From the very morning, the Russians attacked the Kherson region
In Antonivka, a 47-year-old woman was hit by an enemy attack - she received a mine-explosive injury, a shrapnel injury to her forearm, legs and lower back, Kherson OVA reports.
In Kherson, the occupiers dropped explosives from a drone on a 57-year-old woman - she received an explosive injury and a shrapnel wound on her leg. A 62-year-old man was also diagnosed with a mine-explosive and shoulder injury.
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З самого ранку росіяни атакували Херсонщину
У Антонівці під ворожий удар потрапила 47-річна жінка - вона дістала мінно-вибухову травму, уламкове поранення передпліччя, ніг та попереку, повідомляє Херсонська ОВА.
У Херсоні окупанти скинули вибухівку з дрона на 57-річну жінку - вона дістала вибухову травму та уламкове поранення ноги. Також діагностували мінно-вибухову та травму плеча у 62-річного чоловіка.
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Desde a manhã, os russos atacaram a região de Kherson
Em Antonivka, uma mulher de 47 anos foi atingida por um ataque inimigo - ela recebeu um ferimento explosivo de mina, um ferimento por estilhaço no antebraço, pernas e parte inferior das costas, relata Kherson OVA.
Em Kherson, os ocupantes lançaram explosivos de um drone sobre uma mulher de 57 anos - ela sofreu um ferimento explosivo e um estilhaço na perna. Um homem de 62 anos também foi diagnosticado com um explosivo de mina e lesão no ombro.
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Desde la mañana los rusos atacaron la región de Kherson.
Una mujer de 47 años fue alcanzada por fuego enemigo en Antonivka: recibió heridas por una mina explosiva y heridas de metralla en el antebrazo, las piernas y la espalda baja, informa OVA de Kherson.
En Kherson, los ocupantes lanzaron explosivos desde un dron sobre una mujer de 57 años, que sufrió heridas por la explosión y una herida de metralla en la pierna. A un hombre de 62 años también le diagnosticaron una lesión por una mina y un explosivo en el hombro.
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С самого утра россияне атаковали Херсонщину
В Антоновке во вражеский удар попала 47-летняя женщина - она получила минно-взрывную травму, обломочное ранение предплечья, ног и поясницы, сообщает Херсонская ОВА.
В Херсоне оккупанты сбросили взрывчатку с дрона на 57-летнюю женщину - она получила взрывную травму и обломочное ранение ноги. Также диагностировали минно-взрывную и травму плеча у 62-летнего мужчины.
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सुबह से ही रूसियों ने ख़ेरसों क्षेत्र पर आक्रमण कर दिया
एंटोनिव्का में, एक 47 वर्षीय महिला दुश्मन के हमले की चपेट में आ गई - उसे एक बारूदी सुरंग-विस्फोटक चोट लगी, उसके अग्रबाहु, पैर और पीठ के निचले हिस्से में छर्रे लगे, खेरसॉन ओवीए की रिपोर्ट।
खेरसॉन में, कब्जाधारियों ने एक 57 वर्षीय महिला पर ड्रोन से विस्फोटक गिराया - उसे एक विस्फोटक चोट लगी और उसके पैर पर छर्रे का घाव हो गया। एक 62 वर्षीय व्यक्ति को भी खदान-विस्फोटक और कंधे की चोट का पता चला था।
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Dès le matin, les Russes attaquent la région de Kherson.
Une femme de 47 ans a été touchée par des tirs ennemis à Antonivka - elle a été blessée par une mine explosive, des éclats d'obus à l'avant-bras, aux jambes et au bas du dos, rapporte l'OVA de Kherson.
À Kherson, les occupants ont largué des explosifs depuis un drone sur une femme de 57 ans - elle a subi une blessure par explosion et une blessure par éclat d'obus à la jambe. Un homme de 62 ans a également été diagnostiqué avec une blessure causée par une mine et un explosif à l'épaule.
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منذ الصباح الباكر، هاجم الروس منطقة خيرسون.
أصيبت امرأة تبلغ من العمر 47 عامًا بنيران العدو في أنتونيفكا - حيث تلقت إصابة بسبب انفجار لغم وجروح شظايا في ساعدها وساقيها وأسفل ظهرها، حسبما ذكرت OVA في خيرسون.
وفي خيرسون، ألقى المحتلون متفجرات من طائرة بدون طيار على امرأة تبلغ من العمر 57 عامًا - مما أدى إلى إصابتها بجروح ناجمة عن انفجار وشظايا في ساقها. كما تم تشخيص إصابة رجل يبلغ من العمر 62 عامًا بلغم ومتفجرات في كتفه.
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Vom ersten Morgen an griffen die Russen die Region Cherson an.
Eine 47-jährige Frau wurde in Antoniwka von feindlichem Feuer getroffen – sie erlitt Verletzungen durch eine Mine sowie Splitterverletzungen am Unterarm, den Beinen und dem unteren Rücken, berichtet die Cherson OVA.
In Cherson warfen die Besatzer aus einer Drohne Sprengstoff auf eine 57-jährige Frau ab – sie erlitt eine Sprengverletzung und eine Granatsplitterverletzung am Bein. Bei einem 62-jährigen Mann wurde zudem eine Minen- und Sprengverletzung an der Schulter diagnostiziert.
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Fin dal mattino i russi attaccarono la regione di Kherson.
Una donna di 47 anni è stata colpita dal fuoco nemico ad Antonivka: ha riportato ferite da mina esplosiva, ferite da schegge all'avambraccio, alle gambe e alla parte bassa della schiena, riporta l'OVA di Kherson.
