

Real time military news

Published date: 1/30/2025, 6:03:19 PM
1/30/2025, 6:03:19 PM
Sumy: emergency rescue and search operations completed The death toll has risen to 9 people. For 19 hours, rescuers have been clearing rubble, retrieving bodies from under the ruins. 13 people were injured, including an 8-year-old girl. 2 apartment buildings and more than 20 cars were damaged, - the State Emergency Service. ✅ We are on WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
Суми: аварійно-рятувальні та пошукові роботи завершено Кількість загиблих зросла до 9-ти людей. Упродовж 19 годин рятувальники розбирали завали, дістаючи з-під руїн тіла. Травмовано 13 осіб, серед яких 8-річна дівчинка. Пошкоджено 2 багатоквартирні будинки та більше 20 автомобілів, - ДСНС. ✅ Ми у WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
苏梅:紧急救援和搜寻行动已完成 死亡人数已增至9人。救援人员花了 19 个小时拆除废墟,从废墟下移出尸体。 13人受伤,其中包括一名8岁女孩。 2 栋公寓楼和 20 多辆汽车被损坏,-国家紧急服务部门。 ✅ 我们使用 WhatsApp |维伯 |电报
Sumy: operações de resgate de emergência e busca concluídas O número de mortos subiu para 9 pessoas. Durante 19 horas, equipes de resgate limparam os escombros, recuperando corpos de baixo das ruínas. 13 pessoas ficaram feridas, incluindo uma menina de 8 anos. 2 prédios de apartamentos e mais de 20 carros foram danificados, - SES. ✅ Estamos no WhatsApp | Viber | Telegrama
Sumy: concluidas las operaciones de rescate y búsqueda de emergencia El número de muertos ha aumentado a 9 personas. Durante 19 horas, los rescatistas limpiaron los escombros, recuperando cuerpos de debajo de las ruinas. 13 personas resultaron heridas, incluida una niña de 8 años. Dos edificios de apartamentos y más de 20 automóviles resultaron dañados, - SES. ✅Estamos en WhatsApp | Viber | Telegrama
Суммы: аварийно-спасательные и поисковые работы завершены Число погибших возросло до 9 человек. В течение 19 часов спасатели разбирали завалы, доставая из-под развалин тела. Травмированы 13 человек, среди которых 8-летняя девочка. Повреждены 2 многоквартирных дома и более 20 автомобилей, - ГСЧС. ✅ Мы в WhatsApp | Вибер | Telegram
सुमी: आपातकालीन बचाव और खोज अभियान पूरा हुआ मृतकों की संख्या बढ़कर 9 हो गई है। 19 घंटे तक बचावकर्मियों ने मलबा साफ किया तथा खंडहरों के नीचे से शव निकाले। इसमें 8 साल की एक बच्ची समेत 13 लोग घायल हो गए। 2 अपार्टमेंट इमारतें और 20 से अधिक कारें क्षतिग्रस्त हो गईं, - एसईएस। ✅ हम व्हाट्सएप पर हैं | वाइबर | टेलीग्राम
Soumy : les opérations de secours et de recherche d'urgence sont terminées Le bilan des morts s'élève à 9 personnes. Pendant 19 heures, les sauveteurs ont déblayé les décombres, récupérant des corps sous les décombres. 13 personnes ont été blessées, dont une fillette de 8 ans. 2 immeubles d'habitation et plus de 20 voitures ont été endommagés, - SES. ✅ Nous sommes sur WhatsApp | Viber | Télégramme
سومي: عمليات الإنقاذ والبحث الطارئة اكتملت وارتفعت حصيلة القتلى إلى 9 أشخاص. على مدى 19 ساعة، قام رجال الإنقاذ بإزالة الأنقاض، وانتشال الجثث من تحت الأنقاض. وأصيب 13 شخصا بينهم طفلة تبلغ من العمر 8 سنوات. -تضرر مبنيين سكنيين وأكثر من 20 سيارة - SES. ✅ نحن على الواتساب | فايبر | برقية
Sumy: Notfallrettungs- und Suchaktionen abgeschlossen Die Zahl der Todesopfer ist auf 9 gestiegen. 19 Stunden lang räumten Rettungskräfte die Trümmer weg und bargen Leichen unter den Ruinen. 13 Menschen wurden verletzt, darunter ein 8-jähriges Mädchen. 2 Wohnhäuser und mehr als 20 Autos wurden beschädigt, - SES. ✅ Wir sind auf WhatsApp | Viber | Telegramm
Sumy: completate le operazioni di soccorso e ricerca di emergenza Il bilancio delle vittime è salito a 9 persone. Per 19 ore i soccorritori hanno rimosso le macerie e recuperato i corpi da sotto le rovine. 13 persone sono rimaste ferite, tra cui una bambina di 8 anni. Danneggiati 2 condomini e più di 20 auto, - SES. ✅ Siamo su WhatsApp | Italiano: Telegramma
スミ:緊急救助・捜索活動が完了 死者数は9人に上った。救助隊は19時間にわたって瓦礫の撤去作業を行い、瓦礫の下から遺体を回収した。 8歳の少女を含む13人が負傷した。アパート2棟と車20台以上が被害を受けた。 - SES。 ✅ WhatsApp で連絡を取ることができます |モバイル電報
Sumy: noodreddings- en zoekoperaties voltooid Het dodental is opgelopen tot 9 personen. Gedurende 19 uur waren reddingswerkers bezig met het opruimen van het puin en het bergen van lichamen onder de ruïnes. 13 mensen raakten gewond, waaronder een 8-jarig meisje. 2 appartementsgebouwen en meer dan 20 auto's raakten beschadigd, - SES. ✅ Wij zijn op WhatsApp | Viber-account | Telegram
Sumy: Ολοκληρώθηκαν οι επιχειρήσεις έκτακτης ανάγκης διάσωσης και έρευνας Ο αριθμός των νεκρών ανήλθε σε 9 άτομα. Για 19 ώρες, οι διασώστες καθάρισαν τα ερείπια, ανασύροντας πτώματα κάτω από τα ερείπια. Τραυματίστηκαν 13 άτομα, ανάμεσά τους και ένα 8χρονο κορίτσι. 2 πολυκατοικίες και περισσότερα από 20 αυτοκίνητα υπέστησαν ζημιές, - SES. ✅ Είμαστε στο WhatsApp | Viber | Τηλεγράφημα

