Hungary rejected the draft EU document on guarantees and military assistance to Ukraine - Politico
According to the newspaper, at the meeting of the EU ambassadors, Hungary rejected the draft text on Ukraine, which contains the wording on security guarantees that the block can provide Kiev, as well as a new package of military assistance.
Meanwhile, Fitzo Prime Minister Fitzo again opposed Kiev or military support of Kiev and called the approach of the event "peace" through force "unrealistic.
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Угорщина відхилила проект документа ЄС щодо гарантій та військової допомоги Україні, - Politico
Як пише видання, на зустрічі послів ЄС у п'ятницю Угорщина відхилила проект тексту щодо України, який містить формулювання про гарантії безпеки, які блок може надати Києву, а також новий пакет військової допомоги.
Тим часом прем'єр-міністр Словаччини Фіцо вчергове виступив проти від фінансової або військової підтримки Києва і назвав підхід Заходу "мир через силу" нереалістичним.
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A Hungria rejeitou o projeto de documento da UE sobre garantias e assistência militar à Ucrânia - Politico
De acordo com o jornal, na reunião dos embaixadores da UE, a Hungria rejeitou o rascunho de texto na Ucrânia, que contém a redação da segurança que o bloco pode fornecer a Kiev, bem como um novo pacote de assistência militar.
Enquanto isso, o primeiro -ministro de Fitzo, Fitzo, se opôs novamente a Kiev ou apoio militar a Kiev e chamou a abordagem do evento de "paz" através da força irrealista.
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Hungría rechazó el borrador del documento de la UE sobre garantías y asistencia militar a Ucrania - Político
Según el periódico, en la reunión de los embajadores de la UE, Hungría rechazó el borrador del texto sobre Ucrania, que contiene la redacción de garantías de seguridad que el bloque puede proporcionar a Kiev, así como un nuevo paquete de asistencia militar.
Mientras tanto, el primer ministro de Fitzo, Fitzo nuevamente, se opuso a Kiev o el apoyo militar de Kiev y calificó el enfoque del evento "Paz" a través de la fuerza "poco realista.
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Венгрия отвергла проект документа ЕС о гарантиях и военной помощи Украине - Politico
Согласно газете, на собрании послов ЕС Венгрия отклонила проект текста на Украине, в котором содержится формулировка гарантий безопасности, что блок может предоставить Киев, а также новый пакет военной помощи.
Тем временем премьер -министр Фитцо Фитцо снова выступил против Киева или военной поддержки Киева и назвал подход события «мир» через силу »нереальным.
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हंगरी ने यूक्रेन - पोलिटिको को गारंटी और सैन्य सहायता पर यूरोपीय संघ के दस्तावेज को खारिज कर दिया
अखबार के अनुसार, यूरोपीय संघ के राजदूतों की बैठक में, हंगरी ने यूक्रेन पर मसौदा पाठ को खारिज कर दिया, जिसमें सुरक्षा की गारंटी है कि ब्लॉक कीव प्रदान कर सकता है, साथ ही साथ सैन्य सहायता का एक नया पैकेज भी प्रदान कर सकता है।
इस बीच, फिट्जो के प्रधान मंत्री फिट्जो ने फिर से कीव या कीव के सैन्य समर्थन का विरोध किया और फोर्स के माध्यम से "शांति" के दृष्टिकोण को "अवास्तविक" कहा।
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La Hongrie a rejeté le projet de document de l'UE sur les garanties et l'assistance militaire à l'Ukraine - Politico
Selon le journal, lors de la réunion des ambassadeurs de l'UE, la Hongrie a rejeté le projet de texte sur l'Ukraine, qui contient le libellé sur les garanties de sécurité que le bloc peut fournir Kiev, ainsi qu'un nouveau paquet d'assistance militaire.
Pendant ce temps, le Premier ministre de Fitzo, Fitzo, s'est de nouveau opposé à Kiev ou le soutien militaire de Kiev et a qualifié l'approche de l'événement de "paix" par la force "irréaliste.
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رفضت المجر مشروع وثيقة الاتحاد الأوروبي بشأن الضمانات والمساعدة العسكرية لأوكرانيا - بوليتيكو
وفقًا للصحيفة ، في اجتماع سفراء الاتحاد الأوروبي ، رفضت هنغاريا مشروع النص على أوكرانيا ، والذي يحتوي على صياغة ضمانات الأمنية التي يمكن أن توفرها الكتلة كييف ، بالإضافة إلى حزمة جديدة من المساعدة العسكرية.
وفي الوقت نفسه ، عارض رئيس وزراء فيتزو فيتزو مرة أخرى كييف أو الدعم العسكري لكييف ووصف نهج "السلام" من خلال القوة "غير واقعي.
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Ungarn lehnte den Entwurf des EU -Dokuments über Garantien und militärische Unterstützung in der Ukraine - Politico ab
Nach Angaben der Zeitung lehnte Ungarn auf der Sitzung der EU -Botschafter den Entwurf des Textes über die Ukraine ab, der den Wortlaut zu Sicherheitsgarantien enthält, dass der Block Kiew bereitstellen kann, sowie ein neues Paket militärischer Unterstützung.
In der Zwischenzeit lehnte Fitzo Premierminister Fitzo erneut Kiew oder militärische Unterstützung von Kiew ab und nannte den Ansatz des Ereignisses "Frieden" durch Gewalt unrealistisch.
