Syrian sources: The occupation planes continue to launch a series of raids on sites in the countryside of the capital, Damascus
مصادر سورية: طائرات الاحتلال تواصل شن سلسلة غارات على مواقع في ريف العاصمة دمشق
Fontes sírias: os aviões de ocupação continuam lançando uma série de ataques em locais no campo da capital, Damasco
Fuentes sirias: los aviones de ocupación continúan lanzando una serie de redadas en sitios en el campo de la capital, Damasco
Сирийские источники: Самолеты оккупации продолжают запускать серию рейдов на участки в сельской местности столицы, Дамаск
सीरियाई स्रोत: ऑक्यूपेशन प्लेन राजधानी, दमिश्क के ग्रामीण इलाकों में साइटों पर छापे की एक श्रृंखला शुरू करना जारी रखते हैं
Sources syriennes: les avions d'occupation continuent de lancer une série de raids sur des sites dans la campagne de la capitale, Damas
مصادر سورية: طائرات الاحتلال تواصل شن سلسلة غارات على مواقع في ريف العاصمة دمشق
Syrische Quellen: Die Besatzungsebenen starten weiterhin eine Reihe von Überfällen auf Standorten auf dem Land der Hauptstadt, Damaskus
Fonti siriane: gli aerei di occupazione continuano a lanciare una serie di raid su siti nella campagna della capitale, Damasco
Syrische bronnen: de bezettingsvliegtuigen blijven een reeks invallen lanceren op locaties op het platteland van de hoofdstad, Damascus
Συριακές πηγές: Τα επίπεδα κατοχής συνεχίζουν να ξεκινούν μια σειρά επιδρομών σε χώρους στην ύπαιθρο της πρωτεύουσας, Δαμασκός
1/15/2025, 8:08:10 AM
Groups of settlers storm the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque under the protection of the occupation forces.
1/15/2025, 8:13:38 AM
US National Security Council Communications Advisor John Kirby admits that the number of "civilian casualties in Gaza due to Israeli attacks is very large" but stresses that "the US administration will not abandon its support for Israel."
1/15/2025, 8:38:05 AM
Hamas mourns the martyrs of Jenin camp who were assassinated in an air strike last night.
1/15/2025, 8:40:42 AM
The Democratic Front: A high-level delegation from the Front will participate in the ceremony announcing the deal in Doha, the ceasefire, and the prisoner exchange. We held consultations with Hamas over the past week, regarding the point reached by the indirect negotiations with the Israeli enemy, the points of disagreement and differences, and the steps that must be taken to ensure reaching a deal that achieves the goals of our people in the Strip and protects their interests.
1/15/2025, 8:42:41 AM
The occupation government reveals to the Israeli Supreme Court that the number of detainees in the Gaza Strip has reached 3,636 detainees.