1/12/2025, 10:21:05 AM
Ballistics in the direction of Pavlohrad (Dnipropetrovsk region)!
12/30/2024, 1:10:21 PM
Russians hit Kupyanshchyna in Kharkiv region A woman died in the village of Kivsharivka. The identities of the victims are still being established. The Russian Armed Forces also damaged an apartment building. Law enforcement officers are working at the scene, - OVA.
12/30/2024, 1:42:52 PM
The MSEC will be liquidated from January 1, 2025 The President of Ukraine signed a corresponding decree. Instead of the outdated and corrupt system, a new digital system for assessing functioning will be introduced, the Verkhovna Rada reported on Telegram. The Verkhovna Rada recalled that "from January 1, expert commissions will start operating in cluster and supracluster hospitals, which will conduct an assessment in accordance with the criteria of the International Classification of Functioning, Life Limitations and Health". The commissions will selectively receive patients for consideration, but neither the patient nor the commission will know which doctor will consider the issue, in order to avoid corruption. The previously established statuses of persons with disabilities, as well as the medical and social examination for children, will remain unchanged.
12/30/2024, 2:21:09 PM
Situation on the front as of 16:00 Since the beginning of the day, 104 combat clashes have occurred. ▪️In the Kharkiv direction, the Russian occupiers twice unsuccessfully attacked the defensive lines of Ukrainian units near Vovchansk and Lyptsy. ▪️In the Kupyansk direction, 4 enemy attacks were repelled near Golubivka, Stepovaya Novoselivka, Kruglyakivka and Zagryzove, 7 more combat clashes are ongoing. ▪️In the Lymansk direction, the invading army carried out 10 attacks near Kopanki, Nadiya, Novoyehorivka, Makiivka, Ivanivka and Terni, fighting is currently ongoing in 2 locations. ▪️The enemy conducted 1 assault in the Siversk direction near the settlement of Bilogorivka, the Defense Forces repelled the attack. ▪️In the Kramatorsk direction, 3 assault actions were repelled near Chasovy Yar and Stupochok, 4 clashes are ongoing.   ▪️In the Toretsk direction, the Russians attacked near Shcherbinivka and in Toretsk, where the Defense Forces repelled 2 attacks. 4 clashes are still ongoing. ▪️In the Pokrovsk direction, the occupiers carried out 30 attacks in the areas of the settlements of Vozdvyzhenka, Myrolyubivka, Promin, Zelene, Dachenske, Novyi Trud, Shevchenko, Vovkove, Novoolenivka and Novoyelyzavetivka. The Defense Forces repelled 23 enemy attacks, 7 clashes are still ongoing.  ▪️In the Kurakhiv direction, the occupiers carried out 11 attacks near Petropavlivka, Slovyanka, Shevchenko and Kurakhiv, 2 attacks are ongoing. ▪️In the Vremivka direction, units of our troops repelled 11 assaults near Yantarne, Uspenivka, Vremivka and in the direction of Konstantinopol and Novosilka, 4 clashes are currently ongoing, - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. ✅ We are on WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
12/30/2024, 2:26:51 PM
Elon Musk Criticizes New Ukraine Aid Package, Calls President Volodymyr Zelensky "All-Time Champion" of Scamming the U.S. This is how the American businessman responded to a post by crypto investor and host Mario Naful, who wrote: "Biden Sends Ukraine Another $2.5 Billion — Because $175 Billion Wasn't Enough." Lawyer Clay Thompson responded to the post, writing: "Zelensky Really Did One of the Biggest Money Heists of All Time." Musk agreed with him, tweeting: "All-Time Champion." It is noteworthy that Thompson does not hide in his account on the X platform that he cooperates with Russian propaganda, in particular, RT. As for Naful, according to BBC News, he previously spread fakes about the war between Israel and Hamas. Despite this, Musk recommended it as a source of news about wars in the world, in particular, Russia against Ukraine. ✅ We are on WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram