Russians plan to increase the production of drones and prepare massive attacks in Ukraine using up to 500 UAVs at a time -Skibitsky
The main objects of strikes are the system of management of the Armed Forces, aviation and airfields, energy and gas transportation infrastructure, as well as the enterprises of the OPC, -said Deputy Chief of GUR Major General Vadim Skibitsky.
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росіяни планують збільшити виробництво дронів та готують масовані атаки по Україні з використанням одночасно до 500 БпЛА, - Скібіцький
Основними об’єктами ударів залишаються система управління ЗСУ, авіація та аеродроми, енергетична та газотранспортна інфраструктура, а також підприємства ОПК, - заявив заступник начальника ГУР генерал-майор Вадим Скібіцький.
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Os russos planejam aumentar a produção de drones e preparar ataques maciços na Ucrânia usando até 500 UAVs por vez -Skibitsky
Os principais objetos de greves são o sistema de gerenciamento das forças armadas, aviação e aeródromos, infraestrutura de transporte de energia e gás, bem como as empresas do vice -chefe da OPC, disse o vice -chefe do Gur Major General Vadim Skibitsky.
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Los rusos planean aumentar la producción de drones y preparar ataques masivos en Ucrania utilizando hasta 500 UAV a la vez.
Los principales objetos de las huelgas son el sistema de gestión de las fuerzas armadas, la aviación y los aeródromos, la infraestructura de transporte de energía y gas, así como las empresas de la OPC, el subdirector de Gur Gur Gur, Vadim Skibitsky.
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Россияне планируют увеличить производство беспилотников и подготовить массовые атаки в Украине, используя до 500 беспилотных летательных аппаратов за раз -Skibitsky
Основными объектами забастовок являются система управления вооруженными силами, авиационными и аэродромом, инфраструктуры транспортировки энергии и газа, а также предприятий OPC, заместителя начальника Гура -майора Вадима Скибитского.
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रूसियों ने ड्रोन के उत्पादन को बढ़ाने और यूक्रेन में बड़े पैमाने पर हमले तैयार करने की योजना बनाई है।
स्ट्राइक की मुख्य वस्तुएं सशस्त्र बलों, विमानन और हवाई क्षेत्रों, ऊर्जा और गैस परिवहन बुनियादी ढांचे के प्रबंधन की प्रणाली हैं, साथ ही साथ ओपीसी के उद्यमों, -सैड डिप्टी चीफ ऑफ गुर मेजर जनरल वाडिम स्किबिट्स्की।
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Les Russes prévoient d'augmenter la production de drones et de préparer des attaques massives en Ukraine en utilisant jusqu'à 500 drones à la fois -Skibitsky
Les principaux objets des frappes sont le système de gestion des forces armées, de l'aviation et des aérodromes, des infrastructures de transport énergétique et gazière, ainsi que les entreprises de l'OPC, le chef adjoint du GUR GUR major General Vadim Skibitsky.
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يخطط الروس لزيادة إنتاج الطائرات بدون طيار وإعداد هجمات ضخمة في أوكرانيا باستخدام ما يصل إلى 500 طائرة بدون طيار في وقت واحد -Skibitsky
الكائنات الرئيسية للضربات هي نظام إدارة القوات المسلحة والطيران والطائرات والبنية التحتية لنقل الطاقة والغاز ، وكذلك مؤسسات OPC ، نائب رئيس GUR General Vadim Skibitsky.
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Die Russen planen, die Produktion von Drohnen zu steigern und massive Angriffe in der Ukraine vorzubereiten, die bis zu 500 UAVs gleichzeitig -Skibitsky verwenden
Die Hauptobjekte von Streiks sind das System der Management der Streitkräfte, der Luftfahrt und der Flugplätze, der Energie- und Gastransportinfrastruktur sowie der Unternehmen der OPC, stellvertretenden stellvertretenden Chef des Generalmajors Gur, Generalmajor Vadim Skibitsky.
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I russi hanno intenzione di aumentare la produzione di droni e preparare enormi attacchi in Ucraina utilizzando fino a 500 UAV alla volta -Skibitsky
Gli oggetti principali degli scioperi sono il sistema di gestione delle forze armate, dell'aviazione e dei campi aeroporti, delle infrastrutture di trasporto energetico e di gas, nonché le imprese dell'OPC, vice capo del Gur Major generale Vadim Skibitsky.
