou arrancá-lo de suas terras.
Movimiento Muyahidín Palestino: La agresión de las fuerzas sionistas fascistas y las bandas de colonos no logrará quebrantar la voluntad de nuestro pueblo ni desarraigarlo de su tierra.
Движение палестинских моджахедов: Агрессия фашистских сионистских сил и поселенческих банд не сможет сломить волю нашего народа или изгнать его с его земли.
फिलिस्तीनी मुजाहिदीन आंदोलन: फासीवादी ज़ायोनी ताकतों और बसने वाले गिरोहों की आक्रामकता हमारे लोगों की इच्छा को तोड़ने या उन्हें उनकी भूमि से उखाड़ने में सफल नहीं होगी।
Mouvement des Moudjahidines palestiniens : L’agression des forces sionistes fascistes et des bandes de colons ne parviendra pas à briser la volonté de notre peuple ni à le déraciner de sa terre.
حركة المجاهدين الفلسطينية: لن يفلح عدوان القوات الصهيونية الفاشية وعصابات المستوطنين في كسر إرادة شعبنا او اقتلاعه من أرضه
Palästinensische Mudschaheddin-Bewegung: Die Aggression der faschistischen zionistischen Streitkräfte und Siedlerbanden wird den Willen unseres Volkes nicht brechen oder es aus seinem Land vertreiben können.
Movimento dei mujaheddin palestinesi: l'aggressione delle forze fasciste sioniste e delle bande di coloni non riuscirà a spezzare la volontà del nostro popolo o a sradicarlo dalla sua terra.
Palestijnse Mujahideenbeweging: De agressie van de fascistische zionistische troepen en kolonistenbendes zal er niet in slagen de wil van ons volk te breken of hen van hun land te verdrijven.
Κίνημα Παλαιστινίων Μουτζαχεντίν: Η επίθεση των φασιστικών Σιωνιστικών δυνάμεων και των συμμοριών εποίκων δεν θα καταφέρει να σπάσει τη βούληση του λαού μας ή να τον ξεριζώσει από τη γη του.

1/2/2025, 2:06:22 PM
Saada: A citizen was injured by Saudi enemy fire in the Al Sheikh area in the border directorate of Munabbih
1/2/2025, 3:32:40 PM
🔶 Those who imagine or wonder what the Jews do? The Jews have penetrated our souls and imprinted us with their mentality, which is to give religion in exchange for money, which the Holy Quran spoke about in more than one verse, and it tells about their mentality, their reality, and their disdain for religion until they sell it to anyone who offers them a price. And selling religion - brothers - is not easy, it means: to sell ourselves, to whom? To whom will this soul fall into the depths of Hell, to whom will you sell yourself to whom will you humiliate yourself in this world, and expose you to humiliation and disgrace in the Hereafter, to whom will you not benefit in this world, and even if he benefits you in some way, he will not benefit you in a time of dire need for benefit in the Hereafter. #Martyr_Leader Lessons from the guidance of the Holy Quran - Buy with the verses of Allah a small price @ansarollah1
1/2/2025, 2:07:03 PM
Renewed artillery shelling of areas west of Nuseirat in central Gaza Strip
1/2/2025, 2:12:57 PM
Syrian sources: Material damage due to an explosion caused by an Israeli aggression targeting Tal al-Shahm, located on the administrative border between the Damascus countryside and Quneitra
1/2/2025, 2:13:34 PM
Enemy aircraft targets a residential apartment in the vicinity of Sheikh Radwan Market, west of Gaza City