A Kherson, gli occupanti hanno sganciato dell'esplosivo da un drone su una donna di 57 anni, che ha riportato ferite da esplosione e una ferita da scheggia alla gamba. Anche a un uomo di 62 anni è stata diagnosticata una ferita da mina ed esplosivo alla spalla.
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Vanaf de ochtend van de aanval vielen de Russen de regio Cherson aan.
Een 47-jarige vrouw werd geraakt door vijandelijk vuur in Antonivka. Ze raakte gewond door een mijnexplosie en had granaatscherven in haar onderarm, benen en onderrug, meldt de Cherson OVA.
In Cherson lieten de bezetters explosieven vallen vanaf een drone op een 57-jarige vrouw. Ze liep verwondingen op door de explosie en een granaatscherfwond in haar been. Bij een 62-jarige man werd ook een mijn- en explosief letsel aan zijn schouder vastgesteld.
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Από το πρωί οι Ρώσοι επιτέθηκαν στην περιοχή Χερσώνα.
Μια 47χρονη γυναίκα χτυπήθηκε από εχθρικά πυρά στην Αντονίβκα - δέχθηκε τραυματισμό από ναρκοεκρηκτικά, τραύματα από σκάγια στον αντιβράχιο, τα πόδια και τη μέση της, αναφέρει η Kherson OVA.
Στη Χερσώνα, οι κατακτητές έριξαν εκρηκτικά από drone σε μια 57χρονη γυναίκα - υπέστη εκρηκτικό τραυματισμό και τραύμα από σκάγια στο πόδι της. Ένας 62χρονος επίσης διαγνώστηκε με νάρκη και εκρηκτικό τραυματισμό στον ώμο.
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1/12/2025, 10:21:05 AM
Ballistics in the direction of Pavlohrad (Dnipropetrovsk region)!
12/30/2024, 1:10:21 PM
Russians hit Kupyanshchyna in Kharkiv region
A woman died in the village of Kivsharivka. The identities of the victims are still being established. The Russian Armed Forces also damaged an apartment building. Law enforcement officers are working at the scene, - OVA.
12/30/2024, 1:42:52 PM
The MSEC will be liquidated from January 1, 2025
The President of Ukraine signed a corresponding decree. Instead of the outdated and corrupt system, a new digital system for assessing functioning will be introduced, the Verkhovna Rada reported on Telegram.
The Verkhovna Rada recalled that "from January 1, expert commissions will start operating in cluster and supracluster hospitals, which will conduct an assessment in accordance with the criteria of the International Classification of Functioning, Life Limitations and Health".
The commissions will selectively receive patients for consideration, but neither the patient nor the commission will know which doctor will consider the issue, in order to avoid corruption.
The previously established statuses of persons with disabilities, as well as the medical and social examination for children, will remain unchanged.
12/30/2024, 2:21:09 PM
Situation on the front as of 16:00
Since the beginning of the day, 104 combat clashes have occurred.
▪️In the Kharkiv direction, the Russian occupiers twice unsuccessfully attacked the defensive lines of Ukrainian units near Vovchansk and Lyptsy.
▪️In the Kupyansk direction, 4 enemy attacks were repelled near Golubivka, Stepovaya Novoselivka, Kruglyakivka and Zagryzove, 7 more combat clashes are ongoing.
▪️In the Lymansk direction, the invading army carried out 10 attacks near Kopanki, Nadiya, Novoyehorivka, Makiivka, Ivanivka and Terni, fighting is currently ongoing in 2 locations.
▪️The enemy conducted 1 assault in the Siversk direction near the settlement of Bilogorivka, the Defense Forces repelled the attack.
▪️In the Kramatorsk direction, 3 assault actions were repelled near Chasovy Yar and Stupochok, 4 clashes are ongoing.
▪️In the Toretsk direction, the Russians attacked near Shcherbinivka and in Toretsk, where the Defense Forces repelled 2 attacks. 4 clashes are still ongoing.
▪️In the Pokrovsk direction, the occupiers carried out 30 attacks in the areas of the settlements of Vozdvyzhenka, Myrolyubivka, Promin, Zelene, Dachenske, Novyi Trud, Shevchenko, Vovkove, Novoolenivka and Novoyelyzavetivka. The Defense Forces repelled 23 enemy attacks, 7 clashes are still ongoing.
▪️In the Kurakhiv direction, the occupiers carried out 11 attacks near Petropavlivka, Slovyanka, Shevchenko and Kurakhiv, 2 attacks are ongoing.
▪️In the Vremivka direction, units of our troops repelled 11 assaults near Yantarne, Uspenivka, Vremivka and in the direction of Konstantinopol and Novosilka, 4 clashes are currently ongoing, - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
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12/30/2024, 2:26:51 PM
Elon Musk Criticizes New Ukraine Aid Package, Calls President Volodymyr Zelensky "All-Time Champion" of Scamming the U.S.
This is how the American businessman responded to a post by crypto investor and host Mario Naful, who wrote: "Biden Sends Ukraine Another $2.5 Billion — Because $175 Billion Wasn't Enough."
Lawyer Clay Thompson responded to the post, writing: "Zelensky Really Did One of the Biggest Money Heists of All Time."
Musk agreed with him, tweeting: "All-Time Champion."
It is noteworthy that Thompson does not hide in his account on the X platform that he cooperates with Russian propaganda, in particular, RT.
As for Naful, according to BBC News, he previously spread fakes about the war between Israel and Hamas. Despite this, Musk recommended it as a source of news about wars in the world, in particular, Russia against Ukraine.
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