Enemy army: An officer in the "Givati" Brigade was seriously injured during battles in northern Gaza
جيش العدو: إصابة ضابط في لواء "جفعاتي" بجروح خطيرة خلال معارك في شمال غزة
Exército Inimigo: Um oficial da Brigada Givati foi gravemente ferido durante batalhas no norte de Gaza
Ejército enemigo: un oficial de la Brigada Givati resultó gravemente herido durante los combates en el norte de Gaza
Армия противника: Офицер бригады Гивати был серьезно ранен во время боев на севере Газы
शत्रु सेना: उत्तरी गाजा में लड़ाई के दौरान गिवाती ब्रिगेड का एक अधिकारी गंभीर रूप से घायल हो गया
Armée ennemie : Un officier de la brigade « Givati » a été grièvement blessé lors des combats dans le nord de Gaza
جيش العدو: إصابة ضابط في لواء "جفعاتي" بجروح خطيرة خلال معارك في شمال غزة
Feindliche Armee: Ein Offizier der Givati-Brigade wurde bei Kämpfen im nördlichen Gazastreifen schwer verletzt
Esercito nemico: un ufficiale della Brigata Givati è stato gravemente ferito durante gli scontri nel nord di Gaza
Vijandelijk leger: Een officier van de Givati-brigade raakte ernstig gewond tijdens gevechten in het noorden van Gaza
Εχθρικός στρατός: Ένας αξιωματικός της Ταξιαρχίας "Givati" τραυματίστηκε σοβαρά κατά τη διάρκεια μαχών στη βόρεια Γάζα
12/19/2024, 4:17:54 PM
🔴Urgent | Mr. Leader Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi: For 440 days, the Israeli enemy continues, in partnership with America, to exterminate the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip
12/19/2024, 4:19:31 PM
🔴Urgent | Sayyed Leader: Western countries have provided the enemy with all means of killing, and the Zionist army of male and female soldiers are competing to kill the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip
12/19/2024, 4:20:24 PM
I'm on Twitter
12/19/2024, 4:20:35 PM
🔴Urgent | Mr. Leader: Starvation continues in the Gaza Strip, and the enemy is mobilizing criminal gangs to loot and steal the very limited quantities of aid entering the Strip
12/19/2024, 4:20:46 PM
🔴Urgent | Mr. Leader: The enemy continues to target those responsible for organizing and securing the small amount of aid that arrives, and the number of their martyrs has reached about 700, and through this it aims to spread chaos