

Real time military news

Published date: 3/8/2025, 7:32:41 AM
3/8/2025, 7:32:41 AM
Defenders continue to eliminate Russian invaders: another minus 1000 per day Total enemy combat loss from 24.02.22 to 08.03.25 ▪️Development - 883950 (+1000) ▪️The tank - 10268 (+4) ▪️ Armored Machines - 21346 (+12) ▪️Artsystems - 24148 (+24) ▪️CRSV - 1307 (+1) ▪️COs - 1099 (+3) ▪️Learials - 370 ▪️Heliphors - 331 ▪️BLS - 28172 (+148) ▪️Crimate missiles - 3120 (+35) ▪️Dow/boats - 28 ▪️ submarines - 1 ▪️TAVTOPER+DEVICE - 39791 (+113) ▪️ SPECIA - 3772 (+3) Вати We are in WhatsApp | Telegram | Viber
Захисники продовжують ліквідацію російських окупантів: ще мінус 1000 за добу Загальні бойові втрати противника з 24.02.22 по 08.03.25 ▪️особового складу ‒ 883950 (+1000) ▪️танків ‒ 10268 (+4) ▪️броньованих машин ‒ 21346 (+12) ▪️артсистем – 24148 (+24) ▪️РСЗВ – 1307 (+1) ▪️засоби ППО ‒ 1099 (+3) ▪️літаків – 370 ▪️гелікоптерів – 331 ▪️БПЛА – 28172 (+148) ▪️крилаті ракети ‒ 3120 (+35) ▪️кораблі/катери ‒ 28 ▪️підводні човни - 1 ▪️автотехніки+автоцистерн – 39791 (+113) ▪️спецтехніка ‒ 3772 (+3) ✅ Ми у WhatsApp | Telegram | Viber
防守者继续消除俄罗斯入侵者:每天另一个减1000 敌人的战斗总损失从24.02.22到08.03.25 ▪quependment -883950(+1000) ▪资金坦克-10268(+4) ▪️装甲机-21346(+12) ▪️Artsystems -24148(+24) ▪️CRSV -1307(+1) ▪️Cos -1099(+3) ▪qurearials -370 ▪助heliphors -331 ▪资金-28172(+148) ▪qrimate导弹-3120(+35) ▪资产队/船-28 ▪quins -1-1 ▪️Tavtoper+设备-39791(+113) ▪quepia -3772(+3) 我们在WhatsApp |电报| Viber
Os defensores continuam a eliminar os invasores russos: outros 1000 por dia, menos 1000 por dia Perda total de combate inimigo de 24.02.22 a 08.03.25 ▪ estruturação - 883950 (+1000) ▪️ o tanque - 10268 (+4) ▪️ Máquinas blindadas - 21346 (+12) ▪ARtSystems - 24148 (+24) ▪️CRSV - 1307 (+1) ▪️Cos - 1099 (+3) ▪️Learials - 370 ▪️Heliphors - 331 ▪️Bls - 28172 (+148) ▪️Crimes Missiles - 3120 (+35) ▪️Dow/barcos - 28 ▪️ Submarinos - 1 ▪️Tavtoper+dispositivo - 39791 (+113) ▪ Especia - 3772 (+3) Estamos no WhatsApp | Telegrama | Viber
Los defensores continúan eliminando a los invasores rusos: otro menos 1000 por día Pérdida total de combate enemigo de 24.02.22 a 08.03.25 ▪ware y desarrollo - 883950 (+1000) ▪ fue el tanque - 10268 (+4) ▪ware máquinas blindadas - 21346 (+12) ▪ware Arte Systems - 24148 (+24) ▪️CRSV - 1307 (+1) ▪ware CoCos - 1099 (+3) ▪ fue claros - 370 ▪ware Heliphors - 331 ▪ware BLS - 28172 (+148) ▪into misiles crimáticos - 3120 (+35) ▪️Dow/barcos - 28 ▪into Submarinos - 1 ▪ware TAVToper+Dispositivo - 39791 (+113) ▪into Specia - 3772 (+3) Вати estamos en whatsapp | Telegrama | Vibrar
Защитники продолжают устранять российских захватчиков: еще один минус 1000 в день Общая потерю боевых действий врага с 24,02,22 до 08.03.25 ▪ Разработка - 883950 (+1000) ▪ Танк - 10268 (+4) ▪ А бронированные машины - 21346 (+12) ▪️artsystems - 24148 (+24) ▪️CRSV - 1307 (+1) ▪scos - 1099 (+3) ▪ Занятие - 370 ▪ Хелифор - 331 ▪ ▪блс - 28172 (+148) ▪ Рикримные ракеты - 3120 (+35) ▪ Дом/лодки - 28 ▪ Подводные лодки - 1 ▪ TAVTOPER+Устройство - 39791 (+113) ▪ Спецификация - 3772 (+3) ВАТИ мы в WhatsApp | Телеграмма | Viber
डिफेंडर्स रूसी आक्रमणकारियों को खत्म करना जारी रखते हैं: प्रति दिन एक और माइनस 1000 24.02.22 से 08.03.25 तक कुल दुश्मन का मुकाबला नुकसान ▪ डेवेलपमेंट - 883950 (+1000) ▪ टैंक - 10268 (+4) ▪ बख्तरबंद मशीनें - 21346 (+12) ▪आर्ट्सम्स - 24148 (+24) ▪CRSV - 1307 (+1) ▪COS - 1099 (+3) ▪ Learials - 370 ▪Heliphors - 331 ▪बीएस - 28172 (+148) ▪ क्रिमेट मिसाइलें - 3120 (+35) ▪ Dow/BOATS - 28 ▪ पनडुब्बियां - 1 ▪ TAVTOPER+डिवाइस - 39791 (+113) ▪ स्पेसिया - 3772 (+3) Вати हम व्हाट्सएप में हैं | टेलीग्राम | वाइबर