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Russen zijn van plan de productie van drones te verhogen en massale aanvallen in Oekraïne te bereiden met behulp van maximaal 500 UAV's tegelijk -Skibitsky
De belangrijkste objecten van stakingen zijn het managementsysteem van de strijdkrachten, luchtvaart en vliegvelden, energie- en gastransportinfrastructuur, evenals de ondernemingen van de OPC, door Said plaatsvervangend hoofd van Gur -majoor -generaal Vadim Skibitsky.
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Οι Ρώσοι σχεδιάζουν να αυξήσουν την παραγωγή αεροσκαφών και να προετοιμάσουν τεράστιες επιθέσεις στην Ουκρανία χρησιμοποιώντας έως και 500 UAVs κάθε φορά -Skibitsky
Τα κύρια αντικείμενα των απεργιών είναι το σύστημα διαχείρισης των ενόπλων δυνάμεων, της αεροπορίας και των αεροδρομίων, της υποδομής μεταφοράς ενέργειας και φυσικού αερίου, καθώς και οι επιχειρήσεις του OPC, ο αναπληρωτής επικεφαλής του Gur General Vadim Skibitsky.
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1/12/2025, 9:09:51 AM
Switzerland says it is ready to organize a meeting between Trump and Putin
A spokesman for the Swiss Foreign Ministry recalled the Peace Summit that Ukraine held in Switzerland and explained that after it, Ukraine, Russia and the United States were regularly informed of their "readiness to support any diplomatic efforts to establish peace."
Bidault assured that the arrest warrant for the Kremlin leader, issued by the International Criminal Court, will not be an obstacle to his potential arrival in Switzerland if it concerns peace talks.
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1/12/2025, 9:13:58 AM
Over the past 24 hours, 184 combat clashes were recorded on the front
▪️In the Kharkiv direction, Russian terrorists once unsuccessfully stormed the positions of Ukrainian units in the direction of Kozacha Lopan.
▪️In the Kupyansk direction, 18 attacks by invaders took place near Golubivka, Synkivka, Stepovaya Novoselivka and Zagryzove during the day.
▪️In the Lymansk direction, invaders attacked the positions of our defenders 23 times near Zeleny Gay, Novoyehorivka, Makiivka, Terni, Zarechny, Hryhorivka and in the Serebryansk forest.
▪️In the Siversk direction, Ukrainian defenders repelled 1 assault by Russian invaders near the settlement of Bilogorivka.
▪️In the Kramatorsk direction, the enemy made 27 attempts to advance near the settlements of Chasiv Yar and Stupochka.
▪️In the Toretsk direction, the invaders stormed the positions of our defenders 6 times in the areas of Toretsk and Diliivka.
▪️In the Pokrovsky direction, our defenders stopped 77 offensive actions of the aggressor in the areas of the settlements of Baranivka, Yelyzavetivka, Promyn, Lysivka, Zelene, Novyi Trud, Zvirovo, Novoandreivka, Uspenivka, Slovyanka and Kostyantynopolske.
▪️In the Novopavlivka direction, the enemy attacked Ukrainians 5 times in the areas of Novoselka and Velyka Novoselka during the day.
▪️In the Prydniprovsky direction, the invaders tried to displace the units of the Defense Forces from the occupied positions 2 times, but to no avail.
▪️In the Kursk region, units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine repelled 18 attacks by Russian invaders over the past day, 1 battle did not stop, it is still ongoing.
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1/12/2025, 9:59:34 AM
From the very morning, the Russians attacked the Kherson region
In Antonivka, a 47-year-old woman was hit by an enemy attack - she received a mine-explosive injury, a shrapnel injury to her forearm, legs and lower back, Kherson OVA reports.
In Kherson, the occupiers dropped explosives from a drone on a 57-year-old woman - she received an explosive injury and a shrapnel wound on her leg. A 62-year-old man was also diagnosed with a mine-explosive and shoulder injury.
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1/12/2025, 10:01:11 AM
Threat of use of ballistic weapons in areas where air alert has been declared - Armed Forces of Ukraine
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1/12/2025, 10:05:23 AM
The Ministry of Social Policy has created an online platform on the state prosthetics program
The new resource is designed to make the process of obtaining prostheses and rehabilitation services more understandable and accessible.
The platform contains detailed information about:
▪️types of rehabilitation equipment and the procedure for obtaining them;
▪️the possibility of compensation for independently purchased products;
▪️services for repair, maintenance and replacement of prostheses.
The resource also offers a step-by-step algorithm of actions for submitting an application, going through all stages of the procedure and receiving the product.
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