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L'Ungheria ha respinto il progetto di documento dell'UE su garanzie e assistenza militare all'Ucraina - Politico
Secondo il giornale, durante l'incontro degli ambasciatori dell'UE, l'Ungheria ha respinto il progetto di testo sull'Ucraina, che contiene la formulazione sulle garanzie di sicurezza che il blocco può fornire Kiev, nonché un nuovo pacchetto di assistenza militare.
Nel frattempo, il Primo Ministro Fitzo Fitzo si oppose di nuovo a Kiev o il sostegno militare di Kiev e chiamò l'approccio dell'evento "pace" attraverso la forza "irrealistica.
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Hongarije verwierp het ontwerp -EU -document over garanties en militaire hulp aan Oekraïne - Politico
Volgens de krant verwierp Hongarije tijdens de vergadering van de EU -ambassadeurs de ontwerptekst over Oekraïne, die de formulering bevat op beveiligingsgaranties dat het blok Kiev kan bieden, evenals een nieuw pakket militaire hulp.
Ondertussen verzette Fitzo -premier Fitzo zich opnieuw tegen Kiev of militaire steun van Kiev en noemde de benadering van de gebeurtenis "vrede" door geweld "onrealistisch.
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Η Ουγγαρία απέρριψε το σχέδιο εγγράφου της ΕΕ για εγγυήσεις και στρατιωτική βοήθεια στην Ουκρανία - Politico
Σύμφωνα με την εφημερίδα, κατά τη συνάντηση των πρεσβευτών της ΕΕ, η Ουγγαρία απέρριψε το σχέδιο κειμένου στην Ουκρανία, το οποίο περιέχει τη διατύπωση για εγγυήσεις ασφαλείας ότι το μπλοκ μπορεί να προσφέρει το Κίεβο, καθώς και ένα νέο πακέτο στρατιωτικής βοήθειας.
Εν τω μεταξύ, ο πρωθυπουργός Fitzo Fitzo αντιτάχθηκε και πάλι στο Κίεβο ή τη στρατιωτική υποστήριξη του Κιέβου και κάλεσε την προσέγγιση της εκδήλωσης "ειρήνη" μέσω της δύναμης "μη ρεαλιστική.
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1/12/2025, 9:09:51 AM
Switzerland says it is ready to organize a meeting between Trump and Putin
A spokesman for the Swiss Foreign Ministry recalled the Peace Summit that Ukraine held in Switzerland and explained that after it, Ukraine, Russia and the United States were regularly informed of their "readiness to support any diplomatic efforts to establish peace."
Bidault assured that the arrest warrant for the Kremlin leader, issued by the International Criminal Court, will not be an obstacle to his potential arrival in Switzerland if it concerns peace talks.
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1/12/2025, 9:13:58 AM
Over the past 24 hours, 184 combat clashes were recorded on the front
▪️In the Kharkiv direction, Russian terrorists once unsuccessfully stormed the positions of Ukrainian units in the direction of Kozacha Lopan.
▪️In the Kupyansk direction, 18 attacks by invaders took place near Golubivka, Synkivka, Stepovaya Novoselivka and Zagryzove during the day.
▪️In the Lymansk direction, invaders attacked the positions of our defenders 23 times near Zeleny Gay, Novoyehorivka, Makiivka, Terni, Zarechny, Hryhorivka and in the Serebryansk forest.
▪️In the Siversk direction, Ukrainian defenders repelled 1 assault by Russian invaders near the settlement of Bilogorivka.
▪️In the Kramatorsk direction, the enemy made 27 attempts to advance near the settlements of Chasiv Yar and Stupochka.
▪️In the Toretsk direction, the invaders stormed the positions of our defenders 6 times in the areas of Toretsk and Diliivka.
▪️In the Pokrovsky direction, our defenders stopped 77 offensive actions of the aggressor in the areas of the settlements of Baranivka, Yelyzavetivka, Promyn, Lysivka, Zelene, Novyi Trud, Zvirovo, Novoandreivka, Uspenivka, Slovyanka and Kostyantynopolske.
▪️In the Novopavlivka direction, the enemy attacked Ukrainians 5 times in the areas of Novoselka and Velyka Novoselka during the day.
▪️In the Prydniprovsky direction, the invaders tried to displace the units of the Defense Forces from the occupied positions 2 times, but to no avail.
▪️In the Kursk region, units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine repelled 18 attacks by Russian invaders over the past day, 1 battle did not stop, it is still ongoing.
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1/12/2025, 9:59:34 AM
From the very morning, the Russians attacked the Kherson region
In Antonivka, a 47-year-old woman was hit by an enemy attack - she received a mine-explosive injury, a shrapnel injury to her forearm, legs and lower back, Kherson OVA reports.
In Kherson, the occupiers dropped explosives from a drone on a 57-year-old woman - she received an explosive injury and a shrapnel wound on her leg. A 62-year-old man was also diagnosed with a mine-explosive and shoulder injury.
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1/12/2025, 10:01:11 AM
Threat of use of ballistic weapons in areas where air alert has been declared - Armed Forces of Ukraine
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1/12/2025, 10:05:23 AM
The Ministry of Social Policy has created an online platform on the state prosthetics program
The new resource is designed to make the process of obtaining prostheses and rehabilitation services more understandable and accessible.
The platform contains detailed information about:
▪️types of rehabilitation equipment and the procedure for obtaining them;
▪️the possibility of compensation for independently purchased products;
▪️services for repair, maintenance and replacement of prostheses.
The resource also offers a step-by-step algorithm of actions for submitting an application, going through all stages of the procedure and receiving the product.
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