Les défenseurs continuent d'éliminer les envahisseurs russes: un autre moins 1000 par jour Perte totale de combats ennemis de 24.02.22 à 08.03.25 ▪️ DÉVELOPPATION - 883950 (+1000) ▪️La réservoir - 10268 (+4) ▪️ Machines blindées - 21346 (+12) ▪️arSystems - 24148 (+24) ▪️CRSV - 1307 (+1) ▪️COS - 1099 (+3) ▪️Learals - 370 ▪️ HELIPHORS - 331 ▪️BLS - 28172 (+148) ▪️ Crimate Missiles - 3120 (+35) ▪️Dow / bateaux - 28 ▪️ Sous-marins - 1 ▪️Tavtoper + Device - 39791 (+113) ▪️ Spécia - 3772 (+3) Вати nous sommes dans WhatsApp | Télégramme | Vibre
يستمر المدافعون في القضاء على الغزاة الروس: ناقص 1000 في اليوم إجمالي خسارة القتال العدو من 24.02.22 إلى 08.03.25 mevelopment - 883950 (+1000) ▪ Tank - 10268 (+4) ▪ آلات مدرعة - 21346 (+12) ▪ ️Artsystems - 24148 (+24) ▪ crsv - 1307 (+1) ▪cos - 1099 (+3) ▪ ▪ Heliphors - 331 ▪bls - 28172 (+148) ▪ الصواريخ - 3120 (+35) ▪ داو/القوارب - 28 الغواصات - 1 ▪ Tavtoper+جهاز - 39791 (+113) specia - 3772 (+3) ваи نحن في whatsapp | Telegram | Viber
Verteidiger eliminieren weiterhin russische Invasoren: Ein weiterer minus 1000 pro Tag Totaler feindlicher Kampfverlust von 24.02.22 bis 08.03.25 ▪ Fortentwicklung - 883950 (+1000) ▪ Seiten - 10268 (+4) ▪ Seitenmaschinen - 21346 (+12) ▪ Seitensysteme - 24148 (+24) ▪vorsv - 1307 (+1) ▪ Land - 1099 (+3) ▪ Landlern - 370 ▪ Landheliphors - 331 ▪ Seiten - 28172 (+148) ▪ Land Raketen - 3120 (+35) ▪ Seiten/Boote - 28 ▪ U -Boote - 1 ▪ Landung+Gerät - 39791 (+113) ▪ Seiten - 3772 (+3) Wir sind in WhatsApp | Telegramm | Viber
I difensori continuano ad eliminare gli invasori russi: un altro meno 1000 al giorno Perdita totale di combattimento nemico da 24,02,22 a 08,03,25 ▪️ Development - 883950 (+1000) ▪️ The Tank - 10268 (+4) ▪️ Macchine corazzate - 21346 (+12) ▪️ArtSystems - 24148 (+24) ▪️CRSV - 1307 (+1) ▪️COS - 1099 (+3) ▪️Leardials - 370 ▪️Heliphors - 331 ▪️BLS - 28172 (+148) ▪️ Missili crimmarti - 3120 (+35) ▪️Dow/barche - 28 ▪️ sottomarini - 1 ▪️Tavtoper+dispositivo - 39791 (+113) ▪️ Spetia - 3772 (+3) Вати siamo in whatsapp | Telegramma | Viber
ディフェンダーはロシアの侵略者を排除し続けています:1日あたり1000マイナス 総戦闘損失総数24.02.22から08.03.25 ▪翌開発-883950(+1000) ▪タンク-10268(+4) ▪armされた機械-21346(+12) ▪ArtSystems -24148(+24) ▪§CRSV -1307(+1) ▪‑ COS -1099(+3) ▪÷learials -370 ▪軟化-331 ▪§bls -28172(+148) ▪‑ Crimateミサイル-3120(+35) ▪§dow/Boats -28 ▪潜水艦-1 ▪TavToper+デバイス-39791(+113) ▪10分子-3772(+3) ВатиWhatsAppにいます|電報| Viber
Verdedigers blijven Russische indringers elimineren: nog een min 1000 per dag Totaal vijandelijk gevechtsverlies van 24.02.22 tot 08.03.25 ▪️Development - 883950 (+1000) ▪️De tank - 10268 (+4) ▪️ Armored Machines - 21346 (+12) ▪️artSystems - 24148 (+24) ▪️CRSV - 1307 (+1) ▪️COS - 1099 (+3) ▪️Learials - 370 ▪️Helifors - 331 ▪️BLS - 28172 (+148) ▪️Crimimate Missiles - 3120 (+35) ▪️Dow/boten - 28 ▪️ Submarines - 1 ▪️TAVToper+Device - 39791 (+113) ▪️ Specia - 3772 (+3) Вати We zijn in WhatsApp | Telegram | Viber
Οι υπερασπιστές συνεχίζουν να εξαλείφουν τους Ρώσους εισβολείς: άλλο μείον 1000 την ημέρα Συνολική απώλεια μάχης εχθρού από 24,02,22 έως 08,03,25 ▪ Κάψιμο - 883950 (+1000) ▪Η δεξαμενή - 10268 (+4) ▪ Βασικά μηχανήματα - 21346 (+12) ▪ ΚάποτεArtSystems - 24148 (+24) ▪ Κάτορσβ - 1307 (+1) ▪ Κάνε - 1099 (+3) ▪ Κάψιμο - 370 ▪ Κάψιμο - 331 ▪ Κάλε - 28172 (+148) ▪ Κάυκτο πυραύλους - 3120 (+35) ▪ Κάτολ/σκάφη - 28 ▪ Κάθια - 1 ▪ Κάτοχος συσκευή - 39791 (+113) ▪ Κάτοις - 3772 (+3) В ation We Are To Whatsapp | Τηλεγράφημα | Ατενίζω

