

Real time military news

Published date: 12/19/2024, 4:20:46 PM
12/19/2024, 4:20:46 PM
🔴Urgent | Mr. Leader: The enemy continues to target those responsible for organizing and securing the small amount of aid that arrives, and the number of their martyrs has reached about 700, and through this it aims to spread chaos
🔴عاجل| السيد القائد: العدو يواصل استهداف القائمين على تنظيم وتأمين ما يصل من مساعدات قليلة وقد بلغ عدد شهدائهم إلى نحو 700، ويهدف من خلال ذلك إلى نشر الفوضى
🔴Urgente| Senhor Comandante: O inimigo continua a visar os encarregados de organizar e garantir a pouca ajuda que chega, e o número de seus mártires chegou a cerca de 700, e com isso pretende espalhar o caos.
🔴Urgente| Señor Comandante: El enemigo continúa atacando a los encargados de organizar y asegurar la poca ayuda que llega, y el número de sus mártires ha llegado a unos 700, y con esto pretende sembrar el caos.
🔴Срочно| Господин Лидер: Враг продолжает преследовать тех, кто отвечает за организацию и обеспечение безопасности небольшого объема поступающей помощи, а число их жертв достигло около 700 человек. Таким образом он стремится посеять хаос.
🔴अत्यावश्यक| श्री कमांडर: दुश्मन उन लोगों को निशाना बनाना जारी रखता है जो थोड़ी-बहुत सहायता प्राप्त करने के आयोजन और सुरक्षा के प्रभारी हैं, और उनके शहीदों की संख्या लगभग 700 तक पहुंच गई है, और इसके माध्यम से उसका उद्देश्य अराजकता फैलाना है।
🔴Urgent| Monsieur le Commandant : L'ennemi continue de cibler ceux qui sont chargés d'organiser et de sécuriser le peu d'aide qui arrive, et le nombre de leurs martyrs a atteint environ 700, et à travers cela, il vise à semer le chaos.
🔴عاجل| السيد القائد: العدو يواصل استهداف القائمين على تنظيم وتأمين ما يصل من مساعدات قليلة وقد بلغ عدد شهدائهم إلى نحو 700، ويهدف من خلال ذلك إلى نشر الفوضى
🔴Dringend| Herr Kommandant: Der Feind nimmt weiterhin diejenigen ins Visier, die für die Organisation und Sicherung der wenigen ankommenden Hilfe verantwortlich sind, und die Zahl ihrer Märtyrer hat etwa 700 erreicht, und er zielt darauf ab, Chaos zu verbreiten.
🔴Urgente| Signor Comandante: Il nemico continua a prendere di mira coloro che sono incaricati di organizzare e garantire i pochi aiuti che arrivano, e il numero dei loro martiri ha raggiunto circa 700, e attraverso questo mira a diffondere il caos.
🔴Dringend| De heer Commandant: De vijand blijft zich richten op degenen die verantwoordelijk zijn voor het organiseren en veiligstellen van de weinige hulp die er komt, en het aantal martelaren heeft de 700 bereikt, en hierdoor probeert hij chaos te verspreiden.
🔴Επείγοντα| κ. Διοικητής: Ο εχθρός συνεχίζει να στοχοποιεί τους υπεύθυνους για την οργάνωση και την εξασφάλιση της λίγης βοήθειας που φτάνει και ο αριθμός των μαρτύρων τους έχει φτάσει τους 700 περίπου και μέσω αυτού στοχεύει να σκορπίσει το χάος.

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Hezbollah: We condemn the incident that UNIFIL forces were exposed to in the vicinity of Rafic Hariri Airport, and we confirm our categorical rejection of any targeting it
2/16/2025, 2:59:02 AM
Image 2025-02-16T02:59:02
On Sunday In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful In the name of God, who do not hope except for His grace, and I do not fear it except his justice, and I do not baptize except his saying, and I do not seek you except with his rope. I have a rented, O pardon and the satisfaction And the number. And I am guided by what is in which the righteousness and the righteousness are in, and I seek help from it as successful and success. And I want you to do the splendor and tolerance I did not pray, and make my morning and after it better than my watch and my day, and I am comforted in my clan and my people, and keep me in me, You are a good and preserved, and you have mercy on the merciful. Oh God, I will be cleared to you on this day and after the one who is from the evil and the one who is the one who is the one who is subjected to the evil and the one, and I will give you my prayers to be subjected to a response to you. So he separated Muhammad and the family of Muhammad Omar Omar, you are the Most Merciful. t.me/ansarollah1
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Image 2025-02-16T05:20:39
Follow -up The CEO of the American "Starbucks" cafes company - the great negative impact of the boycott campaigns against the company not only was limited to the Middle East, but also extended to affect the business in the United States @ansarollah1
2/16/2025, 5:21:57 AM
Follow -up The CEO of the American "Starbucks" cafes company - the great negative impact of the boycott campaigns against the company not only was limited to the Middle East, but also extended to affect the business in the United States @ansaollah1