2/27/2025, 6:40:40 AM
Image 2025-02-27T06:40:40
2/27/2025, 6:01:51 AM
Image 2025-02-27T06:01:51
#Heroes #Shchi Nikita Kalin was born on July 25, 2001 in yellow waters, Dnipropetrovsk region. Subsequently, the family moved to Brovary, where Nikita graduated from school # 9. From childhood he was fond of football, advocated Kolos (U17) in DUFLU, and later for the teams of the Brovarsky district: "Scythian", "MFK Brovary", "Bogdanivka" and "Favorite". He also played Futsal for the Impulse, Avalon and Best clubs. In addition to football, Nikita succeeded in chorting, becoming a champion of the Kiev region in 2021. In July 2024 he voluntarily joined the Armed Forces, was a fireman of the assault department. Killed during the combat mission near the village of Zeleny Guy, Kharkiv region. The defender has a mother, brother and bride. 🇺🇦The day at 09:00 the whole country is commemorating the memory of the dead as a result of armed aggression of Вати We are in WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
2/27/2025, 6:11:32 AM
The Armed Forces eliminated another 1150 military The enemy's combat loss from 24.02.22 to 27.02.25: ▪️Development - 871850 (+1150), ▪️The dancers - 10209 (+8), ▪️Baji armored vehicles - 21196 (+13), ▪️Artsystems - 23755 (+69), ▪️CRSV - 1299, ▪️IFA - 1086 (+1), ▪️Initacians - 370, ▪️Hegolipters - 331, ▪️BLS - 27102 (+141), ▪️Crimate rockets - 3064, ▪️UDRABLES /CARTS - 28, ▪️ submarines - 1, ▪️Automobile equipment and ▪️Auto -Titasterns - 38842 (+140), ▪️ special technique - 3760 (+1). Вати We are in WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
2/27/2025, 6:18:11 AM
DPRK sent additional troops to the Kursk region of the Russian Federation According to the South Korean newspaper Joongang, citing numerous sources in intelligence, from January to February 2025, the DPRK sent to Russia up to three thousand servicemen. In February, the North Korean military was carried out by Russian freight ships and military aircraft. Motorial, engineering and intelligence units that did not participate in last year's battles came there, Joongang sources said. In the fall of 2024, the Ukrainian side estimated the size of the first group of DPRK troops, which arrived in the Kursk region, in 11 thousand people. According to the South Korean side, 300 North Korean soldiers were killed in January 2025, and another 2.7 thousand were injured. Вати We are in WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
2/27/2025, 7:06:26 AM
Image 2025-02-27T07:06:26
#Heroes #Shchi Nikita Kalin was born on July 25, 2001 in yellow waters, Dnipropetrovsk region. Subsequently, the family moved to Brovary, where Nikita graduated from school # 9. From childhood he was fond of football, advocated Kolos (U17) in DUFLU, and later for the teams of the Brovarsky district: "Scythian", "MFK Brovary", "Bogdanivka" and "Favorite". He also played Futsal for the Impulse, Avalon and Best clubs. In addition to football, Nikita succeeded in chorting, becoming a champion of the Kiev region in 2021. In July 2024 he voluntarily joined the Armed Forces, was a fireman of the assault department. Killed during the combat mission near the village of Zeleny Guy, Kharkiv region. The defender has a mother, brother and bride. 🇺🇦The day at 09:00 the whole country is commemorating the memory of the dead as a result of armed aggression of Вати We are in WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram